20-28.4 until June 17, 2020. Meeting details: Agenda: Agenda Packet Social Environment | This database contains plain text of published agendas for City Council and committee meetings held from 2002 to 30 days ago. Months are optional in date fields. Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119812: Amending 2020 Budget; Res 31957: establishing spending plan; CB 119828: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119829: relating to commercial tenancies; CB 119832: relating to floodplains. Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119826: related to grant funds from non-City sources; CB 119815: relating to the Seattle Monorail; Res 31955:reaffirming The City of Seattle's support of unbanked money transfer operators and the immigrant communities they serve; Res 31950: Relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; Appointment to Community Technology Advisory Board. PO Box 94728, Seattle, WA, 98124-4728 In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. Please call (206) 684-8888 with any questions. Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119797: relating to land use and zoning (mobile home parks), including Public Hearing; CB 119793: relating to gig workers in Seattle. Seattle Channel video coverage of Seattle City Council. Accessibility InformationRequest Accommodations, Address: Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online. Office Hours: Council Members do not keep office hours. Agenda Center View the current and previous two years’ agendas and minutes for the City Council and all commissions, committees and boards. Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119833: relating to a sales and use tax; Res 31960: relating to transit funding; Res 31956:establishing the City Council's goal to implement Internet for All Seattle; Res 31958: Major Institution Master Plan for Seattle Pacific University; Res 31959: Major Institution Master Plan for Seattle Central College; Appointments to Seattle Planning Commission. Council agenda material is available on the Friday preceding the Council meeting. To provide policy direction and oversight and to deliberate and make recommendations on legislative matters relating to: regional, state, federal, and other governmental matters including Charter review, code improvement, the Office of Intergovernmental Relations, and rules of the City Council; City personnel issues, including labor-management relations, collective bargaining agreements, and other issues related to salary rates, hours, and other conditions of employment; the Office of the Employee Ombud; the City Auditor; the Office of Hearing Examiner; ethics and elections, including the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission; immigrant and refugee rights, including the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs; and education and early learning initiatives, including the Department of Education and Early Learning, the City’s Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise Levy, with a goal of improving City schools and student success rates and reducing achievement gaps. Council Central Staff provides professional, nonpartisan policy and fiscal analysis to the Council and its individual members. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online. To provide policy direction and oversight and to deliberate and make recommendations on legislative matters relating to: the operations of the Seattle Department of Transportation; transportation issues and projects affecting the City of Seattle including transit service, policies, and planning; pedestrian and bicycle programs and planning; transportation system maintenance and repair; traffic control; use of the City right-of-way including permits and vacations; parking policies; neighborhood transportation planning; and freight mobility planning; coordination of transportation issues and representation of the City’s interests on transportation with the federal government, the State of Washington, King County, Sound Transit, and the Puget Sound Regional Council; and water, drainage, wastewater, and solid waste services provided by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), including SPU environmental services and utility rates, regional water resources, endangered species recovery plans, waterway cleanup, and green stormwater infrastructure; City information technology planning, implementation, and organization; cable telecommunications services and planning; broadband telecommunications planning and implementation; technology grants; Seattle Channel; seattle.gov; and citizen technology literacy and access; Seattle City Light, including but not limited to City Light finances, energy utility rates, resource matters, energy policy, regional matters, air pollution regulations, and alternative energy sources; Deliberate and review the Mayor's proposed budget and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), make changes as appropriate, to adopt a final Budget and CIP. To provide policy direction and oversight and to deliberate and make recommendations on legislative matters relating to: urban sustainability, including the Office of Sustainability and Environment, climate justice, conservation programs, green buildings, and food policy; and renters’ rights, including but not limited to legislation intended to protect renters facing gentrification, economic evictions, excessive background checks, and unaffordable rent. The Clerk's Office provides information services to the public and to City staff. Email: selah.council@selahwa.gov Phone: (509) 698-7328 Address: 115 W. Naches Avenue Selah, WA 98942. 20-28.9 through October 1, 2020. Fax: 206-386-9025. The City Council is holding virtual meetings via Zoom webinar the first four Mondays of each month, at 6 p.m., broadcast live on Bellevue TV channel 21, the BTV YouTube channel and BTV.. The Office of the City Clerk is a part of the City of Seattle Legislative Department. Find out more at King County Public Health. Adjacency only applies to multiple terms within the same field. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: In response to guidance from Public Health Seattle-King County, we encourage members of the community to implement social distancing as much as possible and in the interim use the following methods to interact at tonight's City Council meeting. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online. Learn more: Seattle's COVID-19 website, King County Public Health, and statewide resources. Click on a committee for more information. Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314460: Mayor Jenny A. Durkan's Budget Address on the 2021 Budget; CB 19888: relating to City employment; CB 119882: permits Seattle Police Department's Harbor Patrol use of Waterway 20; CB 119896: relating to City Light and Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119897: traffic safety cameras; CF 314458: Office of City Auditor's request for extension; Appointments and Reappointments to Pike Place Market Historical Commission, Urban Forestry Commission, International Special Review District Board, Seattle Municipal Court, Public Safety Civil Service Commission; CB 119893: relating to Seattle whistleblower protection code; CB 119876: relating to transportation network company driver labor standards; CB 119890: relating to the transfer of City real property for housing development - 7750 28th Ave NW; CB 119838: relating to land use and zoning - Seattle Comprehensive Plan; Res 31970: identifying proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2021; Res 31972: Hearing Examiner Case No. In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. This meeting is a rescheduled meeting of the regular City Council meeting of September 28, 2020. The stated agenda of many city council members now includes rent control, ... Johnson’s documentary was aired in March of last year, some seven months before the Seattle City Council elections. To provide policy direction and oversight and to deliberate and make recommendations on legislative matters relating to: economic development policies and programs; including the Office of Economic Development, small business development and support, Business Improvement Areas, workforce development, and improving access and opportunities to education … New items are added within a month of the meeting taking place. Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Public Hearing on CB 119814: relating to funding for housing and community development programs; Res 31949: In support of fair, direct, and federal emergency support to reopen and rebuild local American economies; and stating that a fully-funded Seattle is essential to economic recovery. A date range can be combined with other search terms, or submitted independently. The Select Committee will be responsible for reviewing and revising legislation related to this purpose, and it may make a recommendation to the City Council on whether to advance a ballot measure to put before Seattle’s voters. Legislative Department Public Records Requests, Accessibility and Requests for Accommodations, City of Seattleâs Domestic Partnership Registration Program, Office of the City Clerk & Seattle Municipal Archives Fee Schedule, Initiatives, Referenda, & Charter Amendments Guides, Historical Perspective of the Office of the City Clerk, 600 4th Ave, 3rd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104. Help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in King County. Legislative Department Public Records Requests, Accessibility and Requests for Accommodations, City of Seattleâs Domestic Partnership Registration Program, Office of the City Clerk & Seattle Municipal Archives Fee Schedule, Initiatives, Referenda, & Charter Amendments Guides, Historical Perspective of the Office of the City Clerk, 600 4th Ave, 3rd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104. This list includes Council meetings with published agendas and does not represent the entire list of Council meetings. On August 5, 2014, Seattle voters approved the Seattle Park District, a metropolitan park district authorized by Chapter 35.61 of the Revised Code of Washington. Phone Alt: Listen Line: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 586 416 9164, No Meeting Password 600 4th Ave, 3rd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
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