curtin university, perth staff

Curtin acknowledges the Nyungar people as the traditional owners of the land on which Curtin Perth is sited and a Welcome to Country is performed at all major Curtin public events. Used wipes can be placed in the nearest bin. In the workplace, practicing good hygiene is the best defence against most viruses: wash your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet; avoid contact with others (including touching, kissing and hugging); and. Phase 5, which will effectively remove all of the current COVID-19 restrictions apart from interstate and international border closures, is tentatively scheduled to start on 24 October. get tested if you have a fever, cough or sore throat. If you are affected by the travel bans, please let your line manager know. Information is available on the Staff Portal to help ensure a safe and coordinated transition back to the workplace. Curtin is committed to being as flexible as possible to assist our students as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please direct any enquiries from students (whether UG, PG and HDR, international or domestic) concerned about the impact of these measures, including those experiencing significant hardship, concerned about access to computing equipment or financial pressures etc. Curtin will provide whatever assistance we can to support you through this process which includes the following: If any managers need advice on how to support their staff, please contact the Assure Manager Support Program on 1800 505 015. Please email While the State Government is progressively relaxing its COVID-19 restrictions, it is urging Western Australians to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres wherever possible to better protect themselves and the general health of the community. Student Services (Education): WA is now in Phase 4 of the roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions. Watch our traditional Aboriginal welcome, Mini-3D underwater stereoscopic video camera, Compact underwater stereoscopic video camera, Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST). Additional cleaning resources such as hand sanitiser and cleaning wipes will be provided to assist with this. As with staff, students are being encouraged to keep at least an arm’s length distance between themselves and others in both learning and social settings on campus. If this is exhausted then you can book up to 14 days of personal leave in advance of accrual and if this is also exhausted Curtin will provide up to 10 days of Special Personal Leave. owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Professional membership and accreditation, School of Design and the Built Environment, Non-academic entry requirement: Qualtrics questionnaire, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Industry partnerships and professional experience, Professional Learning Hub Discipline Experts, Accreditation, accountability and reporting, Miss Olivia Coombe, Professional Experience Officer (OUA), Miss Kathleen Minutillo, Student Services Officer. To stay up-to-date with essential COVID-19 staff information, read the latest VC’s communications on the Staff Portal. If you would like counselling support, please contact Assure to book a. The University of Sydney has joined Perth's Curtin University in announcing widespread staff redundancies, as the impact of the drop in international students continues to spread across the sector. Curtin would like to pay respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields. Curtin University said the collapse happened at a building that was under construction by property group Lendlease. Email for support. If you are unable to work from home, then book Personal/Carers leave in the Employee Kiosk. Most campus services are now open again, including Curtin Connect, the Curtin Stadium, the Curtin physiotherapy clinics, the John Curtin Gallery, Curtin childcare and the Mushalla. If students are unable to visit Curtin Connect in person, they contact staff by phone (1300 222 888), book a virtual appointment or complete an online enquiry form. Email Pieter Pottas at for support. These can be added to Leganto reading lists in the usual way. Staff need to maintain good personal hygiene and share responsibility for keeping work areas clean, as per the Curtin hygiene guide. TEQSA: PRV12158 cough and sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Rooms will be professionally cleaned each evening but it is important to wipe down surfaces at the start of each class. Many textbooks are already available in digital format, which can be accessed via the Library catalogue. The TL Robertson Library on the Perth Campus is open 24/7 via swipe card access and the WA School of Mines Library at the Kalgoorlie Campus is also open every day from 6am via swipe card access. Students can also access the Australian Government’s Services Australia website to check their eligibility for support payments. to Curtin Connect in the first instance. Yes, face-to-face business meetings can be held on campus, but the signage indicating occupancy limits for meeting rooms must be observed and staff should continue to keep a safe distance between themselves and others while in meetings. If additional supplies are needed, call extension 2020 or email There is no limit on the amount of accrued Personal Leave staff can access to care for children or other family members. Curtin University would like to pay our respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, … ABN: 99 143 842 569 Updates on Curtin’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be provided on this website throughout Semester 2. If you are unable to work, you may book accrued personal leave. In relation to assessment extensions, self-certification for medically-related assessment extensions will now be permitted for a period of up to five days and students will need to provide a medical certificate for any periods longer than that (unless they are in a situation where they are unable to access medical services). This requires face-to-face classes to be blended with some online learning to help the University to observe room occupancy limits. CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J Curtin University would like to pay our respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, … change and wash tea-towels and hand towels regularly, be considerate of others; leave the area tidy and wipe down surfaces, clean shelves in refrigerator if spills occur, if placing bags or other objects on the floor, keep them away from foot traffic areas. We have campuses in Western Australia, Dubai, Malaysia, Mauritius and Singapore. Students should check the Australian Government’s Services Australia website to check their eligibility for COVID-19 related support payments. For counselling services email Under Phase 4 guidelines, the two square metre rule determines how many people can safely occupy different sized spaces. Students can also continue to access Curtin’s free and/or discounted software at If you feel well enough, you may work from home. Financial support bursaries may also be available from Curtin to assist students experiencing significant hardship with essential living study expenses, such as internet costs.

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