28 0 obj reliability in any respect of any material in this publication. endobj /AIS false /Type /ExtGState We are known for our high-impact research, strong industry partnerships and commitment to preparing students for jobs of the future. %%EOF /Descent -219 /op true /Type /Page << Do you have a Curtin Australia invoice? This major/stream is part of a larger course. Students graduating from our courses pursue careers in finance, corporate finance, financial institutions, financial markets and other branches of the financial services industry. /FontBBox [ -212 -219 1352 1031 ] 0000094837 00000 n Finance Major (BCom) has also been accepted … further information. /TrimBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] 0000094431 00000 n 7 22 /FontFamily (SansaSoft Pro SemiBold) /OP false 0000021278 00000 n International students studying in Australia on a student visa can only study full-time and there are also specific entry requirements 0000001763 00000 n Graduates may seek membership of professional bodies such as the Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance, the Economic Society of Australia and the Financial Planning Association of Australia. /SMask /None /SMask /None 0000001626 00000 n /Filter /FlateDecode Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information. /L 129166 << /Filter /FlateDecode /BM /Normal %���� tuition fees of any unit of study, to withdraw any unit of study or program which it offers, to impose limitations on enrolment in any unit /BM /Normal /CA 0.800003 stream 312683 v.1 Banking and Finance Double Major Major/Stream Overview. /Type /FontDescriptor /ID [<40c5446d801b1e6a56c13b4f507e5de5><40c5446d801b1e6a56c13b4f507e5de5>] Curtin has successfully built an international reputation for research excellence, with 95 per cent of research ranked at world standard or above. endobj << The banking major focuses on financial markets and institutions. /CA 1 /Group 27 0 R endobj Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) – BCom(Curtin) – MJXU-FINCE MoHE approval code: JPT/BPP(R/343/6/0184) 09/20 Location Perth, Malaysia, Singapore or Dubai Study Method Full-time Study Mode On-Campus Intake February or July Duration 3 Years ENQUIRE NOW HOW TO APPLY HANDBOOK The field of finance can take you anywhere in the world and to many careers. /E 94912 Department of Finance and Banking Welcome! Information for the previous years curriculum is available at Courses Handbook 2020. /CA 1 endobj /Length 4165 The department actively invites Practitioners to supplement our curriculum with their insight drawn from the practical world of finance and organized field trips to enrich student learning experiences. 0000014919 00000 n /ToUnicode 16 0 R This material does not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. /Ascent 1031 /BM /Normal /Size 29 /O 9 One of the great things about being in the department of finance and banking is the feeling of freedom that comes from being in a place that accepts and respects so many different points of view to enhance learning and teaching. /ItalicAngle 0 0000002549 00000 n /Type /ExtGState You can … /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 10 0 R /GS1 11 0 R /GS2 12 0 R >> /Font << %PDF-1.4 /T 128900 endobj Is owned and managed by Curtin (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 199801008086 (464213-M). >> endobj 0 0 298 0 0 0 0 0 0 706 662 654 731 605 554 716 753 302 467 688 537 871 757 Curtin University would like to pay our respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, … 0000000017 00000 n >> F�?�c9�m0������L�c�������C����z�D�`�S��@" K%��b�J�5yEei�y�J�����t��cܔ�0�i��p�(Vk�q"�b>���?S��,�V�.Ss!��]`�����m1�+-"�d��O7i#��N���mf��2���q玚��� �_؛�( ��@F�yN����`FN��i���Sl����Vm���Ý�-6��o�i�n9��^�%�%�y�σ���Q=t�М�0��k˷��V(p;]k�m�mP(����-Pw���!� �����_�A��V�Jp�������DAs/�x+ y���bY/�Oُ�r���f��1t4h�#6P�r`C�b���QZZY>4B'�aσ�T�J�4gŖdu����!�������������%��sGig����df��ٻ^S�ǣ/��(ׂ7���;N���e��;�6����U�XTUQ���S� M��i?�H�A0��Y�\��0>�����8�CV蠕�"}�ڃ*���g��a�pC�5�����C�����9L���C0���� /HD���R�c�q2�*~iY@�x2��a�#�Z硋�x)����XP;��a$�%�%�3��t�_b,]���ҩ3i=M��>S_�ҕb�In[}��:u[�u�q��-\K�o��Ԙ��Ha>!��Q�A��/��v��>Ҿ-�S��tv��p��-� �H"�D� �r�V�=x�0����$CM��xƳ ��D��U7_Y��w^�+�,�$�&P����]�a|?