famous vegetarian scientists

He was also a committed vegetarian, arguing the principle of ahimsashould be applied to animals. Because of my recent conversion, I was particularly interested to find this list of the world’s most incredible scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, who are all vegetarians: 1. In fact, all of them wrote extensively about the importance of being a vegetarian. In addition, Srinivasa The ribs made the connection between the meat and the animal from which it came direct; I was horrified and declared I’d never eat meat again. Rosa Parks (1913-2005) – Civil rights activist. Copyright © 2020 Waylon H. Lewis Enterprises. prowess, Witten is similar to Einstein in that he is a vegetarian living beings, we are still savages.”, Another eminent vegetarian was Albert Einstein A famous animal lover, Silverstone has been vegan since 1998, when she was 21. in its beauty.” And on the day he became a vegetarian, Einstein Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the 20th century, widely regarded as one of the most ingenious men of all time. Surprised? Tagore was a vegetarian. He used civil disobedience, including such tactics as fasting and passive resistance, to work for freedom for his people. Many famous people define themselves as "mostly vegetarians," which means they only occasionally eat meat. He was one of its great champions and most prolific writers. His dietetic ideas were also published in "The Miracle of Life" in 1904. of physics,” and Leonardo Da Vinci, a part-time physicist who 6. "that man suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity - that of sympathy and pity toward living creatures like himself - and by violating his own feelings becomes cruel." I had to get away from that. He felt that people should be ashamed to "mingle murder and blood with (nature's) beneficent fruits. A key principle of Jainism is non-violence and Jains go out of their way to avoid hurting other sentient beings, even insects. His many books include The Castle , The Trial , and The Great Wall of China . Vegetarianism means the avoidance of animal products such as meat, fish, and chicken. “I was not vegetarian till about five decades ago, but when I saw hens being abused on an animal farm, I decided to become vegetarian,” He has also encouraged others to become vegetarian for health and compassionate reasons. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory but a well-demonstrated fact. Many races living almost On vegetarianism, he said: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”, “Our task must be to [widen] our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”. There are about 2 million Adventists throughout the world, with about a quarter of them living in the United States. All of them were also ardent defenders of animal rights. Shmuel Yosef Agnon is a central figure in modern Hebrew fiction. He was a very strong opponent of vivisection, calling it. The Buddha had a vegetarian diet. Franklin wrote in his autobiography that he became a vegetarian when he was 16 years old. Religion and health are the two most common reasons people turn to vegetarianism; however, many important historical figures have been vegetarians due to ethics or environmental concerns. Though he rebelled against vegetarianism for a short time in his youth, his reading of Henry Salt's Plea for Vegetarianism , a book that he discovered by accident, made him a dedicated vegetarian by choice. His novels have been translated into many languages and have been adapted for movies, plays, and operas. Thomas Edison, considered one of  the greatest inventors in history. a similar note he stated, “Our task must be to [widen] our circle Moreover, they’re often people willing to sacrifice their own pleasures in pursuit of what they believe is right. without fish, but am feeling quite well this way. Or are Geniuses Vegetarians? He frequently included vegetarian themes in his stories. Pythagoras led a secret mystical school. vegetarianism, Tesla wrote: On general principles the raising of cattle We know about Pythagoras' vegetarian views primarily through "The Metamorphoses", the epic poem by the Roman writer, Ovid . The Life-Changing Documentary That Inspired My Plant-Based Journey, The 11 Best Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss, The 5 Best Earbuds for Cardio (Under $50). He made great innovations relating to A.C. current. must be destructive to our morals.

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