Because the rhesus monkey is held sacred in some parts of India and is the object of tolerant affection on the part of many Brahmans, it is especially common around temples. In their study, the rhesus monkeys were found to have taken a longer period in … Hardy in captivity, the rhesus monkey is a highly intelligent, lively animal that is docile when young but may become bad-tempered as an adult. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... …part of Europe today—and the rhesus monkey of the Indian subcontinent, which has been used considerably in medical research. . Males are the dominant sex, but they do not remain with troops permanently, so female macaques lead these communities. These primates also preceded humans into space. Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark, Rhesus macaques photographed at Rolling Hills Zoo in Kansas, Rhesus macaques are Asian, Old World monkeys. Though these monkeys are good climbers (and swimmers), troops spend a lot of time on the ground. A lively and informative new podcast for kids that the whole family will enjoy! The rhesus monkey is the best-known species of macaque and measures about 47–64 cm (19–25 inches) long, excluding the furry 20–30-cm tail. The rhesus monkey is the best-known species of macaque and … The rhesus macaque's typical diet includes roots, fruit, seeds, and bark, but also insects and small animals. Rhesus monkey, (Macaca mulatta), sand-coloured primate native to forests but also found coexisting with humans in northern India, Nepal, eastern and southern China, and northern Southeast Asia. Rhesus antigens found in their blood enabled doctors to identify the different human blood groups. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, National Geographic - Animals - Rhesus Macaque, - Rhesus Monkey Macaca mulatta. Here groups may number 50 to 200 or more, whereas in forests 12 to 20 is usual. Rhesus macaques have an important history with humans and have aided a great deal of medical and scientific research. The rhesus monkey and other macaques are classified in the family Cercopithecidae (the Old World monkeys). 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Among the more unusual monkeys are the large and strikingly coloured African drills and mandrills, the proboscis monkey…. Rhesus monkey, (Macaca mulatta), sand-coloured primate native to forests but also found coexisting with humans in northern India, Nepal, eastern and southern China, and northern Southeast Asia.
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