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Roxy feels unsure about how being a fairy felt like, but Bloom reassures Roxy, stating that she is smart. Also she has shown to be very strong in using her Telekinesis in battle and able to shoot very powerful purple, pink, and orange energy beams at her apponent. After the heated final battle with the Wizards who became defeated and frozen, she saw the error in her vengeance and wanted to stay in the Omega Dimension as a way to punish herself, telling Bloom that she had become alike to the Wizards. June 3, 2012 (USA)December 22, 2015 (Nick Jr. USA)May 6, 2012 (UK) June 21, 2012 (Canada) Four Riven feels jealous of how Musa hangs out with a lot of guys, when in reality they have been helping her get ready for the audition. Morgana apare şi o scoate pe Roxy din blocul de gheaţă. Atunci Morgana spune că lupta lui Bloom împotriva Nebulei este justă, şi că trebuie se dueleze cu aceasta. English Morgana decided to stay with her family and gave the Crown of the Earth Fairires to Nebula who she believed would do an excellent job protecting the Earth Fairies, making her the Queen of Tir Nan Og. And now, vengeance against the Fairy Hunters will be mine.”, “Don’t you dare. the size of her wings indicates that she is atleast at the Enchantix level so that makes her a full-fledged Fairy. Possessed by a powerful warrior fairy, Roxy turns against the Winx. ← Previous When Bloom told her that she was still Good, and that there still was light in her she returned with the Winx out of the Omaga Dimension and was forgiven by Morgana, the Winx Club, and the Fairies of Earth. Morgana îi spune lui Roxy să-le lase pe zânele Winx şi să se alăture ei şi răzbunării sale, dar Roxy refuză. They go to the shop where Sky has sold the seal. Season She wears a purple dress which becomes violet at the end of the right side. Erendor is angry that Sky has sold the royal seal. Italian Bloom şi Nebula este episodul 101 al serialului Winx Club şi episodul 23 din sezonul 4. The episode starts with the Wizards stating that they need Roxy and the White Circle's powers to become stronger. Main article: List of Bloom's Outfits Bloom is a pale-skinned girl with knee-length orange-red hair and large cyan eyes. Nebula is the ninth episode of the fourth season of Winx Club. Bloom face un pariu cu Nebula: va lupta împotriva ei, şi dacă Bloom câştigă, Nebula le va elibera pe zânele Winx. Nebula was/is one the hundreds of terrestrial fairies who roamed the Earth centuries ago until she and her fellow fairies were defeated by the four Wizards of the Black Circle- Ogron, Ganthos, Anagan and Durman- who imprisoned her deep within their own realm of Tir Nan Og, on the outskirts of Ireland. June 3, 2012 (USA)December 22, 2015 (Nick Jr. USA)May 6, 2012 (UK) June 21, 2012 (Canada). Erendor is happy that he received the seal back and goes back to Eraklyon. La sfârşit, Morgana spune că îi va judeca pe Vrăjitorii Cercului Negru şi că vor avea parte de o judecată justă. When Bloom told her that she was still Good, and that there still was light in her she returned with the Winx out of the Omega Dimension and was forgiven by Morgana, the Winx Club, and the Fairies of Earth. Episode Roxy întâmpină greutăţi cu frigul, şi Bloom începe să o înfrunte pe Nebula. The Winx come in and attack the Wizards. Nebula's White Circle Mang những fandom yêu thích theo cùng bạn và không bao giờ bỏ lỡ tin tức cập nhật. Bloom reuşeşte să-o înfrângă pe Nebula, dar rămâne sfârşită şi cade. The Winx Club trail the possessed Roxy to the warehouses on the docks where a battle royale between the Wizards and Roxy ensues. The Winx notice that Roxy is acting strange, so they transform and try to find her before it is too late. Meanwhile, Musa is curious if Jason Queen was really serious about him offering her to become a star. Production Code The Winx Club trail the possessed Roxy to the warehouses on the docks where a battle royal between the Wizards and Roxy ensues. Back at Love & Pet, Stella is seen using the White Circle as a hoop for their pets. Morgana spune că îşi va opri răzbunarea împotriva oamenilor, şi Nebula se supără pe Morgana. Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, Up until the other day I was just a normal girl with a quiet life, then you Winx arrive and everything changed.”, “Look at those guys! Aisha joins the Winx Club as its sixth member in the second season, and she is an alumna of the Alfea College for Fairies. Roxy vrea ca Morgana să lase răzbunarea de o parte, când într-o clipă, apare Nebula. 409 Layla este preocupată, şi Nabu îi spune Laylei că ea a revenită dintr-o misiune şi acum tot va fi bine ori de câte ori ei vor fi împreună. 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Major Events 4 Debuts 5 Characters 6 Spells Used 7 Songs 7.1 Cinélume 7.2 Nickelodeon 8 Scripts 9 Trivia 10 Mistakes 11 Quotes Bloom takes on the powerful Nebula; should Bloom win the humans will be spared and the Wizards of the Black Circle will face a fair, impartial trial. Her attack spell Electric Storm seems to indicate some connection to electricity, being that thunder or lightning is a sign of judgement or war. The wizards escape as the Winx Club are occupying Roxy wondering about her sudden personality change. The Winx Club interrupt, much to Nebula's dismay. Italian Nebula creează o cuşcă de gheaţă în jurul zânelor Winx. 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Major Events 4 Debuts 5 Characters 6 Spells Used 7 Songs 7.1 Cinélume 7.2 Nickelodeon 8 Scripts 9 Trivia 10 Mistakes 11 Quotes The Winx discover that the White Circle is the last portal to the realm where the Earth Fairies have been imprisoned by the Wizards. Numai că vor putea să salveze o singură persoană. For a brief period in the mid-2000s, a dubbing company called 4Kids TV overdubbed three seasons of Winx Club. “I don't exactly know. In episode 9 of season 4, Nebula possesses Roxy through the White Circle and goes out to take down the fairy hunters herself with Roxy as her vessel. Morgana înţelege că Bloom a câştigat, şi le eliberează pe zânele Winx. Be careful, my son.”. Nebula is the ninth episode of the fourth season of Winx Club. Titles Erendor is looking for Sky and demands that Bloom tells him where he is. Bloom face un pariu cu Nebula: va lupta împotriva ei, şi dacă Bloom câştigă, Nebula le va elibera pe zânele Winx. Roxy picks up the White Circle and Artu barks at it. Nine Nebula has shoulder-length deep blue hair, blue eyes, and a fair skin tone. On her top left side, there is a part of short sleeved purple top seen. She goes into Roxy's body then tells the White Circle to lead her to Ogron and the Wizards. Make sure to check the standards before editing. We chose to follow the girls we love into this world and we should try to live here according to the rules of this planet.”, “I am proud of you, my son! În peştera Sibyllei, zânele Winx vorbesc cu Vrăjitorii Cercului Negru şi spun că Ogron trebuie să-i dea Morganei Cercul Negru. Her vendetta against the Wizards of the Black Circle leads her to overthrow Morgana as the Queen of the Fairies with Layla as her second in command and to cross pass through Magix into the Omega Dimension to destroy the Wizards, after announcing to the Winx that she planned to lead the Fairies into taking the control of world from the humans. Atunci Roxy o salvează pe Bloom de la cădere. Jealousy keeps a relationship alive and thriving.”, “Roxy, set me free, Nebula has been imprisoned too long.”, “What you [Roxy] want is no longer important, girl.”, “Finally, after centuries, Nebula has come back to life. Nava Aurorei ajunge până Gardenia, şi se opreşte. That voice happened to belong to Nebula, who demands to be let free and get revenge against the Fairy Hunters. At the Frutti Music Bar, Musa is performing and the rest of the Winx are dancing. Music means the world to them, just like Musa, they have a common bond. Nebula may have surpassed those fairy forms and attained a Higher Level Fairy Form, since when the Winx had to face the threat of Diana and Aurora, Miss Faragonda told them that Believix powers were ineffective and useless against Major Fairies