home cooked meals vs fast food essays

six years of... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. According to an article that was written by Beth Hoffman for www.forbes.com, Americans eat most of their meals out. She states the facts that eating out is not cheap when considering of the time and gas spent driving back and forth. Don't use plagiarized sources. These days most Americans prefer fast food rather than home-made food, things have changed it was not like this back when I was a child it was totally different. Also it satisfies our children with little happy meals and... ... People are alike in needing food in order to survive, but they differ in choosing the kind of food. (2011, August 11). Most types of fast food have a lot of fat, sugar, or salt in them. Restaurants and many other fast food places have foods that contain high in fat, sugar, and salt. Today everyone is working, so you probably won't find a hot meal in the kitchen every day. (Hood p ... ... does not engage the students. Every year ... meal. ... they really need fast food. Plus, the fact that you are able to spend quality time with family and friends. ... top clean condition. Don’t get me wrong, I like fast food, but it doesn’t come close to a home cooked meal. (Hoffman, 2013). Also having fast food only on special occasions is fine as well. This essay will tell you about the similarities and differences between fast food restaurants and home-cooked meals. Fast food's Nutritional Comparison to Home-cooked Meals Having and growing a personal garden can cut these prices down to fractions that not even fast food can compare to, not to mention more nutritious. Freezing loses 30 percent of food’s Vitamin C and 10 percent of its Potassium. Both fast food and home cooked meals are good things to eat. ...In todays fast pace society it just seems like everyone is always in a hurry. Fast Food Globalization Some people get confused when they hear the word, globalization. Americans have become addicted to the highly-processed, over-salted, and excessively sugared products fast food offers. Both fast food and home cooked food have their differences. 11/19/2012 No one has time to cook at home or to make and bring their lunch to work. Foods that are brought at the grocery store can be similarly contaminated. Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/home-cooked-vs-fast-food/. These days most Americans prefer fast food rather than home-made food, things have changed it was not like this back when I was a child it was totally different. Packing a healthy snack consisting of fruits and sandwiches made at home can Blackburn 3 prevent the craving for fast food while on a road trip. No one has time to cook at home or to make and bring their lunch to work. We all know that fast food sales for a reasonable price. Having a healthy regular diet at home will keep you away from many health problems. This generation has many people of all ages which are becoming more obese simply because they are eating more fast food than home food. Ingredients play a very important role in our eating habits and what our body can take. Fast food may seem more affordable and convenient but a home cooked meal is made with much better quality. Home cook meals provide opportunities and relaxing transition from busy activities. . If a family member has a low iron count, they can cook more red meats and green vegetables. Coming from a single parent home, I was able to do homework at the kitchen table and as my mother helped me, she would also keep a close eye on the stove while preparing meals for me and my sister. The fight between fast food and home cooked meals has always been a part of life of people. Using fresh ingredients, you are more able to control the amount of harmful ingredients used in cooking. Most the additives are not good your body and can give you health issues. Before you decides that home cook meals are time consuming and fast food is more efficient with your time schedule, ask yourself is this budget efficient for your family, what ingredients are going in to your family’s meal and how is it being cooked. Many people prefer eating fast food, while others prefer home cooked meals. The main reason is its low nutrition value. The more food that are being processed, it becomes less nutritious. Their choice may vary according to their culture, country and tradition. This is because of the high calorie, sugar, salt, and fat levels in fast food. Most households are watching their spending on food to cover other expenses. Although there are food chains who advertise “fresh, never frozen”, these companies are not purchasing these “fresh” products from a local, reputable supplier. Many have asked themselves that and everyone knows what the answer is. Home cooked meals may not have a convenient drive-thru, but prepping fresh meats and vegetables the night before can alleviate long prep and cooking times. The same can also be applied to working lives. I personally believe that home food is much superior to fast foods. America’s children are known to be obese and it is not because of the fast food... ...June 2013 This is just a sample. The more food that are being processed, it becomes less nutritious. Cooking for your family on a busy schedule night might be a typical answer you may have for yourself, but at least you know where and how your food was cooked on. Scholars Get Your Custom Essay Unfortunately, my family's eating habits are not the same as those of the typical American family. Spending the daily food allowance might be a smart way of saving on that particular part of the budget depending on what part of the menu one is buying from. An example of this is the artificial sweetener that is put in diet sodas. Even though it is low in sugar or has no sugar added to it, but in the long wrong, this ingredient, aspartame can cause weight gain and other deadly disease. Third reason mention by Hoffman is food you cook is a lot healthier. It was a reward for a tough week at school. It is less expensive to cook your own meal at home is the second reason Hoffman states in her article. The main temptation to indulge in fast food is its convenience, especially during a busy work day or long road trips. Are you tried at the end of your workday?

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