Arctic Freezing Degree Days based on DMI >80N data: Arctic Ocean 925hPa Temperature, courtesy of Andrew Slater at the NSIDC: Climate Reanalyzer GFS Precipitable Water. Click on the images to see original websites (and/or a larger version), NSIDC Charctic interactive Arctic/Antarctic sea ice, NSIDC Greenland Ice Sheet surface melt extent. View additional years by clicking the dates in the legend. We shall endeavour to do so manually as and when time allows. This graph shows the average monthly Arctic sea ice extent each September since 1979, derived from satellite observations. Each year’s line traces sea ice extent over the calendar year, starting high in January, rising through the time of the winter maximum around late March, declining through mid-September, and rising again through the … Sea ice concentration maps April 1st. The best such resource we are aware of on the web can be found at: In addition here are some additional graphs and maps focussing on Arctic sea ice thickness and volume that are difficult to update automatically. The site receives ZERO funding, and never has. For news, data and comments go to the Arctic Sea Ice Blog; For discussions go to the Arctic Sea Ice Forum (here's the https version, ignore warning); Sea ice area and extent graphs are provided by Wipneus; Sea ice area graphs below are provided by Cryosphere Today; Sea ice extent graphs below are provided by NSIDC/NIC; Click the image on the right for a larger version, We shall endeavour to do so manually as and when time allows. On September 15, 2020, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) announced, Arctic sea ice appeared to have reached its annual minimum extent. Thickness data (CryoSat-2/SMOS) and more: University of Bremen SMOS sea ice thickness (SIT), Uni Hamburg Integrated Climate Data Center -, International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (, IFREMER/CERSAT Arctic sea ice drift maps (, RAMMB/CIRA Satellite Loop Interactive Data Explorer in Real-time (. Regional Arctic sea ice area from ArctischePinguin: Arctic Basin sea ice area from ArctischePinguin: Arctic sea ice compactness from ArctischePinguin: Arctic sea ice regional compactness from ArctischePinguin: Regional Arctic sea ice extent from ArctischePinguin: Arctic Basin sea ice extent from ArctischePinguin: Arctic sea ice extent from the Danish Meteorological Institute: Arctic sea ice extent from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency: Slater Probabilistic Ice Extent, courtesy of Andrew Slater at the NSIDC, DMI Average Air Temperatures north of 80°. NASA Operation IceBridge Arctic sea ice thickness from the NSIDC. Credits. To see a corresponding daily sea ice concentration image, click on a line in the chart. Images are not available for the average or standard deviation. Arctic sea ice extent in January 2020 is sitting ABOVE levels observed in the years 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012 (record low extent), 2011, AND 2010. Whatever the reason though –whether it be a callous money-grab or all the way up to some regrettable excuse for a rollout of globalism– it still involves cherry-picking, dishonesty, and fraud…. Moderator: oren. In addition here are some additional graphs and maps focussing on Arctic sea ice thickness and volume that are difficult to update automatically. A graph overlay shows the area in million square kilometers for … Northern Hemisphere Multisensor Snow Extent, Past Evidence Supports Complete Loss of Arctic Sea-ice by 2035, Pen Hadow’s Arctic Mission – To Sail to the North Pole. There is nothing catastrophic, alarming, or even a little worrisome about this data, and it comfortably puts to bed the “prophecies of doom” perpetuated on a daily basis across the western media. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. No, the exclusion of charts like these reveals an agenda, and it should ring alarm bells for those with even the weakest of BS detectors. Only 2012 (dashed red line) had a smaller summer minimum than 2020 (dark gray). This graph displays the area of the minimum sea ice coverage each year from 1979 through 2019. Very few MSM outlets have fact-checking as a top priority–there is a lot of grandstanding, of course, and paragraphs upon paragraphs on how science + consensuses have –for what would be first time in history– magically combined to deliver an unquestionable truth… HOWEVER, the blinkered exclusion of the below Arctic Sea Ice Extent graph from ANY mainstream climate article should leave you skeptical. 99410 Posts 485 Topics Last post by Comradez in Re: The 2020/2021 freezi... on Today at 05:48:12 PM Arctic background. We recommend using a different browser. SMOS thickness from the University of Bremen: SMOS thickness from the University of Hamburg: Sea ice thickness from the NASA Operation IceBridge Arctic 2014 Sea Ice Science Results page. For discussions about interpreting the information please comment on the “About Our Arctic Sea Ice Resources” page. PIOMAS gridded thickness from Wipneus on the Arctic Sea Ice Forum: CryoSat-2 near real time Arctic sea ice thickness. Arctic sea ice. The data from years 2002-2018 are also available at the data publisher PANGAEA, one data set each for Arctic and Antarctic, AMS-E-based and AMSR2-based: Melsheimer, Christian, Spreen, Gunnar (2020): AMSR-E ASI sea ice concentration data, Arctic, version 5.4 (NetCDF) (June 2002 - September 2011). This visualization shows the age of the Arctic sea ice between 1984 and 2016. NSIDC senior research scientists Walt Meier remarks, “Including this year, the last 14 years—2007 to 2020—have the lowest 14 minimum extents of the 42-year satellite record.” The minimum extent for every one of those 14 years fell well below the 1981–2010 average. This visualization shows the expanse of the annual minimum Arctic sea ice for each year from 1979 through 2019 as derived from passive microwave data. Since the start of the satellite record, sea ice extent has steadily declined, a trend noted in all seasons but especially pronounced around the time of the summer minimum. Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2019, With Graph, Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2019, No Graph, Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2019, Graph Only, Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2019, By Year, 1920x1080 30.0 fps Frames: Minimum_with_graph, 1920x1080 30.0 fps Frames: Minimum_no_graph, 1920x1080 30.0 fps Frames: Yearly_minimum, Earth from Orbit 2019: How NASA Satellites #PictureEarth, Arctic Sea Ice Cover Is the Thinnest and Youngest It's Been in 60 Years, Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2018 with Area Graph, Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2016 with Area Graph, Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2015 with Area Graph, Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2014 with Area Graph, Sea Ice Yearly Minimum 1979-2012 (SSMI data) with Graph, Sea Ice Yearly Minimum 1979-2011 (SSMI data), Sea Ice Yearly Minimum 1979-2010 (SSMI data), Sea Ice Yearly Minimum with Graph Overlay 1979-2008, Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2017 (SSMI data), Comiso's September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration, Arctic Annual Sea Ice Minimum with Graph Overlay, GCMD >> Earth Science >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice, GCMD >> Earth Science >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice >> Sea Ice Concentration, GCMD >> Earth Science >> Oceans >> Sea Ice >> Sea Ice Concentration, GCMD >> Earth Science >> Climate Indicators >> Cryospheric Indicators >> Sea Ice Concentration, NASA/JAXA GPM Satellite Captures Hurricane Delta on Approach to the Gulf Coast, Near Real-Time Global Precipitation from the Global Precipitation Measurement Constellation. The gold line shows the climatological median extent for this date.
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