the homecoming analysis

because the chance to save their lives has now past. The world famous twenty-one gun salute is also mocked, ?mute salute?, further establishing the worldwide notion of dogs as mans best friend, who unfortunately cannot voice their grief in words. Soldiers are being categorised as ?curly-heads, kinky-hairs, crew-cuts, balding non-coms?, a detached and anonymous image, establishing the idea that class, race or background is no favour in war, further reinforcing the loss of identity. in the way he presents the attitudes of the silent, dead soldiers being flown home from Vietnam. In this way, Dawe has created a poem that is uniquely Australian, presenting issues of global concern and generating universal appeal. ), Sometimes Gladness (p. 95). Although Dawe makes several references to the Vietnam War, the sense of moral outrage at the futile, dehumanising aspects of war is a universal theme. References to the ?knuckled hills? A long analysis of "Homecoming" by Bruce Dawe. Dawe paints a picture that is somber but also tedious and tiresome. and ?desert emptiness? It would further invoke a sense of anticipation for the return of a loved one whom has a real identity and a place in the hearts of those awaiting his arrival. However the poem has universal appeal in that the insensitivity and anonymity accorded to precious lives reduced to body bags are common attitudes towards soldiers in all historical conflicts. Authors The poet employs a device formally called "asyndeton," or the lack of a conjunction where one is expected or required. This suggests that the poet realizes as he speaks that there is in fact no good time to bring the soldiers home, as the soldiers need not have been there in the first place. | Digests As critic John Warner avers, “ The Homecoming is a drama which describes man’s plight in the godless world of science and reason.” Indeed, God is pretty much absent from the text, as are conventional morals or social norms. Dawe uses vivid visual imagery to emphasise the emotional damage caused to friends a family through the loss of a loved one, a deep suffering that is often left unrecorded in the annals of history. [WWW document]. The poet also personifies the homecoming itself, which he describes as "howl[ing]." He can be said to be ?speaking for those who have no means of speaking? Teddy, who looks like the most anodyne character at first, comes to reveal the dearth of value and morality. Here, too, the poet uses carefully chosen adjectives that can be attributed to more than one subject. He likens jets to "whining… hounds." For example, the recipients of the deceased are likely "howling" as well. He describes the soldiers as "curly heads, kinky-hairs, crew-cuts, balding non-coms." The word ?homecoming? Repetition is used effectively to highlight the shocking brutality that has manifested in all wars throughout history.Word choice in ?Homecoming? There are notes of both antithesis and irony in the lines "in mortuary coolness / they're giving them names." ?Telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintering tree? By using the technique of paradox, Dawe makes a final attempt at clarifying international misconception of war as beneficial. It is estimated that 60,000 Australians participated in the war, wherein 3,000 were wounded and over 500 killed. Repeated use of the pronoun ?they?re?, hints at the impersonal relationship between the bodies and their handlers. The poem suggests that there are likely other fallen soldiers whose bodies lay unclaimed, not having been found. | Interact The poem exhibits no regular meter, although it includes several rhetorical devices, including irony, antithesis, anaphora, and simile. The Homecoming begins in the evening of an apparently normal working day. Homecoming. However, the title operates ironically because the ?homecoming? References to green bodies in ?green plastic bags?, shows the lack of individuality. Bruce Dawe’s renowned 1963 poem "Homecoming" is an elegy to the Australian troops who fought in the Vietnam War, in which Australia participated from 1962 to 1972. The ?desert emptiness? not only refers to the vastness of the Australian interior, but also to the empty futility of war. (Ed. By ?speaking for those who have no means of speaking?, Dawe ultimately exposes the brutal hopelessness of soldiers caught up in foreign conflicts and the shocking impact on families.The title ?Homecoming? is used effectively to contrast the traditional universal implications of the word with the shocking reality of dead soldiers flown home from Vietnam to grieving families. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. By establishing irony through the globally understood ritual of homecoming celebration, Dawe generates universal appeal.Through the use of repetition, Dawe establishes the inhuman, machine-like processing of human bodies, a ghastly reality common to all conflicts that use innocent soldiers as cannon fodder. The simile ?whining like hounds? This post-mortem naming process inverts the traditional scene of naming newborns. | Submit It is shocking that ?they?re giving them names? The relation of telegrams to leaves falling from a ?wintering tree? He likens telegrams to "trembling leaves." These ironical couplings of words are thought-provoking and bold, insofar as it imparts motivation and agency to things like "fingers" and the "earth." They are simply anonymous bodies which differ only in physical appearance. With the aid of imagery, Dawe establishes the pointlessness of war, in that of all the men who have ever died in battles shall never see their homelands again.The final line of the poem creates the idea of paradox, further endorsing the notion of senseless life loss, a universal theme. This anonymity is reinforced further by the absence of any specification as to the identity of the repeated "they.". The poem's final line, "they're bringing them home now, too late, too early" also exemplifies a stream-of-consciousness narration.

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