health insurance netherlands expats

Thanks for this very informative article. For instance, you can chose to add alternative medicine, physiotherapy or dental care. I remember not having a clue what I was doing, and all of the information seemed to be all over the place and not in one single place. Here you will find everything you need to know about the Dutch medical system. Something similar happens with the pharmacy: your GP will request your medicines to a given pharmacy. Am I able to buy health insurance now (and am I required to) or do I have to wait until my permanent registration? Applying for health insurance is relatively easy. There are many different health insurance providers in the Netherlands – around 60 to be precise. If you don’t want a special package, this insurance is one of the best available: for 107€ premium you have own-risk cover. Expats that are not employed in The Netherlands and do not have a partner that is employed in The Netherlands in some cases do have to take out the Dutch public health Insurance. If you’re looking for the most suitable Dutch health insurance, you’ve come to the right place! Yes (most likely), is the short answer. ), Do they cover a wide range of hospitals for emergency care, If they cover you for what you need (or may need). It is mandatory to have some form of health insurancein the Netherlands to access Dutch healthcare services. Deductibles or excess (in The Netherlands called ‘Eigen Risico’) is the amount you will have to pay yourself before receiving reimbursement from the health care provider. Is there a possibility that our email has gone to your spam folder. If you are dissatisfied with the website or any content or materials on it, your sole exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the website. Once they reach the big wide and scary world of adulthood, they’re going to need their own insurance. Therefore, health care insurance is mandatory for all residents in the Netherlands that are subject to Dutch social security law. Premiums are paid directly by each person to the chosen health insurance company. You have to register in your GP (home doctor) before you can go, and often you get assigned the closest doctor to your home. Short-term medical care, for example, consulting a GP, hospital treatments, medication, certain therapies and mental care, Long-term medical care for elderly, people with disabilities or chronically diseased, Supplementary health care, for instance, physiotherapy, dental care and alternative medications/treatments, Health care provided by (non-) physician specialists, Physiotherapy for people with chronic diseases/conditions, Basic dental care (under the age of eighteen), Emergency medical care abroad up to the Dutch tariffs. Beware that dental insurances may cover 100% of some treatments (filling) while only 75% of others (implant). There is an interesting insurance option which is only available for expats. Besides a compulsory deductible of 385,- euros, one can also choose for a voluntary excess (deductible/ ‘Eigen Risico’). The Basisverzekering generally covers (a part of) care by general practitioners, specialists and midwives, hospital care and medicines. The basic health insurance can be expanded by selecting a supplemental health insurance. If you are interested in comparing health insurances, do it from this link. Yes, you always need health insurance in the Netherlands anyways – but the good news is that a visit to the doctor in the Netherlands  (‘huisarts’) won’t come out of your own-risk budget. Compare health insurance plans in The Netherlands. You then can have optional ‘add-ons’ to your healthcare packages in order to meet your needs (the ‘aanvullende verzekeringen’). If in 1 month you did not obey, you get another warning and the fine. Hurry up and join us all – I promise you won’t regret it. Beyond being a reliable and well-known company, it may also have the largest variety of personalized plans for you to choose from. Just call us, we will help you find the best insurance. Check our guide for information about mandatory health insurance for students. To get a free quote and more information about expat health insurance in the Netherlands, please complete the form below. So if this applies to you, then here is what you have to do. International students that do not have a (part-time) working contract in The Netherlands besides their study cannot take out the public health Insurance. Foreigners moving to the Netherlands will be assured to hear the Dutch healthcare systemis ranked as the second best in Europe (behind only Switzerland) in the Euro Health Consumer Index. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. An international health insurance or travel insurance is not recognised as a valid Dutch health insurance. They will contact the CAK about this. These costs fill in the ‘expenses’ bucket (own-risk). The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. I figured you’re here because you want to get your head around how health insurance works in the Netherlands. Although the content or coverage of the standard package (Basisverzekering) is everywhere exactly the same, the premium that health insurance providers ask may vary. Want your business to reach an unrivalled expat and international audience? Suitable for expats and students working in Holland. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. And finally, you get another fine and forceful registration in a basic Dutch health insurance. Non-employed expat insurances In other words, the choice of health care providers is generally lower compared to the regular naturapolis. It is for otherwise healthy individuals who don’t need any specific and specialist treatment (then you pay another affordable fee on top for these services, it’s called ‘aanvullende verzekering’). The maximum amount of healthcare allowance you can be entitled to is €94 per month. Of course, the higher the premium you pay the higher the coverage. LoonZorg offers an unique ‘No Risk’ policy package to expats with, by far, the lowest possible premium for the Basisverzekering without having a compulsory excess/deductible/’verplicht Eigen Risico’! The life expectancy of the average Dutch citizen is among the highest in the world. ), then you will get another fine, for the exact same amount – €386,49. The basic Dutch health insurance covers essential medical care, such as: Although 'basic' may suggest otherwise, the basic health insurance cover is already quite substantial. If you’re not working for whatever reason, or your wages are just not making ends meet, then the government understands this. We have a guide for […], […] some health insurance right away (unless you’re only here temporarily – check out our article if you’re unsure). This has become a bit of a grey area though…. Health insurance companies sign contracts with healthcare providers, such as hospitals, clinics and therapists. © 2020, All rights Reserved And trust me, it does happen as one of our editors ended up receiving one when she didn’t realise she had to change after working as a student. This means that your health insurance as a student is affordable. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The basic health insurance covers any normal medical procedure. Generally, no. In Netherlands the health system is a bit weird at the beginning. Beware that still some costs may be in the tables, and if you go to a given specialist the cost may not be fully refunded, regardless if you have coverage. U will receive a confirmation about your family's insurance status from the CAK and/or your current insurance company. LOONZORG, SPECIALISTS IN Normally it doesn’t – that’s a short answer we know – here you can read tons of stuff about dental insurance in the Netherlands. This, however, is not the same as the annual premium paid because that differs from person to person and there’s also a thing called healthcare allowance in the Netherlands (aka zorgtoeslag). To get Dutch health insurance if you’re an international, you must be living in the Netherlands. The expenses bucket has a limit that you should pay yourself, called ‘eigen risico’ (own risk). In 2018, basic health insurance in the Netherlands would cost 1,378 euros per year per person on average. As an expat in the Netherlands, it is essential to be prepared for health emergencies for you and your family. Dutch health insurance. Before we get too big-headed, have we missed anything? The Dutch government offers financial assistance to anyone whose income is below a certain level in the Netherlands. While you’re here, have you joined our DutchReview Facebook group yet? KvK: 64810372, 3.4 Insurance companies and healthcare providers, You have a (part-time) job and/or pay income tax in The Netherlands, You are over 30 years old and your stay in The Netherlands is not temporary. EHIC card from my country to cover expenses during my stay in the Netherlands, until I began working. Je antwoord niet gevonden? Children under the age of 18 have to be insured as well but they do not pay a premium. Just turn up to your local huisarts and ask if they are taking on any new patients. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017. Policy holders with a ‘naturapolis’ may choose from a wide range of contracted hospitals and clinics. Usually most healthcare providers have a standing agreement with the insurer. If you ignore this and still don’t, then you will be issued with a fine of €386,49 (may vary after 2018). Now I’ve delivered the good news, let’s get started on all you need to know about health insurance in the Netherlands – it’s gonna be a long one, prepare yourselves. Here are just a few of the main providers to get you started: …And there’s plenty more where that came from! Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. You can do a short test to find out whether you are insured under the Dutch Wlz (Wet langdurige zorg) scheme and must take Dutch health insurance. Thank us at DutchReview for that. They are that: Here’s a table guide, so you can work out on estimate how much Dutch healthcare allowance you will receive. Well, luckily for you, DutchReview has come to the rescue. Did you know that LoonZorg offers the best priced Health Insurance package in The Netherlands? If you have found material on this website which is copyrighted by others, please contact the webmaster on this matter in order to have it removed. Not having a valid health insurance is not accepted and you will be warned and fined. This lowers the monthly premium about 15 tot 25 euro depending on the insurance company. When I first moved to the Netherlands, I was only planning on staying for a few months, so I was able to use my (free!) By continuing to browse our site, you are agreeing to our cookie policy. These days it is hard to compare the premiums of health insurance providers because health insurance providers offer the Basisverzekering with different deductibles. Of course, to know for sure how much you’ll get, you’ll have to apply on the government website and they will inform you. This also goes for temporary stays. Which again differs if you get it and how much on the basis of your income. The main difference with the basic insurance, is that to use these packages you do not have to go through the GP and the costs are not going to the own risk. The Complete Guide to Getting Health Insurance in the Netherlands, healthcare allowance in the Netherlands (aka zorgtoeslag), No space for your bike? Dutch are quite insurance-prone, and you have a myriad of different extra packages to choose from. See, it’s not that difficult once you know how is it! I entered NL a few months ago and registered on a short-term BSN. The city is looking at a brand new health insurance policy – DutchReview, Mental Healthcare in the Netherlands: All you need to know – DutchReview, Women's Healthcare in the Netherlands: The Complete Guide – DutchReview, Masks remain optional in Netherlands as government waits for legislation, Afrikaans and Dutch: the differences and similarities, Terminal children aged 1-12 could become eligible for active life termination, And you must have Dutch healthcare insurance, You (and your tax partner) must be a Dutch national or have a legal residence permit (and have a BSN), And you have not earned more than €28,720 on your own, You have not earned more than €35,996 jointly, if you have a tax partner, And you must not have assets greater than €113,415 on your own, You must not have joint assets greater than €143,415 if you have a tax partner, If you want any additional insurances (and do you need them?

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