Cq��%��@����Ǡ/���H�a�C5�+vW}�c����%ͥ�E:��q(M0vl�ܼ3;ױx 3�� �t�k�7mL��a4�. Here are six easy steps to perform. %PDF-1.4 %���� Seamungus will help increase resistance to pests and disease, stimulate healthy growth (both above and below ground) and most importantly, generally improve the wellbeing of your soils and plants. 0000162370 00000 n Always water in well. It is the best organic product for top dressing or giving a boost when planting out. Use if your lawn is short of bug and worm life as this is a great stimulant; Apply once or twice a year at the rate on the container; Apply in cool wet weather to minimise pong; Blends. Seamungus is suitable for year round application on all plants. Different grasses have ... Spring lawn care means it will then be set-up to get through the coming summer months. Seaweed contains a number of naturally occurring growth stimulants Ð fantastic for promoting plant and root growth and development. Most importantly, the resultant product retains the microbiology necessary for a ÔlivingÕ product. Organic lawn care can easily result in a lawn which is as neat and beautiful as one which is cared for using non-organic means. Using balanced fertilisers with a wide range of plant nutrients reduces the likelihood of such soft sweet growth. Clean, easy to use crumbles. Seamungus undergoes a unique composting process, specifically developed to stabilise the nutrients, maximise nutrient availability and to ensure the product is free of any parasites, pathogens and weed seeds. 0000002309 00000 n �be,����ޑԧ�r������0�i���-nlO�9�~���n>? `Ց'����� �G�^�FțE��C?������ۻ��w|�/��� MH��Xі�J�?I�R�zvWOӐ� ������Cڀ����x�YTb*cTóM�����)1GEPX+�{��e���5,A�'�kg�,�h�y.8�&�lY�_�� ���ԩn��.��� ���\���Ijzd�Hy%��ڽҰe�N�~�,:ӓ�}@�-#.�8κ�|J��"��T�5}d �yIp7J������WT�ʌ=�#��N��G�^�g]�.��L���|qB��6���,˕��EyZ�lDkQ� ��yYVTuq�>�I�u�Wo�9��O�$���H>�j&>��PDt��NCM���q�����rM�W-m��k��� Established gardens Ð apply 100g per square metre every 6-8 weeks throughout the year, including winter, or as required. Organic fertilisers such as Dynamic Lifter or Seamungus are fine for lawns. 8:1:4 – plus the full range of secondary nutrients and micronutrients in a natural form. 0000006909 00000 n 0000013055 00000 n When planting Ð apply 50g per plant to base of hole and cover with 1cm to 5cm soil. It is perfectly safe to spray on lawns without needing to exclude children or dogs. For most home lawns, organic lawn care need not be complicated or difficult. H�\��n�0E�� 0000000776 00000 n One of the most common pests is lawn grubs. Organic garden care tends to focus on continual soil improvement and ensuring soil health. 0000001109 00000 n Jam packed full of goodness, Seamungus is a soil and plant conditioner manufactured by brewing seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. Pouring a bucket of very soapy water over the affected patch of lawn will be very effective at killing the grubs, but will also kill earthworms, so should be followed up a few days later with a garden tonic as mentioned above or if it is over a large area, some worm castings spread thinly over the area will re-introduce worms quickly, in addition to aiding the grass to recover. Seamungus is a great year-round health tonic and winter fertiliser – helping your plants resist frost, pests and disease as well as conditioning the soil and encouraging root growth. 