Des écouvillons provenant de tests COVID-19 effectués dans les pharmacies de l’Ontario sont envoyés à un laboratoire en Californie pour analyse avant d’être renvoyés au Canada, a appris CBC News. ICL est l’entreprise canadienne qui travaille comme courtier entre les sites de collecte, tels que les centres d’évaluation et les pharmacies, et les laboratoires où les tests sont effectués, au Canada et à l’étranger. In the face of a looming environmental collapse, of a permanent crisis of capitalism, and of the upsurge of sectarianism, fundamentalism and the rejection of diversity in many societies and cultures across the globe, it seems obvious that a radical project for social transformation is required to overcome these evils. Icl Memira Trondheim - Akkurat nå Undersøkelse 99 kr - In the years to come, the ICL’s primary objective will be to foster the development of working class struggles around the globe. These can involve unions that are not part of ICL or any other organisations that share our revolutionary aims and our fundamental principles but that are active in a different field than ours. Coronavirus: Let’s not go back to normal! Jusqu’à ce que vous découvriez que vous êtes négatif, votre comportement doit changement, et c’est pourquoi nous devons éliminer cet arriéré. The ICL does not recognise the artificial limits set by the borders of states. Stop union busting and repression! Órgano de expresión de CNT Aranjuez, Celebrada concentración exigiendo el pago del Ingreso Mínimo Vital, La CNT ante la huelga del 9 y 15 de octubre en la enseñanza pública de Cataluña, La manifestazione a Milano nella giornata dello sciopero della scuola, 25 settembre 2020 – Sciopero di tutto il personale della scuola, La truffa in atto con i rinnovi dei contratti della sanità privata: un costo scaricato sulla Sanità Pubblica, mentre i dipendenti dell’Istituto della Sacra Famiglia sono rimasti in “mutande”, 26 settembre 2020 – USI Modena (e non solo) in Festa. Des dizaines de pharmacies ontariennes effectuent des tests depuis le 25 septembre et les échantillons prélevés sont expédiés au laboratoire des maladies infectieuses de Quest Diagnostics dans le sud de la Californie, a déclaré Isaac Gould, PDG d’In Common Labs (ICL). Auteur de la discussion well38; Date de début 28 Juin 2006; W. well38 New Member. In the face of a looming environmental collapse, of a permanent crisis of capitalism, and of the upsurge of sectarianism, fundamentalism and the rejection of diversity in many societies and cultures across the globe, it seems obvious that a radical project for social transformation is required to overcome these evils. « Puis-je renvoyer mes enfants à l’école? UnitedAgainstTheDragon in Mönchengladbach, Eröffnung Gewerkschaftslokal der FAU Leipzig, 15 de octubre. The ICL understands that any development on the international level must be based on sound local foundations in the territories of the respective unions. We are the future! In any case, all member organisations of the ICL have the autonomy to decide what other organisations they will work with, even on an international level. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This video is unavailable. Solidarity with Dragon Group workers spreads across the globe, Dragon Group workers in Bangladesh vow to continue their fight. We welcome all anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions to join us who are willing to be bound by our federative agreement, which is based on our principles and defines minimum standards member organisations adhere to. Nous tendons la main à tout le monde, aux collèges et universités et aux laboratoires du secteur privé» pour régler l’arriéré. Órgano de expresión de CNT Aranjuez, Celebrada concentración exigiendo el pago del Ingreso Mínimo Vital, La CNT ante la huelga del 9 y 15 de octubre en la enseñanza pública de Cataluña, La manifestazione a Milano nella giornata dello sciopero della scuola, 25 settembre 2020 – Sciopero di tutto il personale della scuola, La truffa in atto con i rinnovi dei contratti della sanità privata: un costo scaricato sulla Sanità Pubblica, mentre i dipendenti dell’Istituto della Sacra Famiglia sono rimasti in “mutande”, 26 settembre 2020 – USI Modena (e non solo) in Festa. L’Ontario fait face à un arriéré important de tests de coronavirus au cours de cette deuxième vague de la pandémie. This International aims to be a tool to coordinate this work and to further the growth and expansion of its member organisations and of their initiatives. The ICL’s intention is to contribute to this development, according to our means, from our field of action, which is economic and labour related. Those organisations wishing to join ICL but that have not reached the stage of being a formal union yet, can do so as initiatives. Les Etats-Unis, la Russie et la France condamnent l’escalade de la violence dans la zone de conflit du Karabakh – Public Radio of Armenia, Les sénateurs s’attendent à prendre Byfield ou Stuetzle avec le troisième choix du repêchage de la LNH, Les consultants ont payé un salaire équivalent à 1,5 million de livres sterling pour le travail sur le système de test et de traçabilité, Le match de football LSU-Floride de samedi reporté après le pic de COVID-19, Des niveaux élevés de coronavirus dans les eaux usées d’Ottawa provoquent une alarme, Le FMI exhorte les gouvernements à emprunter pour lutter contre l’impact de Covid-19 | Entreprise, Les vols de vélos à New York augmentent de 27% pendant la pandémie de coronavirus, Le Manitoba établit un autre nouveau record pour les cas quotidiens de coronavirus et voit 2 autres décès mercredi – Winnipeg, Les ministres sous pression pour expliquer les paiements aux consultants après avoir signalé que certains gagnaient 7000 £ par jour sur Test and Trace, NYC recommande des tests mensuels de coronavirus pour de nombreux New Yorkais, Le Nouveau-Brunswick signale 8 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 – Nouveau-Brunswick. Cela vous affecte. Coronavirus: Let’s not go back to normal! Please install/update and activate JNews Instagram plugin. Try again later. Considering the nature of the crisis of civilisation that we face, the ICL acknowledges that these changes can only be carried out by a broader grassroots, non-hierarchical movement. Español (Spanish). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Les agences d’espionnage britanniques exhortent la Chine à repenser une fois la crise de... Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) – Elon Musk sur les allégations selon lesquelles il... La vidéo TikTok propulse Fleetwood Mac Classic dans le top 100. As such, it is foreseen that the ICL and its member organisations will develop a wide range of contacts and working relationships in the near future. We look forward to cooperating with those active in other fields, such as ecologists, feminists, workers’ collectives, squatters and antifascists. Those organisations wishing to join ICL but that have not reached the stage of being a formal union yet, can do so as initiatives. At the same time, organisations that are active in more than one country, for whatever the reason, can also become sections. 28 Juin 2006 #1. 28 Juin 2006 #1. « Nous sommes passés d’une capacité raisonnable à une demande massive. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.
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