and that they would need to use the Gifts of Destiny. Nebula îi spune Morganei să nu-le asculte pe zânele Winx şi că trebuie să se răzbune pee Vrăjitorii Cercului Negru. This page only covers the four original seasons of Winx Club. Când termină, zânele Winx încep să vorbească cu Specialiştii despre ultima lor misiune. Winx Club, special 2: Răzbunarea vrăjitoarelor Trix, Winx Club, special 3: Bătălia pentru Magix,, Zânele Winx descoperă că există o conexiune între, Acesta este unul dintre puţinele momente în care. Nebula and Tir Nan Nog fairies restoring Earth's Magical Energy. Nebula is introduced as one of the Earth Fairies who was sealed by the Wizards in the Kingdom of the Fairies, and finally became the new Queen of the Earth Fairies. Nickelodeon The Royal Seal is returned to its rightful owner. Sky then walks over and flirts with another girl and Bloom becomes jealous. Bloom începe să lupte împotriva Nebulei, şi la început pare să fie înfrântă, dar, într-o clipă, reuşeşte să se ridice şi să continue lupta. Her vendetta against the Wizards of the Black Circle leads her to overthrow Morgana as the Queen of the Fairies with Layla as her second in command and to cross pass through Magix into the Omega Dimension to destroy the Wizards, after announcing to the Winx that she planned to lead the Fairies into taking the control of world from the humans. Sky's father appears at the Frutti Music Bar, with Bloom's foster dad, Mike. The owner thought it was a joke when Erendor offered him a bag of gems. This article is a stub. The Wizards start attacking but find out that the White Circle was very powerful then what they actually thought. Nothing wrong with that!”, “Just admit it: you’re jealous. As of Season 6, her wings are sparkly and more iridescent, possibly hinting at a change after becoming queen and losing her vengeful personality. She shoots a purple energy ball that lets out orange sparks, that is fired at the enemy. Chiar atunci, apar zânele eterice, care îi dau zânelor Winx un nou Dar: Darul Negru, care poate să salveze o persoană de la moarte. Helia and Nabu come by and observe that Riven is jealous and Nabu offers to talk to him. Nebula blames the surrender on the Winx, and tries to attack them. Bloom descoperă că Morgana o protejează pe Roxy, şi că ele trebuie să aibă vreo legătură. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Winx Club interrupt, much to Nebula's dismay. Nebula The Winx prevent Nebula from becoming too powerful and Nebula goes back into the White Circle. Crown Princess Aisha (Princess Layla in some versions) is the Fairy of Waves. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Earth Fairies, Fairies of Vengeance(formerly), Unspecified source; can cast spells, fly, channel very powerful energy beams, throw energy balls, telekinesis, and create holograms, Season 4 episode 9(voice only), actual appearance Season 4 episode 17. How are we able to complete this? Roxy se trezeşte, dar din cauza gheţii începe să tremure. The company made numerous edits and arbitrary plot changes that differed from the original scripts. Nebula threatens to make them pay as they gave the wizards an opportunity to escape by making a large sphere of energy surround her to presumably harm the Winx. Streaming video serta nikmati musik secara gratis hanya di metrolagu stafaband hitslagu. Nebula then lead the Tir Nan Og Fairies in restoring magic on Earth so as to restore the balance of the forces of nature and allow new fairies to be born on Earth. She wears barefoot sandals and has large blue wings that points upwards. When Bloom told her that she was still Good, and that there still was light in her she returned with the Winx out of the Omega Dimension and was forgiven by Morgana, the Winx Club, and the Fairies of Earth. Nebula leads the Royal Guard Fairies of Tir Nan Og and is the leader of the Warrior fairies of Tir Nan Og. Musa's Song The Winx discover that the White Circle is the last portal to the realm where the Earth Fairies have been imprisoned by the Wizards.

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