Since then, it has turned into a full-fledged online retail marketplace that aims to sell everything. It may have been the only two companies participating in the acquisition, but, it is majorly impacting other businesses in the same industry. Because there are MANY more markets that Amazon can yet penetrate and make the most of. We hope the Amazon SWOT analysis gave you more clarity regarding the whole process. • Customer Experience: An easy-to-use website, smooth processes, great customer care – Amazon makes sure every customer has a great experience. One example of this is the Fire Phone disaster. It is a household name, one that is often spoken of as an example of a great deal someone got to enjoy on their favorite product. (And an Amazon SWOT analysis would have been the perfect guide – more on that later.). A major strength of Amazon, as you will recall, is cost leadership – the company strives to provide its consumers with the best products at the lowest prices. The good news is that we will answer all these questions for you and carry out a SWOT analysis on one of the biggest companies in the world: Amazon. If you are a retailer on Amazon, it is likely that you struggle to market your brand and products on the platform sometimes. That has worked out in its favor but the company still lost its focus and competitive edge in that particular industry. For a complete Amazon financial analysis, click here. And Amazon delivers immaculately. Better yet, get one of the Amazon marketing experts at Canz Marketing to help! Prioritizing your tasks can be the difference between success and failure – choose wisely. While Amazon dominates the e-commerce industry by a great margin, some, if not many, of the newbies will always possess the potential to grow at an exponential rate and leave the undisputed giant (for now) behind. These strengths, among many others, help Amazon stay ahead in the race to be the best. • Get people interested in your products through social media. In addition to that, eMarketer estimated Amazon’s e-commerce sales to be nearly half of all the retail spending in the US in 2018. But what is a SWOT analysis? Before you begin the analysis, you need to be clear about your motivation to do so. Amazon can consider expanding its services and moving from a vastly online model to having a more substantial physical presence. Like all other businesses though, they also have weaknesses, as well as potential opportunities and threats they need to address. The focus, here, can be on products that are currently not found in abundance on the website. You can reinforce the good, tackle the bad, make the best use of opportunities you had been unaware of until now, and be prepared to tackle any issues that come your way. 4 0 obj Facebook Ads Rapid Fire Testing Done Right, Case Study: Advertisement for Nationally Recognized Clothing Brand, Evergreen Marketing – A Detailed Guide To Implement Marketing Practices That Last, Facebook Monetization – How to Make Money on Facebook, 11 Best SEO Agencies In Australia To Boost Your Web Presence, Drop-Shipping Explained With 23 Incredible US Drop Shipping Suppliers of 2020, Tangible assets such as solid capital, state-of-the-art equipment, and more, Being ahead of competitors in most, if not all, aspects, The inability to overcome competitors in certain activities, A partnership, acquisition or another kind of deal, A small number of competitors in a particular market, A sudden need for your products or services, Political unrest in a local or global location, A great increase in the costs of doing business. Having said what we covered in the point above, there is always room for expanding the platform and adding all kinds of products from more third-party sellers to its already massive list of offerings. You have the option of running the following types of ads: Amazon, should have acquired a traditional bricks and mortar brand. You will understand perfectly once we walk you through the steps with the SWOT analysis for Amazon as a guide. • Optimize your listings in such a way that you beat the Amazon algorithm and make sure that your product is the one that appears at the top when someone searches for a relevant keyword. It brings another meaning for online shopping. The phone, developed by Amazon, did not do well and resulted in massive losses for the company. $17 million in one hour! With the use of top-notch logistics and distribution methods at play, it dominates the market when it comes to customer satisfaction. The following are some of Amazon’s core competencies: One of the major issues that threatens Amazon at all times is that more and more online retail stores are springing up every day. Seems like you need to revisit the changes and work out where you’re going wrong. It lets you identify what you’re doing right, where you’re going wrong, what opportunities you have the chance of grabbing, and what obstacles can come in your way. A SWOT analysis should have been the first step on that long road to the attainment of your aim. Amazon is worth more than a whopping $1 trillion. According to Repricer Express, Amazon conducts sales of $17 million an hour. Are you using the right kind of technology that can help you during all steps of the online selling cycle? Now we come to the fun part. Understanding Sustainable Competitive Advantage and the Role of Digital Media in Achieving It, Content Marketing Agency vs. The new visitors you are able to bring to the site are likely going to leave the site without making a purchase too. Something that would be more beneficial to the company is if it started creating and selling its own products more. Do your packages ever arrive incomplete or damaged? This point proves that a single factor can act as both an advantage and a hurdle. Through this, as well as many strategic partnerships and well-implemented strategies, Amazon maintains its image in the market as a low-cost vendor. • Amazon has a line of electronic products up for sale, including the e-reader, Kindle. AMS is a platform that allows you to make sure your product stands out among the thousands of products (maybe more) that are similar to yours. As an online seller in an ever-changing environment (or an Amazon marketing company representing such a business), you can’t afford to be left behind. Are you willing to take the steps necessary to rectify a potentially messy situation that you may discover? E-commerce giant, Amazon, is a leader in the industry. Here are some of the potential strategies the company can put into play, derived from the SWOT analysis on amazon. Consumers want a smooth shopping experience and quick delivery – a process that does not create any unnecessary hassle for them. This privilege allows them to get quicker shipping options, as well as access to streaming media. • Headline search ads While it seems to be working for now, the strategy may require some consideration in the future. INDUSTRY: A CASE STUDY OF AMAZON’S ACQUISITION OF WHOLE FOODS MARKET AND ITS EFFECTS ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR by Kathryn Adkisson A THESIS Presented to the Department of Marketing and the Robert D. Clark Honors College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science May 2019 . Whether you are a small, medium-sized or large business, you want to see it succeed. Your customers can’t physically see the products – do you give them enough details and pictures from various angles to give them a better idea of what they are considering buying? It, thus, makes perfect sense for it to be an opportunity. Try to focus on how you can use your strengths and minimize your weaknesses to tackle the threats and make full use of the opportunities in front of you. What are the most important considerations for your store trying to stay afloat among millions of others? While this is great in the sense that the company gets to offer great value and incredible experience to its customers, it doesn’t make much of a profit. Conducting a SWOT Analysis – Explained with an Amazon SWOT Analysis . Keeping in line with this mission, the company offers low costs, great deals, and a phenomenal shopping experience to keep them satisfied. You work to get the traffic back up and succeed. Retail businesses are popping up online every other day. The process of analyzing your business is daunting to most business owners, partly because of the fear of what they will find.
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