�� /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] /ca 1 As some information contained in this publication may not be applicable to international students, refer to international.curtin.edu.au for /Type /ExtGState /Lang (en-GB) 10 0 obj /OPM 1 endobj part-time and external study, depending on course availability and in-country requirements. Further course information can be found at https://study.curtin.edu.au/search/ << 0000094120 00000 n /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] >> that must be met. /op false /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Parent 5 0 R /Subtype /Type1 /SA true >> 0000009083 00000 n /H [ 1019 185 ] endstream Australian citizens, permanent residents and international students studying outside Australia may have the choice of full-time, Our most reliable network of contacts and supports comes from our many distinguished alumni in the financial world. << I-����ٺ�8#�5�����. however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise which may result directly or indirectly from the use of this publication. Ministry of Education Registration Number : KPT/JPT/DFT/US/Y02 DULN003(Q). 12 0 obj Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information. 0 /T1_0 13 0 R /T1_1 17 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 23 0 R /X1 24 0 R /X2 26 0 R >> Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer … 0000001898 00000 n MJRU-BANKG v.1 Banking Major (BCom) Major/Stream Overview. /Contents 22 0 R 0000008428 00000 n /OP false of any reliance which may be placed on this material by any person. Show awareness of this diversity, 9. operate independently and with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, and community, to ensure the achievement of financial institution objectives. 8 0 obj 0000007844 00000 n Finance. /Info 6 0 R /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] /ca 0.800003 0000014287 00000 n endobj << /Flags 32 0000000907 00000 n startxref << /FontStretch /Normal This program focuses on financial markets and institutions, developments in the financial sector and the basic tenets of management of financial … trailer /XHeight 547 /N 2 14 0 obj /CropBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] Curtin will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economic loss or damage) /AIS false The 2021 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society will be held on June 25-27, 2021 at Curtin University Malaysia, Miri, Malaysia. We firmly believe that what takes place outside the classroom has a measurable impact on classroom learning. 626 646 313 0 584 305 989 646 610 626 626 416 526 413 646 0 810 0 643 ] /SA true xref >> Combinations being supported are: Banking & Finance; Banking & Accounting. /ca 1 >> >> One of the great things about being in the department of finance and banking is the feeling of freedom that comes from being in a place that accepts and respects so many different points of view to enhance learning and teaching. It provides a working knowledge of the Australian banking and financial system with a broad perspective of the environment of business.It will develop sufficient understanding of relevant issues in the financial sector to ensure graduates are able to make productive contributions early in their employment. 312683 v.1 Banking and Finance Double Major Introduction. CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J /S 58 Curtin accepts no responsibility for and makes no representations, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy or /BaseFont /RBHJPO+SansaSoftPro-SemiBold /FontWeight 600 /Length 97 The students have learned much from their industry visits. x�c```a``� "�@ (�^�a`�rM�\} "@�P���� Ȱ������� �[��>����l&f$Y�1�a�b��h cO� H�|U TS�!�{1 �}/*���E��e�6�*�VV��F@%�oPD�#�V�ln�Q�ΊX�S��:ԣ][[�X�N��j�}x�u���՝��$����w���~�> %�$��e�~���I�k6��$�� K�t��r��u٩b@����d�h_3Q7J��l�|45wk�pX�e�P1�s{$��J$o���.wc�6#Ӡ��.\���h�ڍ�y�7�Eh�y4Z�f�&5M��� >��KK�$�iק��#4�5n�&/M�����1TҔ�DHI��S��|)o �GQ#d�����QQ2*���˨/j��E���g�ZL-�H�%��͒3^���I'Hs�����������t�G��I`2I�w��ӽ?����5,y��Ѿ&߯��n��\����2�v�����9"q�{>5�\x+h9F��z$�?�GZ#����i�X� V9ܧQ��Yo\ ��Nq_�l$���>+^�x�t�Jt����@r��pn ��6�Y,����".�6� >j�J��f0�$���mf����T�d���5����� ��`��h�}�=��M����� �"��cP2�+-���P�4W�q�hG�������$HQ"R�J�D���"�A�LW�T�U4����oχ[{���Z�\"m0���
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