And have designated, in like manner, the house of Thompson DAVIS as a suitable place for holding elections, &c. No. Bounded as follows: - Beginning on the Rutherford county line at the south east corner of the seventeenth district; thence west, with the line of the same, to the Huntsville road near Dr. HAYS; thence south, with said road, to Arrington’s creek near Howel WEBB’s; thence, with said creek, to the Murfreesborough road; thence east, with said road, to Hardeman’s X Roads; thence south, with the Huntsville road, to the old Franklin road leading to Keer’s mills; thence east, with said roar, to Edmund Lawrence's; thence a straight line to a point just north of Jesse HOUSE’s; thence due east to the Rutherford county line; thence north, with said line, to the beginning. XXIV. XX. II. XVI. John D. McEWEN There are currently nine United States congressional districts in Tennessee based on results from the United States 2010 Census.There have been as few as eight and as many as thirteen congressional districts in Tennessee. - Beginning at the north west corner of Williamson county, running south with the west boundary line of the same, to the top of the ridge, between the waters of Turn Bull and Lick Creek; thence east, with said ridge, around the head waters of Turn Bull and South Harpeth; thence north, along the dividing ridge between the waters of West Harpeth and the Little East Fork of South Harpeth, to the Davidson county line, between where Turner DAVIS and Maj. Benjamin PRICHARD now live; thence west, with the line of the same, to the beginning. Senate Districts. BLACKBURN’s, including said BLACKBURN; thence a straight course so as to include Joseph COWAN; thence north so as to include Joseph COOK and Tapley LIGHTFOOT, and crossing the Centreville road at the new bridge on the Garrison fork of Leiper’s Fork; thence due north to the south boundary of the first district; thence west, with the line of the same, to the beginning. And have designated, in like manner, the house of Mrs. Gracey GOFF as a suitable place for holding elections, &c. No. Williamson County, TNGenWeb Bounded as follows: - Beginning at the mouth of Arrington’s creek; thence up Big Harpeth to the bridge on the Huntsville road; thence east, with the Murfreesborough road, to the Rutherford county line near Windrow’s Camp Ground; thence north, with said line, to the south east corner of the eighteenth district; thence west, with the south boundary of the same, to the Huntsville road; thence north, with said road, to Hardeman’s X roads; thence west, with the Franklin road to Arrington’s creek; thence down said creek to the beginning. Bounded as follows: - Beginning at the south east corner of the eleventh district thence east, with the county line, to a point near Reubec REYNOLD’s; thence north to Andrew Ervin's; thence with the road leading from Franklin to the Duck River ridge; thence west, with said ridge, to the north east corner of the eleventh district; thence south, with the line of the same to the beginning. And have designated, in like manner, Douglas Camp Ground as a suitable place for holding elections, &c. No. Darlene Burns-Anderson TNGenWeb County Coordinator STATE OF TENNESSEE Williamson County In pursuance of the act of the General Assembly of the state of Tennessee, entitled "An act to provide for the laying off the several counties in this state into districts of convenient size, within which Justices of the Peace and Constables shall be elected and other purposes."
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