schlitz seller crossword clue

MAO quote: [He said "Learn from the masses, and then teach them"].• 26D. With computers, standard 3-letter designations were required, so we're now stuck with Sep, Jun, and Thu; not even a period, otherwise May would be lopsided.Bolt on a track I first wanted spike, then sprint.Jazz: Good Cryptic, although very easy! The judges and lawyers doing this puzzle probably considered 4D: [Confiscate, legally] to be a gimme, but ESCHEAT is not in my daily parlance.• 57A. eddyB, "I guess that I didn't fawn all over them." “I think,” she said, “you’re really dealing with two questions here: What makes a children’s book good , and what makes a children’s book lit-ra-cha. Always like to see a full name in the grid. but luckily things worked out, and persistence paid off.after all that, i don't have that much to say about the crossword, which was freaking tough. Argyle and all,Great puzzle today. I thought this was a rather easier than most Wednesday offerings but I got caught up in the middle west mostly because I don't like Stephen King novels. [Contra position?] We love us some Botero. Individuals who dislike this blog should just not participate. Ideally, of course, a themeless/freestyle puzzle will be packed with juicy stuff, low on the MARRERs, and full of tricky clues for the ordinary words. Still, I enjoyed the 'college try' learned a few things in the process :)eddyb: are you off your meds??? To fit in a whopping 16 themers (even if they're not terribly long) without marring the fill is an accomplishment. Camo is probably a little more practical on the battlefield, no? My immediate reaction is that I wasn't enquiring into the state of the person's piety or propriety, or indeed that I was suggesting anything naughty at all. His most famous book is “Llamas on the Llano”.122A: [Col. Klink portrayer Klemperer]: WERNER. I also wanted to talk to the Grand people And Teachers. Canadian content!25D: [Diner dish]: HASH. I am awed by the play of light and Flemish art. Obviously, these puzzles also include some difficult proper names, but none were impossible, even if they seemed so at first. I enjoyed one answer: 28A: [Johnny Depp title role] clues ED WOOD, and that movie was a hoot. How can I resist the BLOB/BOOB combo? As remaining amusement, you may wish to check out the "wedding" variety of the answer in Brit-slang.As for your cryptic clue, "Only remaining shoemaker's tool (4)", it's very cute, and we hope not the first (although JC reports an exception for vineyard workers).Here is mine. My favorites were Yahu Netanbibi, Betty Needs a Yoo-Hoo, and Boutros Boutros Yahu.Updated Tuesday morning:Bob Klahn's CrosSynergy/Washington Post puzzle, "Who Needs Friends? are YRS., or years in a prison sentence. Ibuprofin should help with any swelling...take it with a nice cold bottle or 3 of your favorite brew - now that I think of it, that may just increase the swelling, but the Irish will know what to do about that.Seriously, take care!! Eesh.• 25D. Win-win.I had no idea which vowel belonged in the 54A/50D crossing. It's still a nice rural area. WH,Sorry about your fall; it sounds like it could have been a lot worse. Did I actually get another one? I waited with T-CK before committing to the O, so no trap there. This article/obit is also a superb backgrounder on the man who made the words "next week we'll just have to get organized" a household phrase for a while.In the "things-aren't-always-what-they-seem" department: the [Opposite of WSW], of course, is ENE. Well, that'd be HOT ROD. nothing.finally it occurred to me that if i'm looking for a six-letter answer, it probably comes down to finding six different answers and taking one letter from each one. He stands beside...• 73D. Greetings!Interesting effort, Mr. Stewart! i think the huge dumb guy in blazing saddles! Just racking up the quality 1 on 1 time until he has no choice. [Bailiwick] is a cool word that means AREA OF EXPERTISE.• 5D. or "How do you do?". "We interrupt the Talent Competition to bring you these words from..."•41A. I need to use them up. Too many "in"s in the clue. Bring date mixture to a boil; cook until reduced to 2/3 cup(about 5 mins.) I was first thinking of SPINES with an S plural rather than a word with a Latin plural.