All are “nonviolent” under the law. Vote for these unapologetic pro-life/pro-family candidates as your #1 and/or #2 choices, in whatever order you prefer. Members will be able to fill out their ranked ballot and send it back to the party by Canada Post, in envelopes that will be provided by the Party. We need a bail bonds system. Early Absentee Ballot Voting in Some States Has Some Concerns for Democrats, RedState Takes Over the Townhall Podcast War For The White House, Illinois Prosecutors Make a Major Announcement in the Kyle Rittenhouse Case. Kira is a freelance writer and Editor-at-large for RedState. The PROact is the national version of this bill and has already passed the House. What your NO vote means: No, I do not want rent control. PRINTABLE GUIDE: Robyn Nordell's 11/3/20 Conservative LOS ANGELES County Voter Guide Posted 10/7/20. billion to fund new stem cell research and funding. Voter's Guide to Conservative Leadership Race 2020. Obama, Follow up on Election Law Cases -- Appeals Court Upholds Texas Gov. Each year, over 100,000 children are killed before birth, and neither MacKay nor O'Toole is prepared to protect them. Presidential Ballot. In this guide, you’ll find This is ridiculous and frankly, it seems obvious that there is something nefarious in this bill if they keep pushing so hard for a bill no one is asking for and no one seems to understand. No. What it costs: Increases dialysis cost by millions per year. Clergy Legal Resources For specific guidelines to ensure voter guides are appropriate for distribution by churches and other non-profit organizations, please visit the Legal Resource section of our website. And today, we received a very helpful confirmation from Lorena Gonzalez, the “genius” behind AB5. Ranking either man third or fourth would send the message to all Canadian politicians that they can support the killing of babies in-utero, and still count on the votes of pro-lifers. How I’ll be voting: WHY???? Rent control is stupid anyway. Pro tip: If you’re still not sure about how you want to vote on a measure, look at which groups are sponsoring/supporting the measure. How I’m voting: Zero bail has been a disaster. You read my descriptions right, and these are not partisan descriptions. Sometimes that helps. By strategically withholding support from politicians who promote and affirm abortion, or who refuse to do anything to stop the killing of children before birth, we will be cultivating more courageous leaders in the future. billion to fund new stem cell research and funding, What your NO vote means: No, I do not approve of the state borrowing $5.5. Usually, they just lie about that or list the cost as “unknown.” So, even as we have multiple props on the ballot for spending increases, we are including this one that would reduce tax revenue. We have rules. I don’t feel comfortable voting for this measure. Mercer Island, WA 98040Powered by people like you, Jay Inslee Thinks Democrat Governors Mike Lowry, Gary Locke and Christine Gregoire are Racists, Maia Espinoza Welcomes a New Daughter as She Runs to Become the State’s School Chief, Failure of Local Media to Question Governor Inslee’s Comments is Harming our Democracy, The Washington Governors’ Debate: Culp vs Inslee vs Trump, Democrat Governor Jay Inslee and his “Green” Friends want to Cripple Washington’s Hydroelectric Power System. Conservative Voters Guide Look up your personalized voter guide by using your member login or searching for your districts by using your first name, last name, and zip code (only first 5 numbers) that you used to register to vote. It is interesting to note that the president of the California state conference of the NAACP, Alice Huffman, opposes this measure. Legislative constitutional amendment, What it does: Restores voting rights to felons upon completion of their prison term, What it costs: No measurable costs outside of updating voter rolls. What it costs: No measurable financial burden to the state. What your YES vote means: Yes, I would like voting rights restored to ex-felons and people on parole once they have served their prison sentences. Here is our 2020 election guide, as simplified as possible. How I’ll be voting: I never vote on new spending, particularly if the words “General Fund” are involved. Again…why??? This bill came for Uber/Lyft and instead got every other independent contractor (IC) in the state, making our jobs illegal overnight. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. In this guide, you’ll find the title, what it does, what it costs, what your YES vote means, and what your NO vote means. How I’m voting: I was astounded to read that even the government’s own analysis concluded that such a measure would literally reduce state and local revenue. The General Fund houses some important revenue that, in turn, is drained and thus promotes the raising of taxes already on the books to help pay for the loans taken out by measures like this one. Here is our 2020 election guide, as simplified as possible. Dems Can't Stand It. Here is our 2020 election guide, as simplified as possible. What your NO vote means: No, I don’t believe Uber/Lyft should be exempt from AB5 and they should be forced by the state to kill freelancer jobs. Here is a prop that makes me go look at who is supporting it to understand more about it. Get Reminders. Ranking either man third or fourth would send the message to all Canadian politicians that they can support the killing of babies in-utero, and, Voter's Guide to Conservative Leadership Race 2020, National Headquarters & Provincial Offices. I’m voting NO…again. Individual rating for each Tier 1 candidate is based on the number and quality of socially conservative policies put forth by each candidate, as well as how outspoken each of them has been on life & family issues. Prop 19 basically repeals prop 58 without having to go to all the trouble of repealing Prop 58. It’s just a version of a death tax. I don’t know why they wrote it that way, but I don’t like it. Yes, I am voting for this. How I’m voting: A new state agency? Because California cannot approve new taxes without the permission of voters, props like this one depend on loans (never, ever, ever forget that BOND means LOAN) and then the loans are paid off through the General Fund. Gavin Newsom Might Be Headed Toward a Whitmer-ing Before a California Court, Appeals Court Reinstates Alabama Election Laws Blocked by District Judge Appointed by Pres. How I’ll be voting: This was a petition prop…that means citizens fought to get this on the ballot. It doesn’t seem just. I get so many texts and calls that I decided to make it a tradition to summarize and simplify the convoluted California voter guide for weary voters. Furthermore, it would be strategically counterproductive to our cause in the long-term, over the coming years. No, absolutely not. What your NO vote means: NO, I don’t want dialysis clinics to be forced to pay for additional administrators. Again. If even the inept government of California knows it’s a bad idea, it’s really a bad idea. What it costs: (straight from the voter guide) Overall, a potential reduction in state and local revenues in the high tens of millions of dollars per year over time. Conservative Election Results, Links to Every County Elections Office in CALIFORNIA, Our 12 State Ballot Measures (Propositions), Robyn Nordell's 11/3/20 Conservative LOS ANGELES County Voter Guide, Trump administration's many conservative accomplishments on family, religious liberty, international religious freedom, and life, More In-Depth Resources comparing policies of Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris, Theologian Wayne Grudem's Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend, God Help Us - Kamala Harris Voted Against Protecting Already Born Babies from Being Legally Murdered", "No, Kamala Harris Isn't A âModerate" â She's a Radical Threat to America", Click Here for Extensive Information on the California State Propositions, Find Any County Elections Office in California, Election Day (7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) - Nov, 3, 2020, Vote-By-Mail Ballot Mailing Period - Oct 5 - Nov 3, 2020, Vote-By-Mail Ballot Must be Postmarked No Later Than Nov 3, 2020. What it costs: negligible cost outside of updating voter rolls and providing registrations. This guide is for Christian voters but non-Christians interested in the Christian perspective on the elections and the candidates are welcome. Sloan has the edge on these criteria, but Lewis is also a good choice. This is a work-in-progress. The voter guide gives some great rebuttals to the measure and I highly recommend reading but at the end of the day (on top of all the great arguments they make) this just seems stupid. She has appeared on Fox News, OANN, The Blaze and The Dr. Phil Show. It hasn’t been very well thought out. Only those who were paid-up party members as of 11:59 pm ET on May 15, 2020 will be eligible to vote. We have to continue to work towards equal opportunity, racial justice, and against mass incarceration. It has nothing to do with that except in the tangental respect that when you raise taxes, sometimes that money goes to city services. As always, your vote is your own. I was on the fence, but after fighting the horror show that is Sacramento since January, I now realize that the only hope we have of getting this bill repealed is stripping the big players out. If you are unsure whether your CPC membership lapsed before the May 15th deadline to become a voting member, please call the Party headquarters at 1-866-808-8407 Monday - Friday, between 9:00 am to 5:00pm, and ask a party staff member to look your name up in their system.
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