juris doctor uwa

0000123183 00000 n 0000094092 00000 n %PDF-1.5 %���� xref 0000417515 00000 n 0000155542 00000 n %%EOF endstream endobj 93 0 obj <>>> endobj 94 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 1777.32 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 95 0 obj <> endobj 96 0 obj <> endobj 97 0 obj <> endobj 98 0 obj <> endobj 99 0 obj [/ICCBased 120 0 R] endobj 100 0 obj <> endobj 101 0 obj [125 0 R] endobj 102 0 obj <>stream 0000084210 00000 n 0000004866 00000 n 0000005986 00000 n 0000012929 00000 n 0000441527 00000 n 0000143105 00000 n 0000260295 00000 n 0000268027 00000 n 0000354285 00000 n 0000039292 00000 n 0000412266 00000 n 0000266984 00000 n H��W��� ��)|�Y��s99� 0000094158 00000 n The 2 + 1 + 1 year double degree program requires students to complete the first two years at their home institution law school. ��‘J 0000064392 00000 n 0000123516 00000 n � \$�x��t����܏�|�p�9��"m"����C����7��3��q�d/�;���X�ѩ/�9���C�$�[U��̲����/pV�����z�U� 0000260671 00000 n 0000005560 00000 n endstream endobj 39 0 obj <>stream 0000130911 00000 n 0000272347 00000 n 0000155445 00000 n 0000260030 00000 n 0000267922 00000 n 0000116660 00000 n 0000124799 00000 n For more detailed information, please refer to the University of Oxford's Law Faculty ebrochure. 0000104020 00000 n 0000094274 00000 n 0000064466 00000 n For further detailed information we recommend that students visit the Oxford Fees and Funding webpage: University of Oxford Fees and Funding webpage. 0000157106 00000 n ���V����Qܸ�����gЦ\��(α1�/ O��o+4i��]�7A$���(]F�Ѹ4��6�۠�xÕ�5����pEn����ڿ���ݐ�P�Q�x�ξ��I,|#1�ɿ���ҩ�q�iN��El"� W��^�=_�$�t�� �B�_[�"��1��A|i}n��ň+�p�C����a�Ns��a�iH7� �����&Y���d��2}+w!c3�1��ʗ7d��R��:0�32�Y����Ir��'��S� 8V� 0000015555 00000 n U�>?6_D[���?�`��i�{�ZT����f�}�IT��l�Pp����DZ%}O����A]\HT�T�Ѫ��ׇ���w�z���v�g�n�(t��6|���xw=�����q��7ɹ컦_?T��P��c&全=Ư/��}�˾9�JR�!�e���o���g�{s\���q[}�/�����|ם��C� 1Y�;�qU�R��?��L`�}j�g:Xz�?�n��i�~ 0000103915 00000 n 92 157 0000094671 00000 n Students should peruse all the information available in the links above including the ebrochure for the BCL; the application process and the information regarding fees and scholarships. The Juris Doctor will continue UWA’s tradition of excellence in legal education. 0000084392 00000 n 0000273734 00000 n 0000272463 00000 n UWA's Juris Doctor (JD) provides a challenging, intellectually engaging and focused environment for the study of law. 0000116030 00000 n 0000012503 00000 n The criteria for selection into the UWA JD via the standard pathway are: a Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA; and; a UWA Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 65 per cent, or equivalent*; or; a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 5.5 (out of 7.0), or equivalent* Applications will be ranked based upon the WAM and/or GPA. 0000157739 00000 n 0000110112 00000 n Prior to departing for Oxford, students must have completed 5 semesters of full time JD studies and undertaken all compulsory requirements. 0000110294 00000 n 0000130845 00000 n 0000117518 00000 n 0000157441 00000 n Designed to meet the needs of the modern law practitioner, it equips H�\��j�0��~ 0000084423 00000 n 0000267996 00000 n 0000155071 00000 n It is delivered fully online, with a compulsory three-day induction program held in Melbourne. 0000027233 00000 n Landscape Architecture. 100 0 obj <>stream 0000117112 00000 n 0000094640 00000 n UWA JD students commence one academic year of full time study at the University of Oxford … 0000018715 00000 n endstream endobj 36 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj <>stream ... units. trailer 0000130514 00000 n 0000131139 00000 n P 0000273660 00000 n Upon successful completion of the BCL or MLF students will be awarded both the UWA JD and the University of Oxford's BCL or MLF. 0000156091 00000 n For more information Student exchange and study abroad. The Juris Doctor (JD) is a world-renowned qualification in law, offered at universities such as Harvard, Stanford and Columbia in the USA, and The University of Melbourne in Australia. Last updated:Tuesday, 15 October, 2019 5:39 PM, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education, Support for postgraduate research students, Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Information regarding the application process is available from the University of Oxford website, University of Oxford Fees and Funding webpage, https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/postgraduate/scholarships.php, https://www.international.uwa.edu.au/students/exchange/help. hޤV�n�F��ylѺ��XJ�*pb���h��UH�A1���=��t�TD��Ù���93� HP�d\���GA����!�#K����F=9� ���"9o( The BCL and MLF are a highly acclaimed and unique graduate programme for the advanced study of law. 0000124904 00000 n UWA JD students may apply for the BCL or MLF during the fourth semester (second semester of second year) of their JD studies. 