- Bulletin Board Your computer science classes are going to be WAAAAAAAAAY closer to Delaware than O-Hall. Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday Mailing address: Office of Residence Education and Programs Room 3C10, Ontario Hall Western University 230 Sarnia Road London, ON N6G 0N2 - Dresser/Bureau Full Name: Dental Sciences Building Abbreviation: DSB. Delaware Hall was Deborah Coward-Bates' home for her first year at Western. Emma Anderson – Essex Hall University Residences| Canada | Ontario | London | University of Western Ontario | Delaware Hall |. It really comes down to what type of person you are/what you're looking for in a residence. It is computer translation and is provided for general information only and should not be regarded as complete or accurate. google_ad_client = "pub-9569382613408432"; Delaware is louder and more social than O-Hall, but has half the people and isn't as close to other residences like O-Hall is. Summer Hours. Please select a County/Region . Definitely Delaware. London, Ontario - Recycling It came from the quiet dedication of front desk, hospitality and caretaking staff who turned the 'X' into a home for hundreds of incoming students each year," said Stephanie Hayne Beatty, Residence Manager, Delaware Hall 2003-04. DHSS Town Hall Meeting. The Formal Lounge with grand piano was something I could not believe was a residence amenity. All three residences—including Delaware, which you seem concerned about—have a great social atmosphere, but less so in hybrid/suite style residences (Ontario, Perth, etc.). Monday to Friday, Mailing address: 8:30am - 4:30 pm "1W specifically was where I lived, and along with our sister wing 1S, we all became very close that year. The Western Delaware are sometimes called "the absentee," in reference to a split from the larger group in 1789 while in Indiana and to another split in the early 1830s while in Kansas. Delaware’s unique aerial shape as an “X” marks the spot in the heart of the Western campus! Applying: Residence Application It really comes down to how well everyone gets along. As Delaware Hall residence at Western is experiencing its 50th year in existence (same age as the Super Bowl, born in 1966), the Alumni Gazette caught up with a few former staff and residents for their reflections. It came from the passion and energy of Sophs who kept the Deli spirit alive long past O-Week. Congratulations Deli on turning 50 and getting a facelift," said Coward-Bates. It came from many places - from the care and commitment of Residence Advisors and Dons who made sure students were safe and connected. This desk is the perfect mix of culture, colour and style. The main campus is located on 455 hectares (1,120 acres) of land, surrounded by residential neighbourhoods and the Thames River bisecting the campus's eastern portion. google_ad_slot = "8346907268"; It was a year that led to amazing friendships, silly memories, incredible experiences, and ultimately a wonderful Western degree," said Coward-Bates, BA'96, Dpl'99, BA'99, Dpl'05, Director of Administration, Student Experience. Room Layout | Type: Dormitory, Contact and Applying Yeah, they're both relatively new but I'm just unsure about the lifestyle in Delaware as there isn't much reputation unlike Med Syd and Saugeen being really party heavy. The University of Western Ontario (UWO), corporately branded as Western University as of 2012 and commonly shortened to Western, is a public research university in London, Ontario, Canada. Details like number of rooms, gender, residence type, family status, room and building amenities, meal plans and whether the residence is provided furnished. 15. Profile of Delaware Hall, residence/accomodations, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Residence Location We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Search for DE homes, townhouses, apartments or commercial real estate for . Having lived in all three traditional residences, I would have to say that the community is really great in all three, although Med-Syd and Delaware have more of a building-wide community whereas Saugeen seemed more free for all. Suite Amenities | Exercise Room: All guests are welcome to use our in-house exercise room, outfitted with a basic selection of fitness equipment. Whether our friendship solidified due to my first experience with a coed bathroom, or the United Way Bake Sale we coordinated using the Delaware Kitchen, or the Deli Formal Ball, or all the small experiences in between, it is a global friendship that I know will last a lifetime.". Homes for Sale in Delaware Search DE Homes for Sale and Real Estate Listings . 14. It perfectly encompasses every aspect of life at Western and creates a space of her very own. Elborn College. "1W specifically was where I lived, and along with our sister wing 1S, we all became very close that year. Breaking Recruiting News. "I had worked in, and visited residences at other universities but this was the first one that had its own self-contained dining room. Conference Services at Westernhas everything you need to get started! - Lamp Front Desk Customer Service is provided based on the needs of the conference. The Residence Manager is a full-time, live in professional who oversees all aspects of residence life within the residence building. Nonetheless traditional is best for rez experience! Delaware Hall Residence. We are not officially affiliated with the University and Western is not responsible for the content of this subreddit, Press J to jump to the feed. Fax: 519.661.3687, Office Hours: Regular Hours. - Waste Basket,