60.000 0 0 60.000 18.000 669.860 cm /I2 Do 78.519 700.894 78.512 700.846 78.507 700.797 c 219.550 701.038 219.538 700.991 219.529 700.942 c 305.886 653.765 306.002 653.827 306.111 653.900 c 125.500 700.650 m 125.500 654.562 l S 267.612 653.113 267.659 653.101 267.708 653.091 c /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 261.000 700.781 260.987 700.912 260.962 701.040 c �i�6 ��uM ��$�� �]Ӡ��� �Y-*��VuQ �ڴiνw�E0k�A_��8����!�^_uU ��1S�9 /Subtype /Image Public transport The Barbican is widely accessible by bus, tube, train and by foot or bicycle. 119.190 653.649 119.220 653.688 119.247 653.729 c 260.274 653.770 260.300 653.812 260.323 653.855 c /GS21 gs 260.060 653.501 m >> /I8 44 0 R 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 220.356 652.665 220.481 652.626 220.610 652.601 c 126.086 653.372 126.126 653.343 126.166 653.315 c 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 165.262 702.637 165.131 702.650 165.000 702.650 c 258.886 653.765 259.002 653.827 259.111 653.900 c Founded in 1990 in Toronto, Ontario, Barbican began as a manufacturer/distributor of Noral products, originally manufacturing die cast residential mailboxes, as well as a variety of signage. /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] 266.502 700.748 266.500 700.699 266.500 700.650 c S 219.000 650.562 l 267.481 702.586 267.356 702.548 267.235 702.498 c >> 79.678 654.056 79.780 653.972 79.889 653.900 c 220.678 654.056 220.780 653.972 220.889 653.900 c 307.987 654.301 308.000 654.432 308.000 654.562 c 125.502 700.748 125.500 700.699 125.500 700.650 c S 219.102 701.294 219.064 701.169 219.038 701.040 c /GS29 55 0 R 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d endstream 118.664 701.996 118.619 702.017 118.574 702.036 c /CA 1 7 0 obj 125.700 653.812 125.726 653.770 125.753 653.729 c 78.500 654.563 m 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 267.086 653.372 267.126 653.343 267.166 653.315 c What about when there are changes to materials or labor pricing? 220.202 654.676 220.264 654.560 220.337 654.451 c 79.000 662.650 l 307.590 701.870 307.507 701.972 307.414 702.064 c Q 79.902 653.065 79.951 653.062 80.000 653.063 c S 174.000 652.562 l W n 266.000 654.432 266.013 654.301 266.038 654.172 c 119.590 701.870 119.507 701.972 119.414 702.064 c 267.000 651.562 l 125.579 654.080 125.595 654.034 125.614 653.988 c 307.798 701.536 307.736 701.652 307.663 701.761 c /CA 0.25 q 10 0 obj 79.481 702.586 79.356 702.548 79.235 702.498 c 172.810 701.564 172.780 701.524 172.753 701.484 c q 118.000 653.063 m 172.000 700.650 m BT 383.620 27.447 Td /F1 10.0 Tf [(sales@barbican.ca)] TJ ET We offer specialized laminated fabric fixtures, which provide tremendous durability and allow for easy cleaning. 0.800 0.800 0.800 rg endobj 172.410 653.343 172.493 653.241 172.586 653.148 c 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d /GS8 gs 259.507 654.241 259.590 654.343 259.663 654.451 c 307.507 653.241 307.590 653.343 307.663 653.451 c 125.000 650.562 l /Title () 126.481 702.586 126.356 702.548 126.235 702.498 c Please visit the Barbican website at http://barbican.ca/. 4 0 obj 78.726 701.443 78.700 701.401 78.677 701.357 c �uق~��2 �d8Gj>��拳�:ui L�-����� �rl֠OR����e �ui Ly%kн��� �Q��Z���R���������8 f4���� ��r}��8 fdyG�I 220.804 702.138 220.756 702.131 220.708 702.121 c Q 119.367 701.269 119.346 701.314 119.323 701.357 c Barbican offering proximity to the border and better access to the U.S. market which allowed for a larger production area and the ability to meet the high demands of the custom lighting world. 