In 2010, everybody will be driving in two feet of snow, fighting the elements of nature, but, totally surrounded by elk and huge timber bucks. Butch, you sure do know how to find them! I must say, you went above and beyond. This is a huge plus! The hunter is ALWAYS responsible for applying for his own license. *******************************************************. They, by instict alone, know that the hunting seasons are all over with; and they know where the feed is. How to find a Wyoming trespass fee landowner | Rokslide Forum Not as many as I had wished and hoped for. 518 Goldie Divide Road Hulett, Wyoming 82720 307-282-0780 Mainly just for our doe tags. Hunt #5139 DIY/Semi-Guided Elk/Deer Trespass - Sportsman's Logistics Once again, we had 100% success deer hunting, bagging some very respectable bucks and we got a couple bull elk, but, the elk were rather small bulls. The most outstanding kill was the buck antelope taken by Tim Keating, on his birthday. We had a few gentle rains in May and June, but, without the deep moisture, the plants in our hay fields remained stunted and failed to grow enough for us to be able tp put up a respectable crop of hay. We have approximately 11,000 acres that are divided into private ranches to provide you with the opportunity to hunt exclusively with your group. ****************. "Y Lazy S Ranch Llc." - BIG GAME HUNTING It's been very difficult getting this far along, but, hey, we're tough folks. "Losers visualize the penalties of failure, Winners can ONLY see the rewards of success"., I don't expect this project to be completed by next fall whenall my friends, the hunters, will be here, but, beginning with the 2012 year, we should be able to also serve meals on the premises and provide everybody with the ultimate HUNTING experience. I can't believe what you have done with the ranch to make our hunt so enjoyable and comfortable. Absolutely amazing guides, great boats, an awesome fishery and wonderful local seafood. Your hospitality and your land provided us with what we have been looking to find for years. Camp is located on the scenic Tongue River drainage at 7,000 ft. We have approximately 11,000 acres that is divided into private ranches to provide you the opportunity to hunt exclusively with your group. We hunt antelope in many areas of central and eastern Wyoming and the Red Desert of Wyoming. I woke and waited for daybreak. Sara took care of every request immediately without question. Goats typically score in the 13- to 15-inch range, with a few reaching over 16 inches. Antelope Creek Ranch | Harrison Nebraska All summer long, we kept seeing unusually large numbers of animals.. My wife and I took our grandson Luke, on his first ever hunt for a Pronghorn on the "Y Lazy S" and the experience was excellent. Our operation is set up for prime antelope habitat, with various terrain and several antelope . We are looking forward to another season, another year. But, to my pleasant surprise, Vince has already made reservations for next year, and plans to do that same hunt again!!! In less then a week I took a 600 class Red stag, an elk of nearly 400" and a giant fallow deer! 2022 Trespass Hunt Fees. DK, "Late sending this, but, please, accept the "Thanks" of Jim S and me for one of, IF not the "BEST" deer hunt I have ever had. Thanks for putting it all together. Thats a really good feeling when on a hunt. Because a group of hunters from PA and WV, chose to leave early and empty-handed. We had a good hunt, but because the weather was moving in we got it done quickly. I wish the storm would have been stronger which would have more than likely moved the elk into the area where Glenn and I were hunting. Above a picture of a herd of elk just across the road from the ranch headquarters. Whatever grasses grew on the fields were left for the wildlife, deer, antelope, elk and small game. You will stay in a 12x14 wall tent with a floor, custom wood stoves . BOX 1304Craig, CO 81626-1304United This branch, covered in a little blood at the exit wound, is called a "BRUCH" in german and is the traditional gift to the successful hunter in Germany. Butch was great to work with and really went out of his way and worked hard to work out the details for us. WELCOME TO SKYLINE OUTFITTERS we have Openings for ARea 117 Elk-2022. A Conservation Stamp is mandatory and costs $12.50. It was just a wonderful hunt---------I am glad that I opted for the Buff hunt in the Swamp. Antelope season was once again really great. Herd, after another large herd, they left the high country and they moved on to our ranch. That was the right call, as the bull I killed moved into the area during the night. Nestled in the rolling hills of Eastern Wyoming's footlands, the Rockin' 7 Ranch provides a first-class hunting experience. And as soon as the snow started piling up in the high Country, the elk started to move westward, towards their wintering grounds.. Took two good bears, and the guiding & accommodation / food were excellent. What an experience, to be able to sit down with you, your grandson and the other hunters and enjoy the company. The hunting was a little tougher this year than in years past; I think this was due to the fact that there was good food and water everywhere. I passed up so many big pronghorn I began to wonder if I should have shot 1 or tried to find a bigger 1. Dad killed a 400 stag and a 12 inch tahr. On to the hunt---------game was plentiful and the PH and the two trackers, Mudu and Venise were just