5A and 5B, and the seated person is dropped into tank 12. Quality new, used, restored and rebuilt Z Car parts for all years and models. It is a further object of this invention to provide such a mechanism in which the seat gripping force may be adjusted to release the seat upon the application of various predetermined forces against the target. galvanized pipe that provides for improved operation. This closes jaws 84 and 88, as shown in FIG. 5. Slight movement of the actuator is insufficient to open handle 92; a square hit of the target is required. SEAT’s Electric range: better mobility, positive change. The actuator member has a thickness between the handles such that a spacing of at least 3/8" is provided between the actuator member and the movable handle. The mechanism of claim 7 in which said pivot means include a turnbuckle having a first hook that is attached to said support means and a second hook that is attached to said first leg. 3. Conventional release mechanisms tend to operate unreliably and inconsistently. Frame 18 extends laterally from tank 12 and includes a pair of side frame portions 20 and 22. A dunk tank seat release mechanism comprising, support means disposable proximate the rear of a dunk tank. Cushion length adjusting mechanism Femur supporting mechanism which Bracket 52 includes a slotted guide 54 that is permanently mounted on the bracket adjacent to the gripping mechanism. CANMOV Power Lift Recliner Chair for Elderly, Mechanism-Antiskid Fabric Sofa- Heavy Duty and Safety Motion Living Room Chair Reclining with Overstuffed Design (Brown) 4.4 out of 5 stars 314 $459.99 $ 459 . 8. A U-shaped element 46 is dependably attached to the bottom surface of seat 36 proximate the rearward end 48 of the seat. The jaws are biased closed by biasing means 96 and, as a result, U-bolt 46 is engaged and held in place by the jaws. The actuator is constructed of relatively lightweight, but rigid material such as E.M.T. This prevents seat 36 from collapsing, even when a person is seated on the seat over the tank. 3, so that the jaws engage each other through the opening in the U-bolt. Power seat adjuster Light and silent 8-way seat frame with optimum layout. 今日のシートアジャスター機構はその大部分がファインブランキングで作られた部品によって構成されています。この場合、小さく複雑な形状の部品を製造するための金型とそれを支える技術が求めらる上、高張力鋼で作らなければなりません。自動車を実際に使うお客様からは、より安全でより扱い易い調節機構を望む声が多く寄せられています。高さ調整レバーのような部品をはじめとしたシートアジャスター部品の開発と生産から私たちは多くのノウハウを積み上げた結果、それは他社の追随を許さない能力と言えるべきものになりました。, 最新のトランスミッションは、ますます小型軽量化、精密なものになっています。機械加工が施された鋳造品は、より軽いファインブランキング・フォーミングで作られた部品に取って代わられつつあります。, 最新のエンジンには、かつてないほど省スペースで、より高い効率が必要とされています。「エンジンの小型化」は、この技術の傾向を反映した表れの一つです。ファインブランキング・フォーミング工程は、このエンジンの革新をサポートしています。, ブレーキライニングプレートであれ、サポートプレートやホイールキャリアプレートであれ、高い効率性、高度な精密性が求められます。ファインブランキング・フォーミング工程は、まさに完全なソリューションです。, ファインブランキングで作られた部品は、自動車の保安部品の機能と品質に関し一切妥協することなく、コスト効率よくバランスよく製造するという難題をクリアしています。, © 2020 | Feintool International Holding AG | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. In this embodiment gripping mechanism 50 comprises a conventional gripping tool known as the Vice Grip (TM). Seat 36 immediately pivots about its hinges due to the weight of the person seated on seat 36. As a result, the jaws open and the seat is released. This causes seat 36 to collapse, as shown in FIGS. The means for gripping include a pair of opposing, pivotably interconnected, stationary and movable jaws. An opening is made in curtain 24 so that dunk tank target 30 extends through the curtain. There are means for biasing the jaws closed when the movable handle is closed relative to the stationary handle to hold the seat. If the ball strikes the Gripping mechanism 50 is permanently secured to the bracket, typically by welding. However, the invention is not limited to the use of such a tool and in alternative embodiments various other tools that use the claimed releasable gripping structure may be employed. The page you were looking for couldn’t be found…. Curtain 24 is shown extending only across section 22 and has been omitted from section 20 for clarity. A seat lift mechanism is covered if all of the following criteria are met: 1.The beneficiary must have severe arthritis of the hip or knee or have a severe neuromuscular disease. The seat lift mechanism must be a part of the treating practitioner’s course of treatment and be prescribed to For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. This special folding system makes it easy to sink the seats onto the car floor to save space. Power seat actuator Light and silent actuator with small motor and bearing. The frame 18 is typically constructed of light weight, but sturdy material such as tubular steel. 3 is a side elevational view of the gripping means and the actuator member which releases the gripping means; FIG. When a ball 120, FIG. To hold seat 36 in an upright, generally horizontal position, mechanism 50 is opened by separating handle 92 from handle 86. 9. The mechanism of claim 1 in which said actuator member includes a generally L-shaped rod having a first leg with a reduced thickness portion proximate one end generally between said handles of said gripping means and a second leg that extends forwardly from the other end of said first leg, said means for mounting a target being disposed proximate a distal end of said second leg of said rod. New OEM, Aftermarket, Refinished, Rebuilt or Used – we have the most options for Z Car Parts on the web. 99 The apparatus of claim 1 in which said support means include a frame that extends from proximate the rear of the tank in a direction generally laterally of the tank. A stationary handle is fixed to the stationary jaw and a movable handle is pivotably attached to the movable jaw. 2 is an upper perspective, partially exploded view of the seat release mechanism; FIG. Manage your personal data from here for all related services and applications. The distal end of leg 58, which extends between handles 86 and 92, is flattened into a reduced thickness portion 112. 