Oct 09 2020 Funding new apprentices in Cowper for a skills-led recovery. "One of the great things about working from home is the flexibility it gives you to plan your work day, but it's also really easy to let work completely take over your days and nights without some structure." Susan Templeman - Federal Member for Macquarie > Susan Templeman Welcome to my website. Welcome to my website. Federal Member for Macquarie Susan Templeman has welcomed a $142,000 grant to help protect precious upland swamps in the Blue Mountains from factors like climate change and mining. I was born and raised in Kempsey and I know regional Australia has a lot to offer. Federal Member for Macquarie . A skeleton staff works in the Windsor office, we have moved from face-to-face meetings to teleconferences and video link-ups on aps like Zoom, with many staff members working from home. What could $122 million be better spent on? Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan. endstream endobj startxref Industries: Tourism, mixed farming, arts and crafts, horse breeding and training, printing and publishing, small manufacturing, higher education with the Western Sydney University Richmond Campus. Three projects across the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council area will receive a share of Australian government funding under round 5 of the bridges renewal program. "But we all know it isn't without its challenges. Member of the Coalition Policy Committee on Health and Aged Care from 4.7.2019. Susan Templeman is the Labor Member for Macquarie, representing the people of the Blue Mountains and the Hawkesbury. If you would like to get involved in the YES campaign that is being run here in the Hawkesbury, get into contact with my office. I'm dedicated to fighting for our community, and am passionate about education, mental health and economic and social justice. h�b```�.V�Ad`��0p40���τ��oq``��h`�� K!! Re-elected 2019. Personal. 111 111111 1111 11 1111111 through cuts to child 11 support that will impact 1111 500,000 low and 11111 11 111, Ground Floor, 299 George St Windsor NSW 2756Tel: (02) 4573 8222, Ground Floor, 299 George St Windsor NSW 2756. "But we all know it isn't without its challenges. Ms Templeman praised the efforts of Community Action for Windsor Bridge and congratulated them for their patience and resilience, pointing out the group had now been continuously occupying a small corner of the Square for more than four years – no matter what the weather conditions! History. Ms Templeman also condemned the NSW Government for ignoring the advice of its own Office of Environment and Heritage, the Heritage Council of NSW and the National Trust regarding Thompson Square. "Those who are able to should already be working from home," Ms Templeman said. Records of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country), House of Representatives chamber and business documents, Getting involved in Parliamentary Committees, Department of the House of Representatives. In a passionate and articulate speech Ms Templeman made a robust case for Minister Frydenberg to place an emergency heritage listing on the historic precinct, pointing out that Thompson Square is Australia’s only surviving Georgian public town square: proclaimed by Governor Lachlan Macquarie, it was the first public place named to honour the contributions of an exconvict, thus sending a strong message about Australia as a place of the ‘fair go’. Anything. Port Macquarie was created in 1988, replacing Oxley (which was recreated in 1991). DipLegPrac (College of Law, NSW). Online Discussion Terms & Conditions. Macquarie is also home to the Glenbrook and Richmond RAAF bases. Location: Macquarie covers an area from the Hawkesbury and Nepean Rivers in the east, the City Councils of Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury border in the west. Federal Member for Macquarie, Susan Templeman, has recommended people work from home wherever possible to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. news, local-news, wfh, work from home, coronavirus, covid-19, susan templeman mp. 1901 federal election First election this boundary was used at: 2016 federal election Maps of Division. h�b```�N� cb�L���00����`MضKQ4�u��9MZ�X����B�i@�� �����-l(���~&��� �K՚8X�pD)��Y`����K&o�)%7��B]������ VO0ͺH 10��f�0 ��*� President of the Australian Labor Party Macquarie Federal Electorate Council from 2011 to 2016. Find what you need at The Hub The Hub . "Those who are able to should already be working from home," Ms Templeman said. endstream endobj 121 0 obj <. Federal Member for Macquarie MEDIA RELEASE . Media and Communications Trainer from 1991 to 2016. Louise Markus, Federal Member for Macquarie, said she was extremely happy to be able to deliver the good news to local Blue Mountains Community organisation, … h�bbd```b``�"���h��,�LJ��% �YL��t�����U�H5�������9ˀ����L@�W�ā�$���0 2l9 (f`Tb�g(�`��/p�;p�1�����&{D�y�ŕhbf`,\�t "As a business owner, I have spent time working from home for 25 years, initially with a three-month-old baby. On her Facebook page Ms Templeman says, “The Federal Government have the opportunity to do the right thing by the Hawkesbury community and steer the State Government towards a new bridge plan, a proper third crossing of the river, that actually addresses our traffic problems and SAVES THOMPSON SQUARE!”. Susan Templeman calls for emergency heritage listing of thompson square, The Federal Member for Macquarie, Susan Templeman, in her first Private Members Bill, today called on the Minister for the Environment and Energy to “…exercise his powers under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and grant emergency heritage listing to the Thompson Square Precinct to protect this unique place of Australia’s cultural heritage.”. Save lives. 138 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0FD4610F50264D40A55AAECBDAF016DE><0830326B983EC349AC517B2379821CA5>]/Index[120 32]/Info 119 0 R/Length 88/Prev 114911/Root 121 0 R/Size 152/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream It could go towards building a proper third crossing of the mighty Hawkesbury River, it could put a roof over the heads of the homeless, be invested in renewable energy to lower our electricity bills, or Maraylya Public School could finally get the hall they desperately need. https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/QQwHRnUv9qYdvjDNLdqaup/95a511a3-c859-43f7-b65c-d89a0b791f07.jpg/r0_52_2879_1679_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg, Hawkesbury Library services expand for HSC students, Dates for applications for grant program extended, Richmond Ag College to recruit for first selective Year 7 class, Burnout in vicinity of police patrol costs driver $697, NSW daily COVID-19 numbers outpace Victoria's for second day running, Hawkesbury dads offered tips on how to deal with stress. endstream endobj startxref h�bbd``b`z$g�X@��Ċ�A,>� �X�ƀX�@�,�M0 ĵ��$J�D�#;����H��+@� F�4 If you live in the Blue Mountains or the Hawkesbury, I'm your Member of Parliament. Delegate to the Australian Labor Party State Conference (NSW) from 2012 to 2016.
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