172.780 702.240 172.678 702.157 172.586 702.064 c 173.336 653.217 173.381 653.195 173.426 653.177 c 172.102 701.294 172.064 701.169 172.038 701.040 c BT 78.000 731.488 Td /F1 8.0 Tf [(Custom Code:)] TJ ET 126.000 662.650 m /GS1 10 0 R /GS1 gs 307.898 653.918 307.936 654.044 307.962 654.172 c << 127.738 653.575 127.869 653.562 128.000 653.562 c /GS27 53 0 R 212.220 653.972 212.322 654.056 212.414 654.148 c 11 0 obj << /GS16 gs 172.998 652.827 173.114 652.765 173.235 652.715 c 79.471 653.158 79.518 653.141 79.565 653.127 c 220.381 702.017 220.336 701.996 220.293 701.973 c 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 220.659 702.112 220.612 702.100 220.565 702.085 c 260.190 653.649 260.220 653.688 260.247 653.729 c 266.595 701.179 266.579 701.132 266.565 701.085 c 30.000 0 0 30.000 272.000 666.650 cm /I12 Do 118.793 701.924 118.751 701.950 118.707 701.973 c 78.500 700.650 m 78.500 654.562 l S 260.500 700.650 m 260.500 654.562 l S /I9 50 0 R Although custom Lighting remains an important part of our business, we now provide a comprehensive product offering consisting of demountable Wall Systems, Acoustical Solutions, and Ceiling Systems. 79.756 653.082 79.804 653.074 79.853 653.070 c 127.000 702.150 m 173.356 652.665 173.481 652.626 173.610 652.601 c 306.388 702.100 306.341 702.112 306.292 702.121 c 118.131 652.562 118.262 652.575 118.390 652.601 c 267.738 652.575 267.869 652.562 268.000 652.562 c 220.064 655.044 220.102 654.918 220.152 654.797 c 80.000 702.150 m 118.000 702.150 l S BT 268.243 656.580 Td /F1 5.0 Tf [(Acoustic Options)] TJ ET 266.000 650.562 l 167.000 700.650 l 118.898 654.918 118.936 655.044 118.962 655.172 c 78.550 701.038 78.538 700.991 78.529 700.942 c 79.951 702.150 79.902 702.148 79.853 702.143 c q 79.126 701.870 79.086 701.840 79.048 701.809 c 126.804 702.138 126.756 702.131 126.708 702.121 c 78.202 653.676 78.264 653.560 78.337 653.451 c 173.410 654.343 173.493 654.241 173.586 654.148 c 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 118.990 653.434 119.026 653.467 119.061 653.502 c S 305.131 653.562 305.262 653.575 305.390 653.601 c Founded in 1990 in Toronto, Ontario. Barbican is a high quality, high design lighting manufacturer of both standard and custom fixtures. /GS8 17 0 R 172.000 654.432 172.013 654.301 172.038 654.172 c 172.726 701.443 172.700 701.401 172.677 701.357 c 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 166.936 701.169 166.898 701.294 166.848 701.415 c 219.780 653.688 219.810 653.649 219.841 653.611 c >> 80.738 653.575 80.869 653.562 81.000 653.562 c /F2 9 0 R 306.751 653.263 306.793 653.288 306.834 653.315 c 213.500 700.650 m 213.500 654.562 l S 212.874 653.343 212.914 653.372 212.952 653.403 c 266.633 653.943 266.654 653.899 266.677 653.855 c /GS19 39 0 R 125.538 654.222 125.550 654.174 125.565 654.127 c 305.519 653.626 305.644 653.665 305.765 653.715 c 268.000 702.150 m 306.000 702.150 l S 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d Plan your journey and find more route information in ‘Your Visit’ or book your car parking space in advance. Lasvit combines t... Barbican, Greater London, UK Lighting Designers and Suppliers. 307.481 654.318 307.488 654.367 307.493 654.416 c 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 119.026 701.745 118.990 701.778 118.952 701.809 c @t��X�Xu� ���'�'�Y��. 175.000 653.562 l W n 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d /GS30 56 0 R 165.000 652.562 l 119.488 700.846 119.481 700.894 119.471 700.942 c 0.800 0.800 0.800 rg 127.000 653.062 m 165.000 653.062 l S /Keywords () q 164.519 653.626 164.644 653.665 164.765 653.715 c 259.619 653.195 259.664 653.217 259.707 653.240 c 78.502 700.748 78.500 700.699 78.500 700.650 c S 267.902 653.065 267.951 653.062 268.000 653.063 c S 219.013 700.912 219.000 700.781 219.000 700.650 c Barbican's fixtures provide a clean innovative, and contemporary design adaptable to enhance today’s corporate, healthcare and hospitality environments. 