7. Actuator member 56 includes a generally cylindrical rod 110 that forms both first leg 58 and second leg 60. This invention relates to a seat release mechanism and in particular, to a release mechanism suitable for use with dunk tanks. Mounting bracket 52 includes a first portion 80 that is attached to frame beam 34 and a second portion 82 that extends generally at an angle from portion 80. As a result, actuator member 56 must move at least 3/8" before engaging handle 92. A movable handle 92 is attached by pivot 94 to movable jaw 88. The mechanism of claim 5 in which said means for mounting include thread means formed about said rod and complementary thread means connected to said target. Seat 36 is collapsibly mounted on beam 32 by hinge elements 38 and 40 that are secured to the bottom of seat 36. 4, second leg 60 of actuator member 56 extends through sleeve 62. The bracket may be welded, bolted or permanently attached by any other means to beam 34. This causes movable jaw 88 to open relative to stationary jaw 84 so that U-bolt 46 is released. PATENT EXPIRED DUE TO NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEES UNDER 37 CFR 1.362. Engagement of the target with a predetermined force pivots the actuator member to engage and open the movable handle of the gripping means so that the jaws open and the seat is released. The means for mounting may include thread means formed about the rod and complementary thread means connected to the target. Because portion 112 of actuator member 56 has a reduced thickness and at least 3/8" clearance is provided between the actuator member and handle 92, premature release of the gripping mechanism is prevented. 3, guide 54 is adjacent to gripping mechanism 50. As a result, the U-bolt may be engaged by a releasable gripping mechanism 50, in the manner described more fully below. 4 is a side elevational, sectional view of the distal leg of the actuator member and the target which is attached thereto; FIG. A second leg may extend forwardly from the other end of the first leg. This ball absorbs the impact of seat 36 as the seat collapses against the bottom beam 74 of frame 18. It eliminates the time and effort needed to remove seats when you want more luggage space. Options for recharging while on the move. CARD, BOARD, OR ROULETTE GAMES; INDOOR GAMES USING SMALL MOVING PLAYING BODIES; VIDEO GAMES; GAMES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, MERRY-GO-ROUNDS; SWINGS; ROCKING-HORSES; CHUTES; SWITCHBACKS; SIMILAR DEVICES FOR PUBLIC AMUSEMENT, PATENT EXPIRED DUE TO NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEES UNDER 37 CFR 1.362, Vise grip pliers having toggle release means, Cage trap with easy set and release mechanism, Exerciser for straightening spinal column, Two-pivotal-section handle assembly for an exerciser, Exercise device with integrated handle and stopping device, Golf club assembly and golf club head comprising a bar and a weight member, Energy absorbing basketball goal/backboard unit, Exercise machine with dual fulcrum articulated force lever, Lapse for failure to pay maintenance fees, Information on status: patent discontinuation, Expired due to failure to pay maintenance fee. And because we also have a Z Car Restoration Shop, we know first-hand the quality of the Z Car Parts we sell. The symptoms of a bad or failing seat motor includes the power seat section moving in the wrong direction, the motor runs louder or makes a different noise, or the power seat doesn't respond to the control buttons. The actuator member has a thickness between the handles such that a spacing of at least 3/8" is provided between the actuator member and the movable handle. As shown in FIG. More particularly, the side portions 20 and 22 of frame 18 are preferably constructed of 1" E.M.T. Easy Fold refers to the easy-to-use folding mechanism for the seats in the second and third rows, such as in the SEAT Alhambra. A wide variety of seat reclining mechanism options are available to … Although specific features of the invention are shown in some drawings and not in other, this is for convenience only as each feature may be combined with any or all of the other features in accordance with the invention. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 2, leg 60 is slidably received through a generally cylindrical sleeve 62 that is secured, such as by welding, on element 64 of frame section 20. There are means for pivotably mounting the actuator to the support means. It is a further object of this invention to provide such a mechanism which may be quickly and conveniently assembled and disassembled for transport to various locations. Don't worry, you can edit this information later. The support means may include a frame that extends from proximate the rear of the tank in a direction generally laterally of the tank. 1 and 2, an elongate, L-shaped actuator member 56 extends generally from gripping mechanism 50, through guide 54, laterally of tank 12. Each seat features multiple seat motors attached to its metal frame, and different motors work together to move a seat section. After actuator member 56 engages handle 92 and triggers the release of gripping mechanism 50, further movement of the actuating rod 56 is not required.
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