Bio: Abbie Rogers is Co-Director of UWA’s Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy and a Senior Research Fellow in the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment. QJE, REStat) and interdisciplinary analyses (e.g. He led the economics team for the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK-NEA) and NEAFO and the NERC Valuing Nature Network, bringing together business and policy decision makers with research experts to examine natural environment and economic issues. Students are able to (1) employ the framework of micro and macro economics to rationally analyse general economic problems and arrive at analytically sound conclusions; (2) undertake specific economic research that critically evaluates theoretical and/or applied issues; (3) communicate the results of economic research to fellow economists as well as a range of … Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics. Hear from our students, graduates and teacher's on how a degree in economics from UWA will prepare you for a career in a range of areas. Prof. Bateman has written over 130 peer-reviewed papers in the leading journals in natural science (e.g. She has a key interest in promoting systematic integration of social and environmental values in evidence-based decision making, and works extensively in economic analyses of marine, coastal and other natural environments. Areas of application: marine conservation and habitat restoration, planning and management of coastal resources and development, natural hazard adaptation, consumer demand for water-sensitive urban developments, expert and public preferences for environmental and social outcomes, environmental policy and management, marine and coastal offset policies. Her current research is related to water resource economics and economics of threatened species management in Australia. Annual Reports are released to summarise new staff additions, visiting professors, grants, events and more. Current grants: NESP - Threatened Species Recovery Hub, Availability for more work: November 2020, Adjunct, UWA School of Agriculture and Environment. Currently, she is working with the Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to develop a cost-benefit model to prioritise the translocation of threatened plants species in the state. Areas of application: policy projects, international development projects, applied economic projects, Current and recent grants: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, CEED, NESPs. Throughout the teaching year, students, teachers and researchers provide comprehensive discussion papers on their innovative research findings. His research is focused on understanding people’s behaviour, and the values that underpin those behaviours. Current and recent grants: ARC Discovery project, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, WA Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub. ... graduates and teacher's on how a degree in economics from UWA will prepare you for a career in a range of areas. Graduates from the Economics department have gone on to build successful careers as professional economists in institutions such as the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Treasury. Areas of application: land, farming systems, water, agriculture, natural resources, biodiversity, threatened species, fire, salinity, weed management and more. Phone: +61 (0)404 077 194Email: Fiona also has expertise in prioritisation metrics and non-market valuation for bushfire mitigation, biodiversity restoration and water. She has 20 peer-reviewed papers, 1 book chapter, and over 50 research reports, conference papers and posters. Backed by a select team of academic experts, and with an Advisory Board of local and international leaders, UWAPPI provides solutions to local and global challenges, while also identifying and providing advice on unforeseen future policy issues. Achmad Tohari. For more examples, search the study plans . Steve’s research currently focuses on decision-making challenges in policy design and implementation (particularly market-based instruments) in relation to natural resource and environmental management, including agriculture, forestry and fisheries. See the full listing of papers and read the dedicated work from our department. He is interested in the interactions between human and nature, including examining environmental issues such as sustainable forest management, ecosystem services, protected areas and environmental conservation from biological and resource management viewpoints. Our teaching and research staff are committed to creating a strong learning environment for economics students and developing leading research in key areas of interest. He is also a Board Member of the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee and a member of the Environment Agency LTIS-DG). Prior to this, Sayed was Deputy Director at Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy at UWA School of Agriculture and Environment for nearly 8 years. This experience includes over 13 years in the research and international consulting sectors. Science, PNAS), economics (e.g. You have the choice to either nominate your degree-specific major when you first enrol in the course or delay nominating it until your second year. Bio: Milena Kim is an environmental social scientist, currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia’s School of Agriculture and Environment. She has an interest in economic valuation and cost-benefit analysis to support more efficient management decisions. She is passionate about generating knowledge to enable policy makers, farmers and community to make informed decisions. He has been awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award and is a Member of the Natural Capital Committee (reporting to the Chancellor of the Exchequer). He has supervised about 30 postgraduate students to completion, 20 of which were PhDs, with five more current. Find out what it's like to study at the UWA Business School's Economics Department. Bio: Vandana is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre of Environmental Economics and Policy (CEEP) at the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment. His research focuses on causes and consequences of environmental and resource management policies to help improve environmental and natural resource management. The Department has attracted internationally renowned faculty who held or hold titles such as the ARC professorial fellowship and fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences. He has research interest in conservation and development issues. The flexible structure of an undergraduate course allows you to try out a number of different subjects to see what interests you before nominating your degree-specific major. Areas of application: Water and coastal management, natural resource management, environmental conservation, Indigenous and traditional knowledge, future scenario planning, higher education policy. Capacity/skills: project management, project and event coordination, multi-stakeholder engagement management, research support and adoption, high level administration, research assistance, communication and marketing initiatives. After completing her Ph.D. in 2000, Liz worked for three years at the Australian National University before returning to Perth to establish ACE. Contact details for economics staff. The following example illustrates how the Economics degree-specific major can be combined with a second major in the Bachelor of Commerce course. Professional Housing Staff: Luther Gremmels Director of Housing and Residence Life Brock Hall, Room 123 205 652-3768. She has extensive project management experience across a range of portfolios including research, capacity building, and senior executive and functional support. Her research focuses on using economic valuation and cost-benefit analysis to help improve guidance on the prioritisation of conservation projects. Business objects; Colleague UI; eTrieve Content; Radius (Graduate Admissions) Faculty and Staff. This Page Last updated: Tuesday, 7 March, 2017 8:25 AM Website Feedback: [email protected] Members’ research interests cover macroeconomics, development and resource economics, international trade, labour economics and Asian economies. He has worked extensively in the areas of consumer demand, particularly for food, and farmers adoption decisions. The UWA Public Policy Institute (UWAPPI) is a bridge between academic research and government, public and business needs, delivering real-world policy impact. Economics is at the forefront of public policy, including issues such as economic growth, the stability of the economy, regulating financial institutions, resource taxation, financing education and income planning. Availability for more work: January, 2022. A major area of interest is in the valuation of non-market environmental goods, and the use of survey and revealed preference techniques to do that. Areas of application: marine ecosystems, biodiversity, conservation, fisheries, sustainable tourism, plastic pollution, marine infrastructure. Students are able to (1) employ the framework of micro and macro economics to rationally analyse general economic problems and arrive at analytically sound conclusions; (2) undertake specific economic research that critically evaluates theoretical and/or applied issues; (3) communicate the results of economic research to fellow economists as well as a range of potential stakeholders including other business professionals, policymakers in government and the public at large; (4) achieve the preceding objectives irrespective of whether they are working as an individual analyst or as a member of a team of professionals; and (5) demonstrate an awareness of, and sensitivity to, the personal, social, ethnic and/or international backgrounds of other team members as well as stakeholders. Areas of application: agricultural technology adoption, biodiversity, conservation farmer behaviour, marine protection, natural resources management, economics of food related health issues. In addition, students should substitute CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation as the Level 2 option to meet the requirements of the commerce major. He has published over 100 per-reviewed papers, and has a Scopus H score of 24. UWA Central Phone Number +61 8 6488 6000 Call Prefixes. In a number of countries, elections are won or lost on the basis of economic issues such as taxation, debt or deficits. Bio: Liz Petersen is Principal Applied Economist and Director of Advanced Choice Economics P/L (ACE), Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Agriculture and Environment at the University of Western Australia, and Senior Research Fellow in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the University of Queensland.
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