A Minor Variance is a small variation from the requirements of the zoning by-law. Severances applied for in rural areas that are serviced by septic systems and/or wells require review and lot assessment by the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, for which the Health Unit requires a separate fee. Assistance in applying for and receiving any availability of funding that may be offered as a result of the emergency, and to provide private citizens increased validity for their own claims that may come about during the emergency period. Council of the Township of Southwold recently adopted a new By-law Complaint Procedure Policy. Note: Appendix B of the Application will be completed by planning staff. The purpose of an Official Plan is to establish general direction for planning and land use matters; that is, to create policies on how land in the County should be used. Council of the Township of Southwold recently adopted a new By-law Complaint Procedure Policy. Anonymous complaints will not be received. A Minor Variance does not change a zoning by-law. A Minor Variance approval is a certificate of permission, because it allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even though their property does not comply precisely with the zoning by-law. Please bring your completed Application to the Township office and speak with the Planner prior to submitting it to Land Division. What you need to know to keep your family healthy during this pandemic. Any person or public body may appeal any changed conditions imposed by the consent-granting authority within 20 days after the notice of changed conditions has been given. Events. If the consent-granting authority receives an appeal, it has 15 days in which to forward the notice of appeal, fee, and compile a complete record containing the prescribed information, to the LPAT. Protection of staff and elected officials from litigious situations that may arise as a result of an emergency. The Committee will hold a public hearing and decide on your application. How to isolate at home when you have COVID-19, Home | Disclaimer | Privacy Statement, Copyright 2013, Township of SouthwoldDesigned by: Giant Goat, Township Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan, Customer Service and Complaint Resolution Policy, Talbotville Waste Water Connections Public Meeting, What you need to know to keep your family healthy, www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus, www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html, www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/economic-response-plan.html. heritage designations, site plan control agreements, holdings). The zoning by-law states exactly: All sections of the zoning bylaw are legally enforceable and any construction or new development that does not comply with the zoning by-law is not allowed to occur. NOTE: Please be advised that the NEW Official Plan and comprehensive Zoning By-law 2011-14 received final approval from the Ministry on Friday, November 1st, 2013. Notice of Decision must be given no later than 10 days after the date of decision. Legislation under the Planning Act does not allow for extensions to the one-year time limit to meet imposed conditions. The first step to deciding if an amendment is necessary is to contact the Planning Department. An Official Plan consists of goals, objectives and policies to guide development and meet the physical, social and economic needs of the community. Please see the Township of Southwold Tariff of Fees By-law 2019-26, see page 5 for Dog Licence fees, effective April 2019. After you have submitted your completed Application to the Township's Planner for review, and have received the Planner's Report indicating that the Application is supportable. A hearing will be held within 30 days of receipt of the Application. Shedden and Fingal Master Servicing Plan PIC Documents. ZOOM MEETINGS Town Council meetings are currently held via ZOOM video conferencing. Properties are provided with at least two designations: An Official Plan land use policy; A land use zone; In some cases, additional bylaws have been passed regarding the development of the property (ie. Official Plan Maps. Every property in the Township of Southwold has been identified and mapped in accordance with its land use. Any questions, please contact the Township Office at 519-769-2010. Like the Township of Southwold on Facebook and share your "I ♥ Southwold" moments! It is important to note that to consider any application a minor variance it must meet all four tests. Notice of Public Hearing is mailed to everyone within 60m of the subject property, applicable agencies and the Applicant/Agent is contacted and responsible for the posting of a sign (provided by the Township) on the subject property. A severance approval may have certain conditions attached to it including requirements for road widening or Day Light corners on County or Municipal Roads, parkland dedication, or a rezoning to allow a new land use. Dog Tags/Licenses: 2020 prices - Dog neutered or spayed & vaccinated for rabies $30 - Dog not neutered or spayed & is vaccinated for rabies $30 It is required if you want to sell, mortgage, charge, or enter into any agreement for 21 years or more, a portion of your land. Guiding future growth in a logical and orderly manner; Protecting existing development from the adverse effects which may arise from incompatible development and redevelopment; and. To obtain a Minor Variance, you have to complete a Minor Variance Application and apply to the Township Committee of Adjustment (comprised of all Council members) to deal with minor problems in meeting by-law standards. Citizens Guides to Land Use Planning has now been posted to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website. ); and resources (agriculture, environment/natural heritage, cultural heritage, mineral/aggregates). An Official Plan also includes criteria and guidelines for planning processes and implementation. A complete and up-to-date copy of both the Town’s zoning by-law and Official Plan are available above. The LPAT will make a decision based on the facts presented at the hearing. Land division in Ontario should generally occur by plan of subdivision. Protection of volunteers acting on behalf of the Township during an emergency. Indicates to residents the seriousness of the situation and creates awareness around government responses. In the event it is necessary to have a survey, a copy of the reference plan must accompany the documents. The appeal should be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee. A copy of the application for severance can be picked up at the Municipal Office or downloaded below, and at the County of Elgin Offices at 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 (519) 631-1460. The Township of Southwold has closed all our receational facilities to stop the spread of COVID-19. For example, if you are appealing three related applications, the cheque would be in the amount of $325.00. The applicant will have one year from the date the decision was given to fulfill all conditions imposed by the Committee. In some cases, a zoning amendment may also be accompanied by an Official Plan amendment. For example, you might want to locate something on your property, but the shape of your lot won't allow you to meet the minimum setback requirements. Does the application conform to the general intent of the Official Plan? If the Variance is granted, Notice of Decision is mailed to the Applicant and all other individuals who asked to be notified. A zoning amendment is a change in zoning and may be necessary for any new construction or develop in the Township. Form C-1 (for a surplus farm dwelling severance only). October 12, 2020 (All day) Regular Council Meeting. Business Operating during COVID-19 questions - Under O.Reg 82/20 it is the responsibility of each individual business to determine whether or not they are considered essential and to cease operations accordingly. The Official Plan Amendment Package consists of: A zoning by-law is a document passed by the Municipal Council that lays out the day-to-day administrative duties and puts into effect the policies set out in the Town’s Official Plan. If there are no appeals after 20 days, then staff will produce a Notice of No Appeal. Any questions, please contact the Township Office at 519-769-2010. Regular Council Meeting. Reporting of Violating Federal and Provincial Order. An Official Plan typically deals with a range of land uses and issues including housing; employment (retail, industry, office); services (roads, water, sewage); parks/open space/recreational areas; institutions (places of worship, schools, government, etc. If no appeals are received within 20 days of the notice of decision, the Secretary-Treasurer will swear a declaration that notice was given in the manner and in the form and to the persons, Corporations, or public bodies prescribed, and that no appeals were received within the time allowed. The OMB has the power to dismiss your appeal without holding a hearing.
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