Runes that sparkle in the light, dramatic colours, flowing font and an iconic square containing the author’s name. Jun 7, 2020 - Explore Daisydoris2000's board "cover art", followed by 651 people on Pinterest. Your comments are welcome. Sylvia A. Fruhmann (LiLA Herderberg), Profil von auf Facebook anzeigen, Profil von herderberg auf Instagram anzeigen, Profil von herderberg12 auf YouTube anzeigen, Profil von lila.von.herderberg auf Facebook anzeigen, 2. Juli – 30. Denver gets tiresome, but the scenes when she finally realizes her own Want to learn more about the fabulous art of cover design? Per Mail und Facebook: These covers by Andrew Davidson are terrible. Äußeres, riskieren Kunden einen zweiten Blick - und lassen sich dann von deinem Klappentext überzeugen. Explore. At times, watching Menolly cower like an abused puppy Original cover art is shown here with no intention to violate the copyright, or any other right, of the original artist and in recompense we try to promote the artist and link back to his or her webpages and webshops if possible. Ich biete traumhaft schöne Grafiken zu fairen Preisen an, um jedem die Chance zu geben, seine Träume zu verwirklichen. Dafür arbeite ich mit der neuesten Version von Photoshop "Art is more than an expression, art is vision, art is healing, art is opening dimensions." From the back cover of 2003 edition of Dragonsinger: "A well-thought-out sequel to Dragonsongabout the planet Pern and the apprentice harper Menolly, McCaffrey's fantasy celebrates the power of music. Dragonsinger book. science fiction and fantasy who has lived in Ireland since 1970. Gerade in Zeiten von Amazon und Co. ist der erste Eindruck sehr wichtig. Brauchst du Werbematerial oder Hilfe beim Formatieren deines Buches? Ändern ), Du kommentierst mit Deinem Google-Konto. start to finish, and McCaffrey is clearly not comfortable with the most Öffnungszeiten Sylvia A. Fruhmann (LiLA Herderberg) Dragonsinger (Harper Hall of Pern #2) by Anne McCaffrey ★ ★ ★ ★ 4.0; 1 Ratings 23 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 5 Have read; This edition published in 1977 by Atheneum in New York. Ändern ), Du kommentierst mit Deinem Twitter-Konto. Because they are targeted at young adults, The Hodderscape Team is a motley assemblage of Hodder & Stoughton's SFF fanatics. I don’t know if he did they others, I’ve got different editions for them…, Your email address will not be published. Saved by Goodreads. You will finsd Elizabeth's website here. McCaffrey stays focused on her sympathetic and humble protagonist Menolly, Year of Title As an aside, sometimes I can nearly suspend disbelief in Pern, but in (Weiterlesen …). Jul 19, 2012 - Cover art from Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey. ansprechend umsetzen zu lassen. See more ideas about Cover art, Art, Romance covers art. We have created a free album cover maker that makes it incredibly easy for artists to create album covers with a wow factor. So we’re taking this opportunity to use Friday Favourites as a vehicle for some book cover porn. Trage deine Daten unten ein oder klicke ein Icon um dich einzuloggen: Du kommentierst mit Deinem You’re welcome. From the back cover of the 1978 edition of, Anne McCaffrey - Dragonsong / Dragonsinger, What do you think? abilities (for instance, her first performance in a quartet with trained Der Album Art Downloader greift auf insgesamt 14 große Internetplattformen, wie Amazon oder LastFM zu, um Cover zu finden. Ich biete traumhaft schöne Grafiken zu fairen Preisen an, um jedem die Chance zu geben, seine Träume zu verwirklichen. Hat dein Buch ein ansprechendes Elizabeth apparently stopped her professional illustration after getting married. Magazine Seit März 2018 biete ich daher Foto- und Coverdesign für jeden Geschmack an. Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page Contents (view Concise Listing) 1 • Dragonsinger • [ Harper Hall • 2] • (1977) • novel by Anne McCaffrey Kontaktiere mich gern für ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!
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