All Rights Reserved. Cleanup activities on rocky shores, such as pressure-washing, as well as trampling and sediment removal on salt marshes caused biological impacts. French soldiers were still searching coastlines for oil four months after the Amoco Cadiz spill; some felt the cleanup would never be over. In North…, …the 1978 breakup of the Amoco Cadiz off Britanny, France, and the 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez off Alaska, U.S. Direct effects on the eelgrass itself were only local during the first weeks after the spill, when many plants had black, 'burnt' leaves. Before rescue workers could get to it, a storm split the ship, causing its entire load of 68 million gallons (1.6 million barrels) of oil to leak into the waters off the coast of Brittany, France [source: Stevens ]. The 230,000 tons of oil that escaped the wreckage left the ecosystems within certain parts of the French Coast dead or severely damaged. Strong winds and heavy seas prevented an effective offshore recovery operation. In den vor Wellenschlag geschützten Gebieten blieb das Öl jedoch mehrere Jahre in Form einer Asphaltkruste bestehen. As it broke up, the tanker lost its entire cargo of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil. In oil spill: Largest oil-tanker spills in history …oil were spilled) and the Amoco Cadiz disaster off Brittany, France, in 1978 (223,000 metric tons of crude oil and ship fuel were spilled). When it was slammed by a heavy wave at 9.46 am, the tanker was north of Ushant and 16 nautical miles west of Portsall. März um 10:00 Uhr brach das Schiff in zwei Teile, wobei seine gesamte Ladung von 1,6 Millionen Barrel (250.000 m 3 ) Öl freigesetzt wurde , und brach elf Tage später erneut aus dem Aufprall hoher stürmischer See. Amoco was ordered by a federal judge Charles Norgle in a 1990 ruling to pay $120 million in damages and restitution to France. One study reported international tanker losses rose from 204,000 tons in 1976 to 241,000 tons in 1978, which included the spill from supertanker Amoco Cadiz. Um 10:20 Uhr teilte das Schiff mit, dass es "nicht mehr wendig" sei, und forderte andere Schiffe auf, bereit zu stehen . Der französische Popstar Alain Barriere hatte einen Disco-Hit in Frankreich mit einem Song namens "Amoco". ( On 16 March 1978, the very large crude carrier (VLCC) AMOCO CADIZ lost steering in a Force 10 storm and grounded on Portsall Rocks off the coast of Brittany, France. Das gesamte Ölvolumen einen Monat nach der Verschüttung umfasste ungefähr 320 km Küste. Diving birds constituted the majority of the nearly 20,000 dead birds that were recovered. Reports did show a decline in U.S. tanker spills, however, the numbers didn't carry over in the rest of the world. 1992 hat der US-Ölriese Amoco beschlossen, keine Berufung gegen den US-Gerichtsbeschluss einzulegen, wonach er 200 Millionen US-Dollar an die französische Regierung zahlen muss. Ein 19 km langer glatter und schwerer Ölpool breitete sich bei Nordwestwinden auf 72 km der französischen Küste aus. Oil poured onto beaches and fishing grounds, creating what was predicted to turn into the worst tanker spill ever recorded. Additionally, those who helped clean up the shoreline suffered heavy doses of fumes believed to be toxic. Amoco Cadiz enthielt 1.604.500 Barrel (219.797 Tonnen) leichtes Rohöl aus Ras Tanura , Saudi-Arabien und Kharg Island , Iran . Viele der betroffenen Sümpfe, Watten und Sandstrände waren energiearme Gebiete. Obwohl die Gesamtmenge an gesammeltem Öl und Wasser 100.000 Tonnen erreichte, wurden nach der Behandlung in Raffinerieanlagen weniger als 20.000 Tonnen Öl aus dieser Flüssigkeit gewonnen. Dies war die größte registrierte Verschüttung in der Geschichte und die erste Verschüttung, bei der Gezeitenflüsse in der Mündung geölt wurden. 1978 wurde geschätzt, dass die Fischerei und die touristischen Einrichtungen 250 Millionen US-Dollar Schaden erlitten haben. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Um 21:39 Uhr riss er erneut den Rumpf auf und startete die Ölpest. Die Strände von 76 verschiedenen bretonischen Gemeinden wurden geölt. institution. Pasquale Bardari, was put under investigation and eventually charged with breaking French pollution laws. Die im folgenden Monat vorherrschenden Westwinde verbreiteten das Öl ungefähr 160 km östlich entlang der Küste. Whilst rocky shores recovered relatively quickly, the salt marshes took many years. The American owned supertanker, Amoco Cadiz, crashed off of the coast of Brittany, France on March 16, 1978. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. © 1980 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Ihre Besatzung wurde um Mitternacht von französischen Hubschraubern der Marinefliegerei gerettet , und ihr Kapitän und ein Offizier blieben bis 05:00 Uhr am nächsten Morgen an Bord. Although echinoderm and small crustacean populations almost completely disappeared from some areas, populations of many species had recovered within a year. 40 international databases, and is distributed in more than 100 countries worldwide. Failure to remove oil from temporary oil collection pits on some soft sediment shorelines before inundation by the incoming tide also resulted in longer-term contamination. ( On 16 March 1978, the very large crude carrier (VLCC) AMOCO CADIZ lost steering in a Force 10 storm and grounded on Portsall Rocks off the coast of Brittany, France. The harsh weather at the sea contributed to the engines becoming faulty, which is considered the major reason behind the sinking of the tanker. Those in charge grew pessimistic as endless tar balls washed up on beaches; some areas had to be cleaned six times. Much of the oil quickly formed a viscous water-in-oil emulsion, increasing the volume of pollutant by up to five times. Es kam um 12:20 Uhr am Tatort an, aber wegen des stürmischen Meeres war eine Schleppleine erst um 14:00 Uhr vorhanden und brach um 16:15 Uhr ab. Diving birds constituted … The Amoco Cadiz oil spill (223,000 metric tons) of March 1978 is the largest and best studied tanker spill in history. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Numerous cleanup and impact lessons were learned from the AMOCO CADIZ incident, and it still remains one of the most comprehensively studied oil spills in history., oil spill: Largest oil-tanker spills in history. Das Öl blieb nur einige Wochen an den exponierten felsigen Ufern bestehen, an denen mäßige bis hohe Wellenbewegungen auftraten. Studies that covered the impact of the spill predicted very low chances of keeping the oil from blanketing at least 100 miles. Check out using a credit card or bank account with. Das Wrack wurde später von der französischen Marine mit Tiefenangriffen vollständig zerstört . The tanker AMOCO CADIZ ran aground off the coast of Brittany on 16th March 1978 following a steering gear failure. physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. A lively and informative new podcast for kids that the whole family will enjoy! Among the subjects covered
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