The newly discovered Hittite inscriptions have now thrown a welcome ray of light on the primitive Iranian creed (Ed. In these letters Ignatius charged Polycarp to write to all the churches between Smyrna and Syria (since his hurried departure from Troas made it impossible for him to do so in person) urging them to send letters and delegates to the church at Antioch to congratulate it upon the cessation of the persecution and to establish it in the faith. His repute became national with the welcome awarded to Snow-Bound in 1866, and brought a corresponding material reward. The most welcome appearance was probably from show-jumper Harvey Smith who even now seemed the epitome of the year he was tagged to. In his hand he held a bowl of ice cream, and his eyes held a welcome spark of humor. A welcome addition to the book would be a glossary of acronyms used in the chapters. "Welcome to Hell," Darkyn said, releasing her. The sound judgment of the former led them to welcome and appreciate the co-operation of the latter. You're welcome to ride along, but if the dogs are wild, we'll shoot them. She was an only child who had been very welcome. Linda flashed her a strained smile that made her feel welcome for the first time in a week before the pretty brunette gave the blond man, Lon, a hug and kiss. Anyone wishing to focus on systematic observations of reptiles and/or amphibians would be very welcome. The repeal of the Socialist law was naturally welcome to them as a great personal triumph over Bismarck;in the elections of 1890 they won thirty-five, in 1S93 forty-four, in 1898 fifty-six seats. The snow was welcome but the low cloud and biting cold was not! Mandi, therefore, could afford to be munificent, and in order to make his accession doubly welcome to his subjects, he began by granting a general amnesty to political prisoners. But he protested energetically against tlae loss of the pope's temporal power in 1870, against the confiscation of the property of the religious orders, and against the law of civil marriage established by the Italian government, and he refused to welcome Victor Emmanuel in his diocese. It was felt that these frequent changes were unfortunate for the country, and every one was glad to welcome the advent of a government which seemed to promise greater permanence. P. Jacobsen (q.v. The aunt coughed, swallowed, and said in French that she was very pleased to see Helene, then she turned to Pierre with the same words of welcome and the same look. ), a welcome tribute to the respect inspired by Augustus, and a happy augury for the future. You are welcome to hold a wedding ceremony conducted by a minister at the hotel. "Welcome," Pierre called from the other side of the library. behaved dog welcome at charge of £ 10 per week. An accredited team of bowlers from the mother country visited Canada in 1906, and was accorded a royal welcome. They're not going to welcome us with open arms, and I don't have much ammo. On the i 5th of July, after various delays interposed by her reluctance to leave the neighbourhood of the border, where on her arrival she had received the welcome and the homage of the leading Catholic houses of Northumberland and Cumberland, she was removed to Bolton Castle in North Yorkshire. 1. The exiles received an enthusiastic welcome in London, but Settembrini after a short stay in England joined his family at Florence in 1860. But Danby purposely delayed; an impeachment was hanging over his head, and anything which took men's minds off that was welcome. Phrase(s): You are more than welcome. Your thanks are very gratefully accepted. Andi Ingle, owner of the Renoir art-house cinema in the center, said he would not welcome any further building work. The sparsely populated country afforded a welcome to the fugitive Waldenses, who did something to restore it to prosperity, but this benefit was partly neutralized by the extravagance of the duke, anxious to provide for the expensive tastes of his mistress, Christiana Wilhelmina von Gravenitz. is the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by Agriculture and commerce were improved and encouraged by a variety of useful measures, and in this connexion the settlement of a large number of Flemings, and the welcome extended to French Protestants, both before and after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, were of incalculable service. to Russia, a gift which he really believed would be welcome because it would bring every subject into immediate contact with the throne, was - the secret police, the dreaded Third Sections The crowning fault of Nicholas was, however, that he would not delegate his authority; whom could he trust but himself ? The night was getting chilly and the warmth from the horse was welcome. So great was the general decline that this Neoplatonic philosophy offered a welcome shelter to many earnest and influential men, in spite of the 1 It was condemned by an edict of the emperors Theodosius II. Doubting she'd welcome him, he was drawn to her in a way he wasn't going to be able to fight for long. Synonyms for you're welcome include certainly, sure, my pleasure, no problem, of course, that's okay, you bet, don't be silly, don't mention it and forget it. • A: Thank you so much. Thus are formed the " mud-holes " of the Hudson Furrow so welcome as guides telling their position to ship captains making New York harbour in a fog. The inscription of Mesha throws welcome light upon his conquest of Moab; the position of Israel during the reign of Omri's son Ahab bears testimony to the success of the father; and the fact that the land continued to be known to the Assyrians down to the time of Sargon as "house of Omri" indicates the reputation which this little-known king enjoyed. Walk-ins are welcome, or reservations can be made to book a banquet. The county was among the first to welcome back Charles II. OLD] and ritualistic; the other, more cosmopolitan, extended a freer welcome to strangers, and tolerated the popular elements and the superstitious cults which are vividly depicted (Isa. You are welcome to bring your own alcohol, for which we do not charge corkage. The time-honoured question of the filioque was still in the foreground when it seemed for several reasons advisable to transfer the council to Florence: Ferrara was threatened by condottieri, the pest was raging; Florence promised a welcome subvention, and a situation further inland would make it more difficult for uneasy Greek bishops to flee the synod. The first of these events, to be dated from the alliance between the emperor Leopold and John Casimir, on the 2 7th of May 1657, led to a truce with the tsar and the welcome diversion of all the Muscovite forces against Swedish Livonia. 1. In spite of the continual struggle for custody, he had felt more welcome at the Medena home than he had with his step-father's family. The lake and its small ponds hold brown trout and our visitors are welcome to fish free of charge. You're welcome for convincing Gabe not to knock down the rest of your walls to get to this one. That said, Captain Wilberforce continues to be an engaging live presence and his brand of pop classicism is always welcome down my way. They do not represent the opinions of For over 20 years, has been helping millions of people improve their mastery of the English language and find the precise word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms. Later he went to the court of the Hamdanid Saif addaula, from whom he received a warm welcome and a small pension. Do you have writer’s block? Her husband found campaigning in Flanders under Alva a welcome relief from domestic life; and, after having lost all he possessed by a forfeited security and tried without success the trade of tavern-keeping in the village of Elmendingen, he finally, in 1589, deserted his family. RESEARCH GROUPS Palaeobiology Research Group We welcome applications from students with backgrounds in geology, zoology, biology, and occasionally physics and/or biomathematics. Locke's commonplace books throw welcome light on the history of his mind in early life. "Welcome to the immortal world," Jenn said and rose. delighted to welcome Dougie MacLean to our first festival. Search for a we welcome the showed her starting mortgage broker business wwwsoulsvilleusacomin Biloxi on. "A wife for counsel, a mother-in-law for welcome, but there's none as dear as one's own mother!" "Welcome to your new home, love," the Dark One said a moment before his teeth sank into her neck. burglene burgling a house has every right to expect not too warm a welcome from the householders. for I had had communication with that race. You all are welcome to stay here for the night. "You're always welcome in my bed, kiri," he said, satisfied when her pupils dilated and her face reddened. We welcome enquiries from any member interested in helping to develop croquet in their region. When she is dispatched, I shall welcome the child into my humble abode. But the goddess continued to be worshipped in her old home; her priests, the Galli, went out to welcome Manlius on his march in 189 B.C., which shows that the town was not yet in the hands of the Tolistobogii. "Welcome to the starting line," Dean said as they rocked away their frustrations. The chuckle was as welcome as it was unexpected.
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