outstanding. BUT YOU SHOULD BE APPLYING FOR POINTS, AND EVERYONE NEEDS THEM! My guide for my hunt was outstanding. It is best to make this draw deadline but at times there are left over licenses for this area after the draw is over. I had a great hunt. Hunt Nation has sent upwards of 300 clients here over the last 15 years and every one of them have been successful on a self-guided hunt. Yes, the elk are here and their numbers are very good. We so enjoyed the meals you fixed for us - we were really spoiled. But, no matter how hard we work to have everything perfect for the arrival of all the special guests, new or old, there are always elements which interfere with the plans turning out perfectly well. Its easy, and we can assist you, but filing is your responsibility. CLICK HERE Past Success Photos View More Pictures - CLICK HERE ********************. It was just what I was lookigng for, a hunt and a vacation. Our county has the largest antelope population in the United States along with a 100% success rate to date. 3-day hunt $1,095 In recent years we have only had about 4 or 5 hunters actually draw each year, so there is plenty of available animals and hunt success is 100% regardless of dates! . And I work very hard trying to please everybody. Wyoming has a two-stage, two license draw system. If you do not draw, the license money is refunded (minus a $15 application fee). He is a very personable and knowledgeable young man and a great pilot. Tasted GREAT. A lazy herd of elk enjoying the winter day directly behind the ranch house, on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". Whether it snows or not. A couple more snow storms before the third season, and we had elk running around everywhere on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". Wow, where has my lifetime gone. 184 Kirtley Rd. Limited hunts available. Very happy with this hunt! Great place for spouses and families. O. For license information, please, contact: THE RANCH TRESPASS FEESWILLBE AS FOLLOWS, beginning January 1, 2022: 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability, additional night accommodations , please, make the necessary arrangements with the management), . much closer than their westward wintering grounds. 10/6/2018 for wyoming hunt info contact rob (901) 338-5879. Early the next morning, we started our hunt and after spotting and insuccessfully stalking several pronghorn herds we were finally able to get within 200 yards of one. View fullsize. $1100 per hunter. It was my best hunt in Africa to date. Steve W. has been to this operation 5 times. Office Hours: Monday 8 am - 5 pm and Tuesday - Saturday 8 am - 10 pm Mountain Standard Time Business Phone # 801-499-4986 Toll Free Fax # 866-564-7395 E-mail New hunts 2018 Fully Guided Rifle/Muzzleloader/Archery Elk Hunts On Private Property. In speaking with some of the other hunters, they were also impressed. We are also looking forward to see again old friends and meet some new ones. But, since the construction of numerous top quality log cabins now we are ready to offer you top quality accommodations in our cozy, heated log cabins, offering you a hunting experience like none else. This is a great hunt for a group of buddies or family. You made us feel welcome like family. And, again, against my best expectations, I am very late updating this website. A whole bunch of elk., So, now towards the end of January, the herds of elk, ever so lazily, have decided to move. The accommodations were FIRST CLASS all the way. Dinners were superb, the bar was excellent (watch out for their rum punch!). The ranch is so vast that many exceptional antelope may never see a hunter, especially if youre willing to walk a bit and climb some hills to glass from. I also saw some really big woodland caribou (next trip). Russ and Mary were so helpful in preparing me for my first leopard hunt and I am grateful. A Californian smiles. I was so disappoined and sad for that. WOW, it was a breathless experience to be able to get up at "Roberts Roost" and look to the East for several miles knowing that we owned it all. We glassed lots of big bulls, but they were in the timber with cows and would not move or come to a call. This fact is evidenced by the returning of so many friends and customers, who delight to call this place "home, away form home" even if it is for just a few days each year. Rawhide Creek Ranch | Hunts | Wyoming ", "I really had a great time. Just a couple of days ago, I was finally able to get the 2015 dates from the Colorado D, Dan Fisher from PA wrote: "..can't tell you what a wonderful time I had with my son on your ranch. L/O Vouchers Avail. Dakota HuntingTrips - Trespass Hunts WE MUST HAVE FINAL PAYMENT BEFORE WE WILL SEND YOU THE PERMISSION SLIPS, OTHER INFORMATION, AND MAPS OF THE RANCH. What a year 2012 was!!! More snow would mean better crops on this ranch, better and happier attitude by this landowner, more feed for the wildlife and prettier sights of this country site. We have had fully booked seasons and offered the ultimate experience, and we have had repeat customers who flocked the ranch year after year and have been very satisfied. Of course, there is no hurry to rush anywhere. Happy Hunters! There is an amazing amount of antelope on that place. You made my trip an easy and enjoyable experience! But, since the construction of numerous top quality log cabins now we are ready to offer you top quality accommodations in our cozy, heated log cabins, offering you a hunting