0000117444 00000 n 0000103946 00000 n 0000035517 00000 n Commenced in 2013, the JD at UWA provides an internationally recognised degree. juris doctor uwa The Juris Doctor is designed to equip non-law graduates with the knowledge and practical skills needed for careers in the commercial law sector. 0000009259 00000 n h�bbd```b``n�� �q�d���a R&D���r R��} 0000143066 00000 n 0000006486 00000 n 0000004063 00000 n 0000103733 00000 n Students are responsible for all tuition, travel and living expenses associated with the BCL or MLF. 0000274037 00000 n 0000155687 00000 n 0000464789 00000 n 0000266651 00000 n 0000272281 00000 n ,�="Ȍ�}��3��%"�Y�0&X��6H�(��KA�ƥz��_nTכ���>��(�Z���U�>]��,�"������Xk ��"0��` B�r� 0000039465 00000 n H�\�ˎ�@E�|E/g#^�Uc Y��3�y(N> C�A�a��ߧ/ךHAœ6tq���t����nv��ihav��o�pnS�1��>��v��-�ͥ�4N>ܯs���ӐT�Kě�y���M;�s�~��0u��=���]z���p ��2�^�6�b�/�����.�^�m�����8��?�cp�2�)�m��u��?����v�Gg�j. This agreement between the University of Denver (DU) Sturm College of Law and The University of Western Australia (UWA) Law School gives Juris Doctor students the opportunity to obtain two Juris Doctor degrees in four years. 0000261123 00000 n 0000123772 00000 n 0000006636 00000 n 0000084497 00000 n 0000399857 00000 n 0000117413 00000 n 0000039019 00000 n Medicine. 0000007051 00000 n 0000116314 00000 n �Cq�^���r�Z��[I �m琷��tL`����-Y7�ƻ�F����w�Na&����8�`�IO�o3�($��2%�QU ?�9%Z`w��ý�W�H�����=�v��G� =� �'�n� �}Hq�������LP@���M��M���m�5�sns��)�v\簤���9L0��S��7��c��N�R�1��0�����kۗ������}�ϯr��İ�z:�����[��.q�kA8���.��������c�+�}�B���. 79 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9DBB099F2F650C7120F0093C7CD470BD><125AFEC61780FA47B655AA2E042DECD2>]/Index[35 66]/Info 34 0 R/Length 174/Prev 330297/Root 36 0 R/Size 101/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 0 �r� Applications are normally due in January for commencement of studies in the following September. 0000093762 00000 n 0000006663 00000 n 0000021543 00000 n 92 0 obj <> endobj It is therefore essential that students investigate the costs associated with studying and living at Oxford from the outset. While reinforcing the same core competencies in law from the Bachelor of Laws, the new JD will do so over a dedicated three year period, rather than being spread over a longer period along with other study. 0000103799 00000 n 0000110399 00000 n 0000064236 00000 n endstream endobj startxref 0000043598 00000 n 0000267050 00000 n 0000267166 00000 n 0000035447 00000 n h�b```f``�f`c`��� Ȁ ��@���1���5-����Y�� s�jz �d��-~07�xin� �h����=����kڱ��6mO�ҍ�j��䕬]��2'{>�k���'����+:���(1:�Bx(�AZP������������C���[�E��4Xg}��@���a�A��,�۶�`��|��A������� �R �b ���~��p��(�d���n� ��}@��O �0+�&�Q � ��j� A number of scholarships are available through the University of Oxford. �BR��U���[K�`4��:�XO�$��5��2R�$�6��U5k�m�|�� ��`V�~a,�Z�����d���l�n��9���}��C�1�a_��a�2��dR�y��.��g�o���͎y{�a[����V+��f�M׮�M[ݼ�W�橯�z���kqW�v}�G��%nf(��#ua��_0�(�L>�E:Հ�S]0�6����jț-�Z�#� 0000029985 00000 n 0000009783 00000 n 0000273215 00000 n 0000261197 00000 n 0000156333 00000 n 0000391709 00000 n 0000094745 00000 n 0000157367 00000 n 0000008546 00000 n 0000003436 00000 n %%EOF 0000272537 00000 n DJ� �f �ILf��\��_��0� &A�e�@��+`{��df7��� ��Dr��E���"`2Ʉ$��#���`RD�j�H~f��4�r��*0���7&`hl���HW�?��[� 0:� 0000124074 00000 n The Juris Doctor: The New Law Degree at UWAat UWA Dean and Winthrop Professor of Law, The University of Western Australia Stuart Kaye Why UWA is moving to N C 2012New Courses 2012 • The model of broad undergraduate studies followed by a postgraduate professionalThe model of broad undergraduate studies followed by a postgraduate professional 0000124423 00000 n The UWA Law School and the University of Oxford Faculty of Law have entered a memorandum of understanding to give UWA Juris Doctor (JD) students the opportunity to apply for admission into the Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) or a Masters in Law and Finance (MLF) at the University of Oxford. 0000156718 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000110178 00000 n 0000260369 00000 n %PDF-1.5 %���� UWA JD students commence one academic year of full time study at the University of Oxford in the final semester of their UWA degree. 0000114078 00000 n 0000008182 00000 n 0000448794 00000 n ��&�.0BN9���Z�f���lȥe�`9n�'�BkztA;��֏�F�R�4�Cq�eȍM�y�b�������xO�Z^���{? The UWA Law School and the University of Oxford Faculty of Law have entered a memorandum of understanding to give UWA Juris Doctor (JD) students the opportunity to apply for admission into the Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) or a Masters in Law and Finance (MLF) at the University of Oxford.

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