11th doctor regeneration

(PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus, Lungbarrow, AUDIO: Zagreus) Indeed, by the time of Rassilon's ill-fated intervention on Kolstan, Artron, his contemporary, knew that Rassilon had "experimented" with a limited sort of regeneration. But let's not forget the War Doctor's own comment on his imminent regeneration, as he acknowledges that his body – which, given his youthful appearance in "The Night of the Doctor," has visibly aged more than any other Doctor except the First – is wearing a bit thin. Below is a complete list of the 11th Doctor adventures. It's likely significant that he regenerates immediately upon his departure (again, assuming no future writer crowbars in subsequent adventures between the dematerialization and the cut to the TARDIS interior). As such, it's a nice touch that his death so closely recalls that of the First Doctor; they're even standing over the TARDIS console in roughly the same position when their regenerations begin. So, I know it's all the rage and has been for a while to hate on the sixth Doctor, but really just ignoring his character is profoundly outrageous. Of course, the Doctor doesn't die at the hands of the Daleks; rather, he absorbs the power of the time vortex in a last-ditch effort to save Rose's life. Really, what more is there to say about "The Caves of Androzani"? The Eighth Doctor: "The Night of the Doctor" (2013). The Eleventh Doctor's heart-breaking farewell… And the arrival … The future Eleventh Doctor is killed in mid-regeneration, showing he is vulnerable to death while regenerating and as such his need for the TARDIS may be for safety rather than aid. But once the not inconsiderable padding is removed, what's left is the departure story that offers the most explicit meditation on what regeneration means to the incarnation about to meet his demise. It's a careless mistake, but one that is demanded by the Fifth Doctor's entire worldview. The Doctor screams as his eleventh incarnation emerges. "Logopolis" is most commonly noted for its funereal tone; more than any other regeneration story, it feels like the end of an era, and Baker brings to every scene the full weight of his seven long years in the role. I don't mean that in terms of the altered history of the Time War, at least not directly, because that might suggest this Doctor's sacrifice – his very existence, even – doesn't matter so much when his most formative memory is a lie. The Doctor: Le… Even then, there was no guarantee that Hartnell would be well enough to make it through his final adventure, and indeed his illness forced him to miss the taping of the third episode at the last minute. 1. All Doctors are touched by tragedy and death, but the Eighth Doctor in particular lost so many people that he cared about so deeply. And without treading too far into spoiler territory, some of the names on that list didn't fare much better than Cass. We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as … This is preceded by … Ten’s voice had a hoarse edge to it as he looked down at his regeneration. (AUDIO: Day of the Master) However, some accounts saw an origin for reg… The Doctor gets in a couple fierce rebukes of these new monsters, but he spends an awful lot of the story standing on the sidelines. 15 quotes have been tagged as eleventh-doctor: Steven Moffat: ‘You should always waste time when you don't have any. The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) regenerated into the Twelfth (Peter Capaldi) in the 2013 Christmas special, "The Time Of The Doctor". Old friends are acknowledged: Richard Franklin returns to redeem the disgraced Mike Yates, while an unseen Jo Grant helps set the plot in motion when she mails the Doctor the Metebelis crystal he gave her in "The Green Death." The nature of regeneration itself is considered, specifically in the context of Buddhist philosophy; there's rather obvious significance to Cho Je's observation in the first episode that "The old man must die and the new man will discover to his inexpressible joy that he has never existed.". Circumstances were more favorable for Sylvester McCoy to return for the regeneration than they had been for Colin Baker, which is why the Seventh Doctor gets an entry here and the Sixth Doctor does not. This is reiterated by Jack Harkness' insistence that the Doctor be taken into the TARDIS having been shot by a Dalek in "The Stolen Earth". In doing so, the Doctor also earns a measure of redemption for the death of Adric. That seems an appropriate description for the Second Doctor as well, who spent his existence relishing the wonders of the universe with almost childlike glee. It is mentioned that the TARDIS assists the Doctor during the regenerative process, as suggested by the Second Doctor's statement to this effect shortly after regenerating from the First. The Doctor effectively delegates his responsibilities to his companions, as Ben Jackson gets to play the man of action – hardly unheard of for male companions in the Hartnell era, admittedly – while Polly emerges as the most vocal critic of the Cybermen and their cold, unfeeling logic. I'm pretty sure all this subtext was always there, but I'll admit that it helped me considerably to understand just where all this was going. There is still the potential for him to triumph, to emerge victorious. The Tenth Doctor could have died stopping the Time Lords, and that might have worked well enough, but the fact of the matter is that the Doctor saves the universe (or at least significant chunks of it) all the time. Hartnell's health had deteriorated to the point that he could no longer continue in the starring role, and so producer Innes Lloyd and script editor Gerry Davis came up with the brilliant, frankly bonkers idea of having Hartnell turn into Patrick Troughton. That's because the Doctor and his companion Peri are dying from almost the opening scene of the story, even if it takes them a little while to learn that fact. It's my favorite story starring my favorite Doctor, and I'm tempted to just leave it at that. doctorwho, johnsmith, oswin. In that sense, it's right that there's no longer a natural place for him in "The Tenth Planet. There's nothing wrong with epic stakes, but they don't really reveal what makes the Doctor special. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (30), Eleventh Doctor/Tenth Doctor/Rory Williams (19), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (36), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 'How to make a point' or 'The War Doctor is totally done with his future regenerations'. How will the Eleventh Doctor handle rediscovering what he thought he'd lost forever? There's even an opportunity to fashion the Doctor into a kind of tragic hero, as each Doctor confronts his fatal flaw and comes to understand why it may well be time to become someone new. The show asked viewers to fill in rather a lot of narrative blanks to understand all that back in 2005 – and I doubt anyone foresaw precisely how the show would ultimately fill in those blanks – but "Parting of the Ways" is a more fitting end than I initially gave it credit for. Slice-of-life drabble: Ten and Eleven waking up in the morning and being cute. The First Doctor at least acknowledged that he and Susan someday hoped to return to their home planet, but the Second Doctor was just as happy to keep on adventuring forever. That specific callback to William Hartnell's line in "The Tenth Planet" is one last meta-textual reminder of the War Doctor's purpose in "The Day of the Doctor." In terms of what the story is setting up for "The Day of the Doctor," the crucial moment comes when Paul McGann observes that the universe doesn't need a Doctor anymore.

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