Some of their species include: These are shrub-type with thick stems and have numerous variations in forms, leaves, and flowers. The cultivar 'Kimjongilia' is a floral emblem of North Korea. Make sure you strain the water before drinking it so that it is easier to drink. When you have asthma, it is very difficult to breathe, and the condition can become worse if you don’t get treatment right away. Begonias of the semperflorens group (or wax begonias) are frequently grown as bedding plants outdoors. 'Cultivarname'. Unlike the usual exhibition divas, Giant Flowered Begonia are easy to grow! The different groups of begonias have different cultural requirements, but most species come from tropical regions, so they and their hybrids require warm temperatures. Home Merci de vos conseils. When light hits the leaves of this Begonia at a certain angle, the surface of the leaves appear to turn an vibrant blue shade, but it’s really designed to maximise light collection in those shady spots. This is because going too long without being able to breathe can cause a host of other problems, some of which are quite serious. B. speciesname and a vegetatively propagated hybrid, called a "cultivar", is labeled B. View list of Begonia articles, Home | About | Membership | The Begonian | Branches | Events | Virtual Greenhouse | Registered Begonias | Resources | Shop | Sitemap. Michael was responsible for new plant introductions such as the Egg and Chips plant and the FuchsiaBerry and keeps busy travelling the world in search of new plants as well as lecturing worldwide, including stints in Japan. Le port est dressé mais les tiges retombent au-delà d’une cinquantaine de centimètres. Quite a good ‘first plant’ specimen for a child. Pros and Cons of Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances, Sam Simon’s Amazing Home ($18 Million Architectural Gem). The genus name Begonia was coined by Charles Plumier, a French patron of botany, and adopted by Linnaeus in 1753, to honor Michel Bégon, a former governor of the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti). Kinds of Begonias. The nomenclature of begonias can be very complex and confusing. They also show off the thick stems because they drop their lower leaves and usually only have leaves on the tips. Double picotee begonias. On the edibility of begonias. These are seriously show-stopping plants, with 6 inch PLUS blooms that are three times larger than the average Begonia – we are talking exhibition-size here. Read on to find out about 7 types of Begonia that are quite different! C'est une plante qui se cultive en pot pour l’intérieur de votre maison. They come in colors that include bright red, orange, pink, white, and yellow, and if you use them as houseplants, make sure you give them a lot of sun – but not direct sunlight. J'ai un tamaya depuis 7 ans environ, il mesure 2 mètres de hauteur ! This type of begonia is probably the most widely grown begonia and in some parts of the country is called "wax type" because of the waxy look to the leaves. With delicate blooms and foliage that is certainly eye-catching, they can be grown in almost any home or office. The Begonias are native to moist subtropical and tropical climates. En cas d’excès d’arrosage, la pourriture des rhizomes et des tiges risque de se produire, sinon les thrips, les cochenilles ou l’oïdium peuvent attaquer. When you have bronchitis, the oxygen flowing to your lungs becomes obstructed, so it is difficult and sometimes painful to breathe. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For seed begonias, you should sow the seed as soon as they are ripe in 70-degree Fahrenheit temperatures, usually in early spring. En plus de son feuillage ornemental, le tamaya fleurira longuement offrant des bouquets de petites fleurs pendantes roses en forme de cœur. For occasional or regular digestive problems, drinking begonia water can quickly alleviate your symptoms so that you feel better fast. There aren’t that many pints of blood in the human body to begin with, so if you begin to bleed for some reason, serious consequences can occur almost immediately. Le bouturage de tiges portant un nœud se fait au printemps directement dans un pot de terreau. They grow upright and elegant, and they look great placed alongside solid-colored begonias. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Merci pour cet exposé. These are tuberous begonias, and they are perfect for hanging baskets and containers. A cough is usually caused by either a virus or bacteria, so drinking this water can get rid of your cough in due time. Begonias are particularly easy to hybridize, and so there are also many more of them grown than species. Variegated begonias need partial exposure to the sun to maintain the color devel… All in all, they’re a great plant for beginners who want colour and performance without having to grow a more complex plant! Begonia boliviensis varieties particularly like good drainage, as they're native to growing on cliff walls. Some of the newer varieties have a longer blooming period or are everblooming. The Plant List includes 2,380 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Begonia.Of these 1,528 are accepted species names. Begonia cultivars come in many different colors, such as yellow. With 1,831 species, Begonia is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. If you’re not in a rush, begonias are also easy to root from a stem, leaf or rhizome. Pros, cons and where to buy them, The Sowden House Deesigned by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Son, The Weird History of Predatory Lending in the Furniture Industry. Enjoy your virtual tour. They bloom in colors such as rose, salmon, apricot, pink, scarlet, and yellow, and they like partial sun to shade. View list of available Begonia images In general, begonias require a well-drained growing medium that is neither constantly wet nor allowed to dry out completely. Toutefois,... La plante caillou (Lithops sp.) Cyrtanthus purpureus, Vallota speciosa), est une vivace bulbeuse très proche du vrai Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) avec ses énormes fleurs qui s'épanouissent... Il semblerait que tout soit fait chez l’amaryllis (Hippeastrum), pour que cette plante à bulbe suscite l’admiration de tous les passionnés et de tous les collectionneurs. Begonias don’t like drenched soil, but they do like humidity. Many people do not eat right or exercise regularly, which can wreak havoc on the digestive system. There are no side effects of consuming this water, but you are always better off starting slow and building up from there. Begonias are annuals or tender perennials that need filtered shade and rich, fast-draining soil. Make this begonia the focal point of your flowering containers. Vous devrez tuteurer les tiges pour éviter qu’elles ne tombent et se cassent. Willkommen im Traumhaus mit Faltschiebetür, Der Gewinn kehrt zurück an seinen Urprung. Most begonias are sour to the taste, and some people in some areas eat them. Plus, it’s self-cleaning, which means the faded flowers simply fall away naturally, or are covered over by new blossoms… that means less maintenance for you! He is very active on social media – so why not give him a follow at @mr_plantgeek or Facebook. Begonia is a genus and common name of flowering plants from the family Begoniaceae. Begonia maculata est également appelé "tamaya" mais il s’agit surtout d’un croisement de plusieurs variétés de Begonia. Rex: Rex begonias are entirely their own class of begonia.They are rhizomatous, meaning they typically grow horizontally and with shortened stems. Si vous souhaitez qu’il buissonne un peu, il faudra tailler les tiges. These are large, two-toned flowers that look a little like roses. They bloom continuously from spring to fall and come in colors such as pink, white, and red. Begonia water is a natural cough medicine because it contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungus properties. With Rieger begonias, the leaves should never get wet, and you only need to water them once the top inch of soil gets dry. Horticulturists have named more than 1,500 begonia species (Begonia spp.). It’s the classic, but have you seen Begonia BIG? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to … Your browser is out of date. Since many people cannot get enough calcium through the foods they eat – because of poor food choices or not eating enough fruits and calcium-rich vegetables – drinking begonia water can be a great alternative. The trailing type of begonia are grown mostly for their trailing habit but put on a spectacular show of flowers, usually in the spring.
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