• 46A. Good morning Argyle, C.C., and friends,When I first saw Brendan Emmett Quigley's name as constructor, I expected a real challenge, but found that perps were my friends today, so was able to complete with no outside help. They are great fun.Cheers! PK, so glad your brother is doing better.Have a great Wednesday, everybody! Loved the triple stacks. means ["Nonsense! MainiacYour already on the computer, why don't you google some of my recipes. Once at a Greek Wedding in Tarpon Springs I drank too much OUZO, was I shikker.Small oyfgabe with the 1D, HALS and 25D KEITH HARING kinstlers.Wanted Dots for the two in 'I' ... okh, it was DITS, easy fix.Game with a discard pile, of course I wanted GIN, but NOOOO, its that game of bkies ... UNO.OK, OK, OK ... that's enough with the Yiddish !! Although the Newsday website has erected a pay wall ($5 per week), the Newsday crossword's still available for free via Stan Newman's site.As with Newsday's site, each day's puzzle comes in online and PDF options (no Across Lite, alas), and you can access the last two weeks' puzzles via pull-down menu. clues an ELEPHANTOM. How do I do this to my bank account?101D: [How can people BE SO heartless? both it and ORATORIES were semi-familiar enough that i was able to sneak them into the grid with only a few crossings.completing the religious trifecta, [Confirmations, e.g.] I was sure one of the perps or more were wrong, but I had no alternate either. Good morning, folks. So I had to stop that very quickly. i didn't love the book. A typical anon might ask, "What is a Woodmizer?"Easy. This one has a real [Zing]/KICK to it!Orange/Amy back on the clock. The only real "Huh?" You and Lois are single-handedly taking down this wonderful blog that CC has nurtured. Some of these cookies will send your data to our advertising partners. I think you would find there exists passion for many noble causes among the group, from Haitian relief, breast cancer awareness, freedom of speech, but this forum is designed to be fun and educational. Nice crossing this with BLESSED BE, or [Wiccan salutation].• 49A, 59A. I enjoyed it and will comment on a few entries...Hans could be one of several. so 6 has something to do with the is a non-exhaustive list of all the false leads i tried (you should see my marked-up paper):MAUMAU/MAUS/AMU. There were many I didn't know, but the clues were clever even if I was not.I was stymied by the TV and song clues as always. SHOE STORE is clued as an [Establishment with many horns]. nothing. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Remember another great ROCK OPERA, "The Wall" by Pink Floyd? I forgot to thank Mr. Morris for a fun Wednesday romp and JZB for a witty write-up. yields up BROOM BOXES. Fall involved?-Fore! SAO is clued as [Neptune moon discovered in '02] and I, for one, do not follow the news about small moons orbiting distant planets. In the end, I just tried to let them know what was wrong by underlining, making suggestions where they wouldn't have been able to guess how to correct their mistakes, and ignoring the correct stuff. 20A & 2D I had a crossing L instead of C. Ilkes/ICKES or Avolet/AVOCET. We want to continue to "see" you here. I will draw as much as I can for as many people as I can for as long as I can. Flachkopfschraube {f} mit Schlitz slotted pan-head screw Kreuzlochschraube {f} mit Schlitz [DIN 404] slotted drilled fillister head screwtech. CEASE AND DESIST [Judge's order to halt].• 57A. clues "NO LIE! I LOVE your comments/answers. Both EONS and EOS, ESSO and ESSE, OTHO and SHO, OTOE and ESTES—those wouldn't be there if they weren't facilitating the four-square corners.There's good fill in here, too. THE TEAM is [Whom one is taken for?]. As I was saying at L.A. Crossword Confidential, I'm partial to grids with four quadrants of stacked, longish answers. [___ Latin] is EMI? Oh, yes—and [Fourth rock from the sun] MARS, too, since it's also known as "the red planet"...As exemplified by NEBBISH, even the opposite of colorful is colorful. We had to proceed into port to have the bad section cut away, and operated without the full bilge keel until the next yard period. ), this was your second chance. Cut pork crosswise into 8 slices; sprinkle with 1/4 tsp. (ALE, ALW, NLE, NLW, etc., etc.—you knew all those additional franchises and league subdivisions had to be good for somethin'...); and for those times when you're not sitting on the couch, there's the GYM [Place to pump iron]. Wikipedia suggests Barbara Guest and Edgar Guest, both American poets, and Harry Guest, a British poet. I don't spend much time in Southeastern swamps.• 37D. Other answers/clues I liked:• PITCHY is [Slightly sharp or flat, as a voice]. SLATE is [Fred Flintstone's boss]. "Axial" because it's in the middle of your body? Some Garden Variety thoughts on todays theme...I was perusing some funny rock garden pics when I came across this amazing rock garden in Chandigarh.I used to play a lot of Call of Duty online, now if only I could get Grandma into it...-------------I neverpromised youa rose garden..-------------Although, the beer garden is coming along nicely... Hello everybody.

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