0000009537 00000 n Others such as clover can fix nitrogen and will be able to dominate in nitrogen impoverished lawns. Seaweed is also recognised for its ability to retain moisture and increase the moisture level of the plantÕs cell sap Ð this increases the plantÕs ability to resist frost and heat stress. Highly concentrated, Organic based and safe to handle. These fertilisers tend not to be high in nitrogen so may not be sufficient to sustain a high-use lawn or one which is mown often. Regular mowing will prevent the weeds from getting too tall and also prevent them from seeding and spreading. /�%� E Also recommended when establishing new plants including bare rooted roses. Visit us today for a wide range of trusted brands. Seamungus is used for revitalising all plants throughout the year (including natives & lawns) and is ideal for establishing new plants, particularly bare-rooted roses.. h�b``e``�f`c`��� �� ,�@�����f�q/�>�,��� ����;R�&2Ȁ��R� �~�R Correct mowing will also assist to reduce weeds in lawn without the need for herbicides. Using fertilisers which are biologically activated (ie they contain good soil microbes) will increase the presence of beneficial microorganisms which are able to attack problematic fungi and diseases and improve overall soil health. ACO registered organic Despite new modern attacks against lawns, every lawn is highly environmentally responsible, cleaning masses of pollution from the air every day. This can be achieved with any of the biologically active fertilisers that are commercially available, or with garden tonics such as seaweed sprays, or homemade compost, compost tea or worm juice from a backyard worm farm. ʪ%�4��M��AX��l2�!�\�� �,ρ~A!ޅuN��ˎ���&ϙ�� j�F�mG��F��F�62�^� {�a{)�PC�k�&U�C� 0000001010 00000 n Available in Pellets and 1ltr liquid These lawns may need additional feeding with a fertiliser high in nitrogen which may be a homemade aged poultry manure or an occasional top up with a high nitrogen inorganic fertiliser. Homemade compost, worm castings or bagged compost can be very effective when spread lightly on lawns as a fertiliser and soil conditioner. 0000005117 00000 n Seamungus is a great year round health tonic and winter fertiliser Ð helping your plants resist frost, pests and disease as well as conditioning the soil and encouraging root growth. H��TM�9��W���dY��I����!�d ��1�I&����U�����0U�,�I�oC�č�)�RK��5oĄ��X��Ⴘ���h��݇��&�D���IL���y�9��Y5�߇K�&\�7�k� W�^S�r��L\-���I���%u.��"�sW���p�����o�o�VJ�= � ��eW|#d� ���FlR��,����wc�Г9g�1��i�s�'�X�[jD�-�2��TYH�{m����Z*ݨ(�u�Y��p��5���wǯ������x��-Z�PIl�JN������;�˰ Manufactured from seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. Grass grows well with the top trimmed a little regularly, however these conditions do not suit weeds. Most pests are more likely to attack lawns with soft sweet growth caused by the overuse of high nitrogen fertilisers. These fertilisers tend not to be high in nitrogen so may not be sufficient to sustain a high-use lawn or one which is mown often. Many weeds, including nutgrass, grow in heavy, calcium deficient soils. These take the best of the synthetic and mined mineral nutrients and combine them with organic products. This usually refers to the types of fertilisers used but also methods used for controlling pests and diseases and weed management. Seamungus will help increase resistance to pests and disease, stimulate healthy growth (both above and below ground) and most importantly, generally aids in improving the well being of your plants. Seamungus Liquid Concentrate 1 Litre. 64 0 obj <> endobj xref 64 24 0000000016 00000 n New Ð incorporate 100g per square metre into the soil prior to planting or laying. 0000016222 00000 n ���,sa�����1�T���c�PA��_�&��x��hE[$]�N� Lawns: ��ѻV�B�����lԩ���K�]�BR�+q>��"�cA�elR鬕{b����u������牗|� � '�����-\a"����i�b�j^Q�q���gP��5��!�KāeՔ�s�`wcpf,��F%�Sg����(Q�i�`�k���y�2-�cX:_���/���2����Ym\��y��{i�a�+HKN�l(݉Fl��]l��� {n�C��c�Ȑb������q�[���Ѱ����LԍܲҰ�e�nl��mdgMFn���! If the lawn is part of a certified organic garden or property, all products used must be certified as allowable inputs for an organically certified property, and a statement on a product label that the product contains organic material will not be enough. or make 4 interest-free payments of Pet Safe Lawn Fertilizer from Water N’ Play™ is a lawn fertilizer that dissolves quickly into the roots upon watering.
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