Cultivars which are usually derived from Begonia × tuberhybrida are a favourite of gardeners for their bright colours and long flowering season. It may therefore still wise to plant these varieties in a spot protected from strong winds or to attach them to a stake at planting time. To use the website as intended please The first type, grandiflora (large flowered), is then subdivided by flower form; e.g. across (15 cm), from midsummer to frost. Delicately pleated, the bright yellow petals stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves. The tuberous types are grown for their flowers although there are a few varieties and species which have interesting leaves and growth. A lovely trailing Begonia, Begonia boliviensis 'Santa Cruz' produces masses of large, eye-catching, fiery red-orange blossoms held amongst large, arrow-shaped, neatly serrated, green leaves. Most varieties available in garden centers or though catalogs are … Blooming from midsummer to frost, the remarkable blossoms resemble roses with their packed rows of smooth petals. Free-flowering, Begonia 'Hanging Basket Apricot' is a tuberous perennial boasting attractive cascades of extra-large, 2-5 in. Blooming profusely from late spring to frost, they dangle with elegance from arching stems bearing green fleshy leaves adorned with serrated edges. Begonia 'Nonstop Orange' is an indefatigable bloomer continuously producing myriads of magnificent and huge, fully double flowers, up to 4 in. Blooming profusely from late spring to frost, they dangle with elegance from arching stems bearing green fleshy leaves adorned with serrated edges. A wonderful shade loving plant for containers and hanging baskets. Begonia 'Nonstop Fire' is an indefatigable bloomer continuously producing myriads of magnificent and huge, fully double flowers, up to 4 in. across (10 cm), from late spring to frost. Delicately pleated, the soft coral-salmon petals stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves. Of the more than 1,000 species of begonias known to man, the tuberous begonias must be considered the most stunning. It may take up to three months from planting the tuber to full bloom, so tubers should be started indoors at least a month before the last frost date. Resembling roses with their packed rows of deep rose and white petals, its flowers are truly spectacular and do not require deadheading. A favorite among the shade loving plants, this Begonia deserves a spot in your beds, borders, window boxes, containers and hanging baskets and will reward you with constant cheerful notes of summer color! This will ensure more flowers during the summer. Hybrid tuberous begonias include the classic large-flowered begonias used extensively by gardeners. In cooler areas than zones 9-11, dig up the begonia ubers before the first frost and store them dormant in a cool dry place over winter. For a bushier plant, allow all the buds to develop into stems. A favorite among the shade loving plants, this elegant tuberous begonia deserves a spot in your beds, borders, window boxes or containers, where its brilliant blooms will brighten your shaded spaces. Staking is required to ensure these fragile beauties stay upright. They grow well in containers and make a good addition to your houseplant collection. across (10-20 cm), adorned with bright tangerine-orange tips. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The tuberous type of begonia is also very popular around the world as a bedding plant and also as a greenhouse plant. Tuberous begonias are sensitive to cold and should not be put outdoors until the nights are above 50°F. Delicately pleated, the soft pink petals are adorned with white lace at their tips and stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves. Noted for its tolerance to hot and humid weather, Begonia 'Dragon Wing Red' is famed for its lush and attractive, angel-wing shaped, shiny, dark green foliage and its cascades of dangling clusters of scarlet-red flowers. across (12-22 cm), from midsummer to frost. Begonia 'Picotee Lace Pink' is an indefatigable bloomer producing myriads of magnificent and huge, semi-ruffled, double flowers, up to 6 in. Blooming profusely from late spring to frost, they dangle with elegance from arching stems bearing green fleshy leaves adorned with serrated edges. Tuberous begonias bloom throughout the summer, thriving in shady spots where few other plants with long bloom periods and showy flowers can grow. Start tuberous begonias from dormant tubers in winter or spring or you can buy them in the spring as started plants. Many annuals can be wintered over indoors or reseed outdoors providing extra value to their flower power! There are even picotee types that feature contrasting colors on the petal edges. Locations | It is perfect for vertical gardens with its elegant cascades of vivid, elongated flowers resembling fuchsias. Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. Begonia 'Roseform Orange' is an upright, tender perennial adorned with large and magnificent, fully double, brilliant orange flowers, up to 4-8 in. Delicately pleated, the soft pink petals stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves. Blooming from midsummer to frost, the remarkable blossoms resemble roses with their packed rows of smooth petals. Heat and drought tolerant, introduce this Begonia to your containers and hanging baskets and you will be rewarded with brilliant notes of color throughout summer and fall! Male and female flowers are borne separately on the same plant, the male flowers being the showiest. After the tops dry, remove them and store the tubers in dry peat moss in a cool, dark place with temperatures between 35 and 45 degrees F. In late spring, begin the cycle again starting tubers indoors about a month before last frost. A wonderful shade loving plant for containers and hanging baskets. across (12-22 cm), from midsummer to frost. The excellent branching habit of this tuberous begonia results in a superb floral display. Excellent edging plant too! Free-flowering, Begonia 'Hanging Basket Salmon' is a tuberous perennial boasting attractive cascades of extra-large, 2-5 in. In some countries such as England it is the main type grown. Photo: Michèle Bénard. Though they need to be shaded from hot sunlight, they do need some sun to flower best. After leaves turn yellow in fall, tuberous and Bonfire begonias can be stored in a basement or garage for the winter. across (10 cm), from late spring to frost. The same goes for white mildew patches. [5][6] Another species from Peru, B. davisii (named after Walter Davis), was also used in early breeding. Begonia 'Nonstop Rose Petticoat' is an indefatigable bloomer continuously producing myriads of magnificent and huge, fully double flowers, up to 4 in. Staking is required to ensure these fragile beauties stay upright. A favorite among the shade loving plants, this elegant tuberous begonia deserves a spot in your beds, borders, window boxes or containers, where its brilliant blooms will brighten your shaded spaces. Begonia stem rot and mildew are caused by the same fungus. ( Log Out / Your subscription gives you an instant 25% off your entire pottery purchase! If you live in USDA plant hardiness zone 10 and above, you can grow tuberous begonias … Plant the tubers 1” deep in moist growing mix and water sparingly. A favorite of many for its spectacular display, award-winning Begonia 'Bonfire' (Begonia boliviensis) produces masses of vivid, reddish orange blossoms held on bright red stems amongst a delicately pink-edged green foliage. Amazing, fluffy flowers in a wide range of colors; Low maintenance requiring little water and fertilizer; Versatile - great in pots, hanging baskets, window boxes and in ground; Edible flowers ; Easy to overwinter; Unique Begonias. If you’re going to use them as a garnish, be sure the plants have been grown without pesticides or chemicals. Then spray right away with a fungicide. They perform best when grown in a similar environment with high humidity and cool nights. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. Resembling roses with their packed rows of bright yellow petals, its flowers are truly spectacular and do not require deadheading. Delicately pleated, the warm red petals are adorned with white lace at their tips and stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves.
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