sues Melania Trump's ex-friend over tell-all book, UH vaccine could make you immune to COVID-19, experiments show. These maps are generated for the purpose of delineating Harris County voting precinct boundaries. Since then, ultrasound technology has advanced to the point that mothers can now see their unborn child with such clarity that the answer to the question “when does life begin?” is obvious to anyone with eyes. Harris County now allows voters to cast their ballot at any polling place across the county. Every election we’re so grateful to be able to provide our Voters Guide to the community. Therefore, as his followers, Christians must be people who are committed to human life at its, Harris County and Fort Bend County Christian Voter’s Guide. Katy Christian Magazine and Fort Bend Christian Magazine have been producing a Christian Voters’ Guide for almost 15 years. Christian Voters’ Guide- Harris County, Texas, Christian Voters’ Guide- Fort Bend County, Texas, Download your Fort Bent County Voters’ Guide HERE. Editorial: Kim Ogg for Harris County District Attorney Her efforts to balance public safety with criminal justice reform make her a strong choice for voters. All told, there has been well over 60 million abortions in the U.S. since Jan. 22, 1973, when Roe vs Wade disastrously was decided on bad science and worse law. Contact him at Registered voters in Harris County can cast their ballots at any of the more than 350 polling locations within the county on Election Day. We need to make a stand for life. Though there was never a moral or Biblical question about it – there was a time when the science concerning abortion was unsettled. Español . Period. When I say that God is pro-life, I mean that he is for humans flourishing at every level. There is still time to apply to vote by mail. That infamous decision was based in large part on the idea that science could not prove when life began. Make no mistake – God is certainly against abortion. The League of Women Voters is proud to be nonpartisan. Though you’re likely to hear that Americans are fairly evenly divided on the idea of abortion, and that politicians who oppose it are “radical” or “outside the mainstream,” according to recent polls, 71 percent of Americans support banning abortion after the first trimester and a whopping 86 percent support banning it after the second trimester. The following national, state and local candidates will be on the ballot for Harris County voters for the Nov. 3 election. Previous Article Why Harris County … The following national, state and local candidates will be on the ballot for Harris County voters for the Nov. 3 election. VOTE all the way down the ballot! was decided on bad science and worse law. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the information contained on this map is accurate, no warranty is given that the information is free from error or omission. Register. The main factor we consider when endorsing, candidate is their stance on life. Couple ultrasound with our new-found understanding of genes, and there is no longer any question scientifically. Christian Voters’ Guide- Harris County, Texas. Vote by Mail applications must be received by your county elections officials - not postmarked - by July 2, 2020. That infamous decision was based in large part on the idea that science could not prove when life began. Download your Fort Bent County Voters’ Guide HERE. But it is much, much bigger than that. They launched a new interactive map on which you can check wait times and locations. We take that issue very seriously as should anyone, Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost, you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” To the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “Before I formed you in the, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you…” (Jeremiah 1:4-5), , consider Proverbs 6:17, which tells us that God hates “hands that shed innocent blood.”, million abortions in the U.S. since Jan. 22, 1973, when. The League never supports or opposes political candidates or political parties. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy, Katy Christian Magazine and Fort Bend Christian Magazine have been producing a Christian Voters’ Guide for almost 15 years. Download your Harris County Guide HERE Christian Voters’ Guide- Fort Bend County, Texas. Early voting locations have been announced for Harris County. And shed innocent blood we have. I was saddened to see a Facebook page, “Evangelicals for Biden.” I do not know how anyone who claims to be a Christian can look away when every year there are over one million innocent babies aborted in the United States alone. This is why throughout history, Christians have been (and are still) at the forefront of ministering to “the least of these:” from abolishing slavery to fighting for civil rights and against modern-day human trafficking, to visiting prisons to caring for AIDS patients and their orphans – Christians are unashamedly and demonstrably pro-life. Our Voter’s guides results are similar to how conservative Harris County voters tend to vote in each election. Joseph Menslage. Establishing the number of early voting locations in Harris County and schedule of voting hours (subject to approval by Commissioners Court); Securing Election Day polling locations (subject to approval by Commissioners Court); Joseph Menslage is the Publisher of Katy Christian Magazine and Fort Bend Christian Magazine. Polls are typically open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. through Oct. 30, but hours may differ based on the day. So, God (along with an increasing number of Americans) is opposed to abortion. Clerk explains how mail-in ballots will be counted, Friendswood woman expecting mail-in ballot gets sample instead, Court dismisses Texas GOP lawsuit against drive-thru voting, Harris Co. shatters record for first day of early voting in US, 'Miserable' Astros' scandal brought up during SCOTUS hearing, Massive fire destroys Katy apartment construction site, Dark smoke from plant flare hangs over Houston, Why college students should fill out the FAFSA immediately, Missing south Texas 17-year-old believed to be in grave danger, Here's what TxDOT says about putting parts of I-45 underground, REOPENING TEXAS: Bars allowed to open across SE Texas, Justice Dept. The statistics are staggering. The filing deadline for this election was December 9, 2019. Candidates and races are listed in the order in which they will appear on the official ballot published by the Harris County Clerk. Our site uses cookies. Joseph Menslage is the Publisher of Katy Christian Magazine and Fort Bend Christian Magazine. Contact him at Harris Co. For those who prefer to read a print version of the Voters Guide, there is a copy of the Texas League's Voters Guide on the LWVTX website. Compare candidates, find what's on your ballot, build a sample ballot and print your selections. Voter Precinct Street Guide. Copyright © 2020 Katy Christian Magazine. Harris County, Texas, is holding general elections for sheriff, county court at law, county attorney, county department of education, district attorney, tax assessor-collector, commissioners, justice of the peace, constable, and multiple judgeships on November 3, 2020.A primary was scheduled for March 3, 2020. And, though you never would know it by listening to or reading from our so-called “mainstream media,” more and more Americans are agreeing with him. We take that issue very seriously as should anyone who claims to be a Christian. The League of Women Voters of Houston Voters Guide is your nonpartisan source for national, state and local election information to help you prepare to head to the polls. Ahead of the Nov. 3 general election, here is a roundup of everything Harris County voters need to know before heading to the polls. CCHC PAC is basically self-funded, collecting donations from … Spanish. Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” To the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you…” (Jeremiah 1:4-5), If you still have doubt, consider Proverbs 6:17, which tells us that God hates “hands that shed innocent blood.”. All Rights Reserved. Life begins at conception. Volunteer Get a Yard Sign Track Your Ballot Vote By Mail Info. Creating the ballot for county, state and federal elections in a manner provided by the state law. Do not think God will let this go unpunished. 2020 is a critical year and we are working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot this November, flip the House and Senate, and elect a Democratic President! Election Day Polls and View Voter Specific Ballot Just like during Early Voting, voters are no longer restricted to an assigned polling location and may choose from 800+ polling locations across Harris County. Therefore, as his followers, Christians must be people who are committed to human life at its fullest and people deeply pained by human life at its worst. If "SOR Required" is displayed, you will need to complete a Statement of Residency form at … Every effort has been made to provide the most complete, current and accurate information across all Voters Guide platforms; however, Court decisions and other circumstances may change election procedures and processes. The main factor we consider when endorsing any candidate is their stance on life. Texas Counties Delivers provides a short video explanation of county elected offices. By The Editorial Board ), Jesus said in John 10:10, “A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life – life in all its fullness.”. Volunteer. Each year, there are well over a million abortions in America (about one every 8 seconds of every day during “business” hours….So in the time it takes you to read this article, more than 30 babies will have been killed). More Voters Guide Information. (After all, remember, he invented it!
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