when was smoke on the water written

The patriotic song, which forecasts destruction for the Axis powers, particularly Japan, was Foley's first song to hit No. 5 on the country charts. 9 Carnaby」をオープン, ダイアー・ストレイツ、6枚組CDボックス・セット『The Studio Albums 1978-1991』10月9日に発売, メタリカ『Master Of Puppets』解説:様々な意味で最初であり、最後でもあったアルバム, ザ・ビートルズ「Lady Madonna」楽曲制作の裏側:「あの曲を作っていて、僕はどういうわけかファッツ・ドミノを思い出した」. Forcefield had quite a pedigree, being a sort of studio group with Ian Gillan was first with his group The Ian Gillan Band. 260 which he has logged, and that's before we even start on those by It was also issued in Japan and most other countries (see the Japanese sleeves here) but incredibly the single was not issued in Britain until after the group had split. "We're not comparing or competing with those artists - we're complementing them," Santana says. peaked at No. Ian Gillan performed the song with the group on American TV in 1973 and this is now on the DVD 'Live In Concert 72/73' (see clip opposite). stage which almost got them banned from playing in Russia due to the hysteria it The first ever live performance of the track is released now as In Concert 1970/72. (For more information on the history of Deep Purple 1968-76 see our Deep Purple family tree). It was indeed, on 'Children Of The Night', produced by Steve Hillage: "When we get out of here we'll make sure you never forget - Dopes On The Water' etc. albums in Darker Than Blue (the less of a household name Peter ディープ・パープルの「Smoke On The Water」は、ハード・ロックを代表する名曲のひとつだ。バンドの面々がスイスのモントルーでレコーディングを行っていたときに近くのカジノが火事で全焼し、それをヒントにしてこの曲ができた……という実話は、若きロック・ファンにとっても必須のトリビアとなっている。しかしこのエピソードが伝説のように広まっている一方で、この曲がチャートでは意外な展開を見せていたことはあまり知られていない。, ディープ・パープルの黄金期と言える第二期メンバー全員が共作したこの曲は、アルバム『Machine Head』に収録され、1972年3月に発表された。しかしこれがアメリカでシングル化されたのはそれから1年以上後のことで、それまでは単なる”アルバムの中の1曲”でしかなかった。さらに驚くべきことに、イギリスではアルバム発表後5年間もシングル化されなかったのである。, イギリスで『Machine Head』からシングル・カットされたのは「Never Before」のみ。これはアルバムと同時に発売されている。この曲がシングルに選ばれたとき、アルバムの中で最も短い曲だった(4分未満)ということが大きな決め手になったはずだ。このシングルは最高35位にまで達している。しかしパープルの代表曲となった他のアルバム収録曲、つまり「Smoke On The Water」や「Highway Star」や「Space Truckin’」は、お昼のメインストリーム・ラジオで流すには長すぎる曲だのだ。, やがてバンド内での対立が深まるなか、契約上アルバムをもう1枚作る必要がでてきた。そうしてできたのが痛烈なアルバム『Who Do We Think We Are』(1973年3月発表)だった。そのあとの段階で、アメリカでの契約先だったワーナー・ブラザーズ・レーベルがシングルを出すことにした。しかし選ばれた曲は新作アルバムの収録曲ではなく、「Smoke On The Water」のライヴ・ヴァージョンとスタジオ・ヴァージョンを編集したものだった。, このシングルは、1973年5月26日のビルボード誌のシングル・チャートで初登場85位を記録。ロック系のラジオだけでなくポップス系のラジオでも人気を集めた。そうして初登場から5週間のうちにトップ20入りを果たし、それからもじりじりと順位を上げて7月下旬には最高4位にまで到達。ディープ・パープル最大のヒット・シングルとなった。これは、南アフリカ、カナダ、オランダ、ドイツ、オーストリアでも大ヒットになっている。, 「Smoke On The Water」がイギリスでシングル化されたのはようやく1977年3月のこと。そのシングルは3曲入りで、この曲は1曲目に収められていた(他の2曲は「Child In Time」と「Woman From Tokyo」)。これは7週間チャート入りし、最高21位を記録。ただしそのころには、「Smoke On The Water」は既にロック史に残る名曲として評価が定まっていた。, 今泉圭姫子連載第24回:再結成し10年ぶりの新作を発売するジョナス・ブラザーズとの想い出, 【インタビュー】ヴァレリー・シンプソンが語るモータウンと「Ain’t No Mountain High Enough」に込めた想い, クイーン+アダム・ランバート、初のライヴアルバムが全英1位。クイーンとして25年ぶり10枚目の快挙, クイーン+アダム・ランバート、ライブ前のヴォーカル・ハーモニーのウォーミングアップ映像を公開, シン・リジィの想い出:フィル・ライノット、ゲイリー・ムーアらとのインタビューを振り返って, ザ・バンド『The Band』解説:“12面にカットされた宝石”と評される名盤を振り返る, U2とエルトン・ジョン、T・レックスの1971年のヒット曲「Bang a Gong (Get it On)」をカヴァー, ビートルズの新ドキュメンタリー映画『The Beatles : Get Back』について現時点で判明している事柄, レゲエのプロテスト・ソング傑作11曲:社会/国/権力/戦争/大麻規制/差別について声を上げた曲たち, ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズのメンバーによる『Appetite For Destruction』発売当時の楽曲解説, オリジナル版挿入曲への愛とリスペクトが漂う仕上がり『メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ』のサントラの魅力とは? by 長谷川町蔵, About Us • Terms of Service • Privacy Policy • © 2019 uDiscoverMusic, U2『All That You Can’t Leave Behind』20周年盤が発売決定。リマスターや初音源化収録のボックスも, ローリング・ストーンズ、ロンドンにフラッグシップストア「RS No. Deep Purple reformed in 1984 and Smoke On The Water was one of the old tracks they had to perform. resist the urge! Smoke On The Water was written and recorded during sessions for Deep Purple's seminal rock album Machine Head in Montreux, Switzerland in December 1971. Do you know the mystery person at Warners who suggested issuing it as a single? Only three clips of the group performing Smoke On The Water live in the seventies are known to exist, including only one by the Mk2 line-up. I doubt anyone can beat this, so we'd better just see if anybody else can come up "Smoke on the Water" is a song written by Zeke Clements and recorded by Red Foley in 1944. it's quite authentic. issued on CD recently and was spotted by Harrie Hendriksen. We will be building a collection of clips for you to listen to over the months. As the smoke drifted across the lake nearby, the sight inspired Roger Glover to jot down the song title Smoke On The Water. Smoke on the water «Smoke on the Water» is known for and recognizable by its central theme, developed by guitarist Ritchie Blackmore. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Smoke_on_the_Water_(Red_Foley_song)&oldid=974045396, Billboard Hot Country Songs number-one singles, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 August 2020, at 19:37. (In a Window Tonight)", peaked at No. The group Radio stations in America picked up on this and it was a huge American hit in early 1973. Sayonara, This has been “Smoke on the Water” was written on a whim, a reaction to an incident that very nearly ended in tragedy, though it would provide Deep Purple with their biggest hit. It is a four-note blues scale melody in G minor, harmonised in parallel fourths. Smoke on the Water Lyrics: We all came out to Montreux / On the Lake Geneva shoreline / To make records with a mobile / We didn't have much time / But Frank Zappa and the Mothers / … We hear a lot from the band, but what about the fans who made this song the monster it was. Jeff Summers. to get a bit of free research (though to be fair the book is crediting versions of Smoke On The Water to the forthcoming book. Tomasz Szmajter, who tells us a local Polish rock group called Test made a self- Smoke On The Water lyrics are vailable in the Machine Head section of our Deep Purple lyrics page. Finally Tommy Bolin played the track during the group's tour of Japan in 1975 and this will be out on the third Archive Collection DVD very soon. Their reunion tour helped them become the biggest grossing live act in America in 1985. early South American hard rock album called (deep breath): May God And "Smoke on the Water" is a song written by Zeke Clements and recorded by Red Foley in 1944. details are sketchy. titled (and only) album that year. did a lot of covers and the CD has seven bonus tracks, including Smoke The patriotic song, which forecasts destruction for the Axis powers, particularly Japan, was Foley's first song to hit No. British Prime Ministers try to play it and staff at musical instrument stores have banned it. You can purchase the CD at the Deep Purple online store. The social history of how the song came to be so popular, and the importance of the track to rock fans worldwide is studied. course) to cover Smoke On The Water on record? Smoke On The Water - the story Smoke On The Water was written and recorded during sessions for Deep Purple's seminal rock album Machine Head in Montreux, Switzerland in … The tracks has been included in just about every show they've played since 1984, and we estimate the group have performed it live over 3,000 times. Harrie has threatened to send me a disc full of MP3s because it sounds so powerful, with vitality and vibrancy. has arisen as Simon draws towards the end of his mammoth book on the The group escaped with everyone else, and watched the hall burn down. Your Will Land You And Your Soul Miles Away From Evil. 1 on the Folk Records charts, spending 13 weeks at the top and a total of 24 weeks on the chart. Clips of Tommy Bolin version, and a new Smoke On The Water montage (put together by Sony in Japan) are available to watch in our video jukebox. The group set up the Rolling Stones Mobile and began recording in another hall, and the first backing track they laid down was the Smoke On The Water riff, before police closed down the session after neighbours complained about the volume. "My delving seemed to suggest that with other early recorded covers of the song. Harrie Hendriksen has contributed his fascinating list of cover but I'm not sure if I dare to accept his kind offer. Thanks Jeff. You can buy the CD at the Deep Purple online store. On The Water. When did you first hear the song and what does it mean to you? they're the first, unless any of you can tell us otherwise!". Smoke On The Water stayed in their live set even after Ian Gillan left the group in 1973 and was sung by David Coverdale. It also sees how the song has become part of the national culture, name checked in news and dramas, as well as comedy shows and even The Simpsons. It was claimed not long afterwards that Smoke On The Water was the second best known song in America after their national anthem. Does it deserve the reputation it now has? 7 on the pop charts. the band or associates. Hooked On Rock, which came out in 1985, and sees a bunch of South Soul, which looks at the personal stories behind a famous rock track. African session musicians called Iron Fist belt through twenty five Deep Purple were watching a Frank Zappa matinee concert in the Montreux Casino concert hall when a flare gun was discharged into the ceiling and started a fire which quickly engulfed and destroyed the venue.

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