You can host daily or weekly status meetings in person, through teleconferences, or on the web... and they don't have to exceed 10 minutes. Go the virtual route and encourage discussion forums on your intranet where employees can share concerns, whether it’s a trivial or major topic. Good communication is an important skill in any environment with human interactions. ESTABLISH AND DRIVE METRICS. The best way to serve as a model leader and improve communication is by constantly taking self-inventory and reassessing your own internal communication strategy. Suggest a local coffee shop where your team can work or introduce periodic work-from-home Fridays. The more you can check in on teams about their tasks and current projects, the better. Communication in the workplace will greatly improve if your department that handles internal concerns and policies is trusted by everyone. We have a saying here at Axero Solutions: "If you have a question, ask. How do you get employees to work together? < h3 class="p1">5. Whether it’s a merger, a branch office closing, or some other significant change. Post a small announcement on your intranet homepage or host a company lunch-in. Sometimes this message is best delivered by a CEO, and other times by another leadership person. You’ll find people will open up when you take an interest in their lives. Rigid environments do not benefit anyone. If you want strong communication, you need to communicate when it matters most, like during organizational change. Humans by nature are social creatures and mingling is an essential aspect of relationship-building. It’s also not just about mitigating conflict or creating a more positive team environment. Open door policies, stay interviews, and company outings are great tactics to improve communication, but if your energy is cold, these efforts might fall flat. Many management development approaches fail to distinguish between the two or suggest that there are only minor differences between the two leadership styles. This is an easy way to ask direct questions and all the information can be logged automatically. No matter the job, document management and knowledge sharing are vital to everyday tasks and your employees need to find files, spreadsheets, and answers, easily. Using a CRM platform is a great way to track tickets or inquiries, which will accelerate turnaround time for customer support. Send a survey asking your employees how they like to receive internal information. When your employees are trained to communicate more effectively and to connect with others they can better: Employee engagement is a significant factor in the productivity of a workforce. First, it acknowledges and rewards good behavior. Encourage teamwork with collaboration tools that boosts productivity. All Rights Reserved. See what is truly possible with Communifire's modern, flexible intranet solution. < h3 class="p1">8. It’s a big change, full of great challenges, potential, and... by Dave Boizelle Leadership & Employee Development The secret of leader-led development and how to make it work for your organization For a lot of companies, training and development has become that one week out of the year where employees... by Patrick Bosworth How to Find the Best Managers to Hire or Promote Patrick Bosworth, CEO and Founder of Leadership Choice, recently published this article in CEO World Magazine.
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