experience like none else. We didn't put up enough crop to matter. Now, we are going to concentrate on the roof system, so that we can close the door and turn up the heat. 2023 Frosty Acres Ranch AKA DJ Outfitters. The state provides public hunting access to private property through their Walk-In-Only and Hunter Management Areas programs. So, on my turf, I enjoy seeing the "Ranching for wildlife hunters" equally frustrated and just as unsuccessful. I also saw a small handful of elk at both the Cummings and the Mobley place. Feb 24, 2020 #3 wytx WKR Joined Feb 2, 2017 Messages 1,721 Location Wyoming See if the county has a GIS web page that has a map and shows landowners names. We had an unbelievably great time and want to "Thank you" again. We were greeted by Aleka the day before the season opened and she spent time with us to ensure we knew the ranch boundaries and where to set up and hunt for the best chance at a pronghorn. , finitely a blessing to live on this beautiful ranch., Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. We also offer DIY unguided drop camp hunts for the individual or group hunting either elk, deer, or antelope. Our success continues to be unbelievable in both species and the quality of the animals is consistent.. In order to hunt, you need some good binoculars, a flat-shooting rifle (minimum of .243 class and up), some leather gloves for crawling, and some thick pants or knee pads that help ward off the abundant cactus. Antelope Hunting in Wyoming With North America'S Largest Antelope Outfitter It was magnificent. There is so much game that it is unbelievable to even imagine that there would be so many animals here. These late season cow hunts are so much fun. One is the Regular Price license, the other is the Special Price license. You can come and go as you wish in the allotted dates you have. They are also very knowledgeable of their property, blinds, other animals, etc. Hunting in Carbon County, Wyoming Note that if you apply as a group (up to 6 people), Wyoming pools all the points. That is very rare in Colorado. The numbers of the animals are unbelievably high, the elk are comfortably resting on the "Y Lazy S Ranch", and since the season is long, we can space the hunters so while they are here hunting, they don't have to compete with others. I saw hundreds of deer including 3 bucks on the Cummings place that would score 180 or better and several others that would score over 150. Dear Butch, Feel free to use me as a reference. Bipods or sticks should be useable in both the prone and sitting positions. Hunt #5139 DIY/Semi-Guided Elk/Deer Trespass 3,000 Ac Private Vouchers $2,095.00 Be the first to leave a review SKU: DH5139-E Hunt ID: CO-5139 About the Hunt Provider: Hunt 3,000 acres private pristine elk country close to home just west of Fort Collins. We have two hunters in our group this year that have never taken a deer. Highlights: experiencing the culture, the native skinners and trackers. However, for the rookies or the folks looking for their first bones, the guides had their secret spots. I'm curious too. Aug 8, 2018 #2 S Stackem Member Joined May 30, 2016 Messages 54 We are still looking for some access. * Hunt Area and Dates: Antelope hunt area 28 & 29, archery dates are from the middle of August to September 30, and rifle dates are the last week in August until the middle . A very special treat for two friends, Dave Thomas and Paul Rodondi. This is an exclusive big game hunt for rifle hunting enthusiasts who are looking to be the only hunters on 40,000 expansive acres of prime Hunting in . We have a tremendous amount of game and all of you who have been here before, know how much fun it can be to find yourselves surrounded by thousands of majestic wapitis. The random draw takes 25% of the available tags and distributes them randomly; points do not matter. This website designed and created by your hostess: who is solely responsible for the accuracy of all information. Hi Joan& Butch. And, on March 16, 2015, we were successful with the purchase of this wonderful piece of land, consisting of 1,018 acres. And it was very reasonably priced to boot. So far, we have small amount of snowcover, but, not what we actually need. About ten minutes after legal shooting time, this BULL crested a hill near the blind I slept in and shortly after I was working on a down ELK. We are looking forward to coming back and getting the "Big One"!!!!! The total adventure was mind-blowing! To start----the outfitter and his staff are just great people to work with. You went out of your way to make sure we had everything we needed. Bordered by Forest Service and State land, your hunting party will have exclusive access to the ranch and further access to literally millions of additional acres of state and federal land. PDF WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE Memorandum . Everybody is telling me that we are at the tailend of the weather cycle causing this weather change and sooner rather than later we are going to start seeing again the heavy snows in October and the earlier migration to the west of the elk herds. I went on your recommended Mozambique safari Hunt #157. On this 6,500 acre privately owned ranch, with all the available feed for wildlife and as a direct result of our continuing efforts to improve wildlife habitat, there are abundant numbers of deer, elk, antelope and of course, eagles, hawks, owls, coyotes, fox etc.
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