172.579 654.080 172.595 654.034 172.614 653.988 c 213.488 700.846 213.481 700.894 213.471 700.942 c 173.804 702.138 173.756 702.131 173.708 702.121 c 14 0 obj 220.000 662.650 l /GS22 42 0 R 173.659 702.112 173.612 702.100 173.565 702.085 c 219.726 701.443 219.700 701.401 219.677 701.357 c 118.874 653.343 118.914 653.372 118.952 653.403 c /GS17 gs Your content is now stored within your company organization. 219.064 654.044 219.102 653.918 219.152 653.797 c 260.095 653.536 260.128 653.573 260.159 653.611 c 258.000 653.562 l 221.356 653.665 221.481 653.626 221.610 653.601 c 166.507 653.241 166.590 653.343 166.663 653.451 c 165.990 653.434 166.026 653.467 166.061 653.502 c S 260.346 653.899 260.367 653.943 260.386 653.988 c >> /I15 77 0 R 212.341 653.101 212.388 653.113 212.435 653.127 c 117.131 653.562 117.262 653.575 117.390 653.601 c 220.951 702.150 220.902 702.148 220.853 702.143 c /BM /Normal 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 214.000 700.781 213.987 700.912 213.962 701.040 c 266.500 654.563 m /I13 62 0 R 166.300 701.401 166.274 701.443 166.247 701.484 c 307.220 652.972 307.322 653.056 307.414 653.148 c /Width 1000 18.000 18.000 576.000 25.000 re f With this growth came a new facility in Fort Erie, Ontario offering proximity to the border and better access to the U.S. market which allowed for a larger production area and the ability to meet the high demands of the custom lighting world. 118.619 653.195 118.664 653.217 118.707 653.240 c 220.249 701.950 220.207 701.924 220.166 701.897 c 266.064 654.044 266.102 653.918 266.152 653.797 c 165.914 701.840 165.874 701.870 165.834 701.897 c /GS15 gs 266.726 701.443 266.700 701.401 266.677 701.357 c 78.579 654.080 78.595 654.034 78.614 653.988 c 119.500 700.650 m 213.000 662.650 l Q Q 166.190 653.649 166.220 653.688 166.247 653.729 c 260.507 653.241 260.590 653.343 260.663 653.451 c 174.738 653.575 174.869 653.562 175.000 653.562 c /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold endobj 307.002 702.386 306.886 702.448 306.765 702.498 c 166.498 654.465 166.500 654.514 166.500 654.563 c S 260.002 702.386 259.886 702.448 259.765 702.498 c 118.751 653.263 118.793 653.288 118.834 653.315 c 166.500 700.650 m 166.026 701.745 165.990 701.778 165.952 701.809 c 173.114 702.448 172.998 702.386 172.889 702.313 c q 1 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 126.951 702.150 126.902 702.148 126.853 702.143 c 173.612 653.113 173.659 653.101 173.708 653.091 c /BaseFont /Helvetica BT 94.138 656.580 Td /F1 5.0 Tf [(LED)] TJ ET 260.300 701.401 260.274 701.443 260.247 701.484 c 266.512 654.367 266.519 654.318 266.529 654.270 c 212.131 652.562 212.262 652.575 212.390 652.601 c 267.000 662.650 m /ca 1 78.000 650.562 l 3 0 obj 212.098 702.148 212.049 702.150 212.000 702.150 c S 266.678 653.056 266.780 652.972 266.889 652.900 c 260.322 702.157 260.220 702.240 260.111 702.313 c 118.507 654.241 118.590 654.343 118.663 654.451 c 219.000 700.650 m 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg Engage with us on your favourite social platform. 219.500 654.514 219.502 654.465 219.507 654.416 c 260.421 701.132 260.405 701.179 260.386 701.224 c Barbican Architectural Products Ltd. is a privately held Canadian company that incorporated in 1990 In the past 30 years we’ve developed a broad range of capabilities to produce some of the highest quality architectural lighting products on the market.
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