�ϴ The Bravo™ pH Testing Flow Sheet will be used to document capsule placement. 0000024949 00000 n You can record a symptom automatically also by pressing the appropriate symptom button on the Bravo pH Recorder. 0000007048 00000 n 0000004014 00000 n 3��LA��cO����S���Z��� ̺�!�KP�p��,�Oe��z�� in the Patient Diary. f�KE��\T�R�PUQU�Mkc�%i��s�(�"[,�g�93�:wVWlg��h���eƐ��s�~Q&�P:w[c�Qi�kp�Ay�7Tw�'�,w?H2����#�&�?��`5��o ��B�F��+竳^ ��I'cxS�����6�)$:�u"4/�*�F��z� %PDF-1.4 %���� * p�20r]Ҍ@� ��R&P�N� %/>>> endobj 27 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj <>stream @�Ï�������W�C��O���h�a}�����>��[���@J�>l� ��g-�gM�>����u��G�W>kޟ2��O���Z����/�����lk�;��_?~��?�e�iM:��ֵE����?�����}Vw`����9�~��]��'����5�ҎЎ��. 0000004634 00000 n stream 0000007660 00000 n H�\��n�0��y 0000039468 00000 n 0000019127 00000 n Using the Patient Diary During your pH test, you should record your symptoms (Heartburn, Regurgitation, Chest Pain, Coughing etc.) v�W~��������m�����+?�w?��ya�ldk��Y���B�a�����6w7���ؼ��3���;��9��q�c[�o+7q����/�~�I�on7�! endobj 0000042057 00000 n 0000012094 00000 n 0000037401 00000 n <> To help get clear results, follow these directions: • Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory pain 0000012773 00000 n 0000014990 00000 n 0000001276 00000 n h�b```b``�f`c`��d`@ V�(����00�/zj 88��qz,�jp���㡍�)�D�`^�I�. 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N=�{eIL 0000008631 00000 n The Bravo™ pH Monitoring Patient Instructions and Patient Diary will be given to the patient to take home so they can document their symptoms and other events. 0000009418 00000 n 3 0 obj Bravo™ pH Monitoring Patient Instructions and Diary Print out and review the following documents. x��}[��Ǒ� ��z�6�R�/��(�c Vk�-`0�E6%�)6�$�՟�߸�UdWUDVק���"��}*3#�r2.�/�����_?����[��������l�����g�?�g�Y��7)��}�|��+���_�������7�{���~���B��l�o�,�m���)�/ /�ED��H)��Ģ��R�b�!��3�(�j ��1��GE�\�n�ѻ� 0000032229 00000 n �^ؐTBO���S�)�d 0000042834 00000 n 0000041675 00000 n 0000014638 00000 n 0000002867 00000 n I��U��M�: C�uL;�?ML���~�e"z����co5.�%�A���~!#�ؐ7�-y��IUR��N��spA.�%�Y���-s-r-���=�X���`��q]�u���%c�Α�������u� 0000001716 00000 n 0000041358 00000 n 0000009855 00000 n u:B��PG�#��LM����� Given Imaging REFLUX RECORDER PATIENT DIARY The purpose of this pH study is to monitor the frequency and duration of gastric reflux and how it is related to your symptoms during a normal day. ?hivE6�72o~[����;�أ������Cz�D����v_�����/�����tx��tz' 'K��T��/�����l���}w�G[T=c��O��ҿ��t>QS6���z�[�ͤ-��v�6���'MU5Me�U��2j���Qa�N�)��Ml�$(e��,HӤm����}T��:C�v[�}��~LC�����3�ҹm=@m�K��֫���d�����=� *���[�1Վ�8�m꠆W�Lds %PDF-1.5 0000003501 00000 n ��e~S^n]��D{WuE[��)z����*���7#⧭ȴ`��0� F�� ���7��T�ŐQ{;Z�K�Q�F�E���k4M��m�u槉��|W��q�_���C)ů^�G3�lQ�`��0c�a��(�'s��� ��Iyh;�Gr�����%���X�+hZR�$pr��W=y�/+gu y�B^���B^���B>}� �7Ie鉅'�z,�X��ce�?�Y�E������Zԫ�QQ�2�"�2�"�2�"��FE���Y &��KYoJ^��W#/}V��˙���7���Y�J>8�����f͎�4;j�g�Q��fG��5;hv���Q��fG����*��kqr�� �tZ-�����m�B�k#�.�����f�ф]x� �= endstream endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <>stream � _;��g(��Br��%��Ty��*���i?C�7(�(� H�\��n�0��y H�\Tˊ�0��+t�9~�Z �@&�9���8��1Ll�8����T&kpT-Y]�����m�w�IMCs�9u};��p�o����I^��k�%��ͥ�4l>ܯ����ӐT�I�����9IN����l����&=����_|?��l6�����{=��/ޤq�˾ ��| {���s�)b�SL3��:֍����*��T���$�o�[��O�G=%U�g�*�M�߾��o�� ��[ s�Y����8ί����(��`�0��aH��yJ�)s�� .�K�X�����X�QK�0���Sn����įy�B^��W�+�� �)�x��F� ��4�iDӰ�I�Sf#l�EӰ��} �kD�}9��s�����,L����=���r^��x�� ��7`o ހ��x���~�\zE�Q���=�=�aԔş�` �� endstream endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <>stream <>>> 0000006545 00000 n _�����6�J�h���> '��䐋�}�pPVZ$�7�9>�f�� �l�ql�a6�~�b����s�~H��t};���l�͔����]�p� �1�*�����o��[7�c�~�.�~8��ߛ��I��i��a�Mf��t�B���ќ�I���]���|{Ҝ_��M�K��L;v�25m��p ÷é,ÄWŒÎ×OR�™¤ÒwÇ*3š´bôûöŽ£Å«0¾`ã Ḑbd�'«2MğÉE66©Ó1�¿¤¡™ániÅI31tÿL5fSpf‰AߥìÙ˜á°uærÃP$"o�&[°³Ô$¡€ih“T4OsÎ,Á”†ç–”&å3hô²²]¥M¬²2þÊû‹´×{埶̑�|à×RB*Ëi+#=öìSAWîÔTyÕOFó(»¦£c*ƒéê�ĞЯrC«d•îş Z_¥Á§. How to Use Your Bravo Recorder and Diary During your 96-hour pH test What to do during your test The capsule we placed in your food pipe will record acid levels over 96 hours. �o���d��>zG����ϼw�Ҍv�NV�����k�Q/�5�Ymg�6�v�S���r�~��k�}���ߛ������~\\I���M����xl.����b���:����Bx�t�1|���Ͷ��us�~P�[�4�78�ڂ �=�lC�p682N^� ����@��{Ѐ��\T�X�F6. %���� <> g�v�z���oP_��9���������GQr�L3��k�e:���i��~:��+�y��sW��UT+U�q��ݬ7:ϵŖ�^���QG!m]Z���eM9+>�u�[1���n���*�P�uv��+t��|rO���w�U��͆q!\'��T���@�̉p¼�1����q 0000016294 00000 n 0000047288 00000 n 0000008211 00000 n 1 0 obj �CEKK�Ji�Z���hl@��F�=���㪓 ����3�I��s� ��04N�v��[h.x�ڤ`�f����k�W�8a_�vPy��S�a�d�.U�,��]a�u���T7��G7��,�d�R�GH�lUZ:�yE�����#�q���i�������״ 0000014104 00000 n 0000007159 00000 n 0000001589 00000 n g���Y�pVz*�g����u���,���牚���*��_ �h�R endstream endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <> endobj 34 0 obj <>stream
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