It will dry out for a season and then be split and distributed in 2018 or 2019. I BELIEVE THE CEDAR HES TALKING ABOUT IS INCENSE CEDAR. I burn approximately 20 cords of wood each season. I built a wood topped banjo with it and have loved the wood ever sense but it is a thorn bush and you will loose a lot of blood getting the wood and i lost a pickup tire to the 2inch thorns. I have tentatively decided on part native Osage Orange [hedge apple] for the BTU but I see from all the knowledgeable comments here I need more than one type of wood. The average efficiency rating is around 19.9 million BTU per cord. Brings back a lot of memories of cutting firewood with my grandpa. Selecting the Right Firewood Firewood heat output is measured in "British Thermal Units" or BTUs. I can lift a 3 log of aspen into my fire box the same oak log is too heavy. Though they are slightly different species, a Russian olive tree will most likely be found growing near autumn olive trees, which are just as invasive. 2) I would guess trembling/quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and largetooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) to have similar qualities, but I have never seen largetooth aspen mentioned in any charts. I would also like to know more about if youRead more . As a common invasive species, you have probably seen Russian olive often on a countryside walk. I used to have a orchard in San Diego and it doesnt do anything, but turn to ash. Ive also heard this about black locust, which I also burn. Burns hotter than any wood I have ever seen, is becoming rare and may be protected in some areas. Overall, compared to other hardwoods, Russian olive can burn for just as long as douglas fir or birch while producing very creosote. Old growth Western Red Cedar,while it makes for the very best kindling,will burn TOO hot and damage a wood stove or insert!!!! Red Oak requires a bit of time to season, but burns well after 2 years. As a firewood enthusiast, I read with great envy about 350 acres of river bottom woods. Ive only ived here for the last 4 years, It should have been pruned back many years ago but now to late and needs to be cut down. Your plants roots will love you for it! I dug into it and have burned a face cord or so. I believe that pecan should be very high in BTUs and close to the other hickories, only because its in the family. Many people despise Russian olive trees as they make it difficult for other trees to thrive. With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. First is IronWood. Hickory was my overall favorite . Here in MD was 39 today with 20mph wind. Hello, I used to have this wood it has an unpleasant smell. These firewood BTU charts compare the heat energy ratings and weight of common firewood species. Just curious what kind of energy we are getting from them compared to the cords of hardwood we buy. I live in so. Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. Many use digger pine as it is reasonably priced, but requires that yearly clean out. First find you a steel bucket with a metal lid . But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. I am courious about the btu of pecan and swamp chestnut oak and which oak burns the best . This is a tree that I will avoid even if it is free! This wood is twice as hot as anything else. We use an outdoor wood burner. My favorite wood to burn, has always been standing dead elm. This means that the wood has had no time to dry out. It burned very hot with big blue-yellow flames and gave the best aroma . Well here it is getting to be winter in upstate NY again and the little woodstove in our basement has been running since September or so. Does anyone know anything about using it for firewood. The black oaks just had too many leaves in that Nov and the snow was too heavy. My Ontario woodlot is in the Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence Forest Region, which includes conifers white and red pines, hemlock, eastern white cedar, white spruce and balsam fir; and decidu0us sugar, red and silver maples, red and white oak, beech, bitternut and shagbark hickory, white and black ash, yellow and white birch, trembling and largetooth aspen, basswood, butternut, black cherry, ironwood, blue beech, occasional cottonwoods and surviving white elms (and others I probably left out). Kaleidoscope, Mini, Russian Olive Wood, Artisan Handcrafted, Gift for all Ages, Christmas, Graduation, Birthday, Men, Women (520) Ad vertisement by wrightmade. If its an old tree, the chances are high that splitting will be difficult. Your email address will not be published. The density of Russian olive means that it can burn slower without losing heat. Dried. Coals are to fire as fuel, to keep it going and provide lasting heat. Your web site is very informative. The density of Russian olive means that it can burn slower without losing heat. A few of which are Wild Olive or Silver Berry. Many people despise Russian olive trees as they make it difficult for other trees to thrive. George, its a bit cooler up here in the lower Hudson Valley, and weve been burning in the 18th C. Dutch hearth since Hurricane Sandy. However, the destructive habits of these non-native, invasive species were quickly discovered by residents in the valley. Thanks. I have found out that no mater what you call it, when it is -12 degrees outside and it will burn then it is really Good firewood. The cons are , no coal bed in the morning and it burns down a bit faster than the ash but it puts out real good heat. As previously stated by others, forget ANY cottonwood, only one or two sticks at a time for Manzanita as it is super hot. While holiday cards often feature cute, picturesque birch rounds in the hearth, old-time Yule logs in 6th and 7th century Europe were monster tree trunks that were meant to burn all day, and in certain cultures for twelve . eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. I live on the Wind River Indian Reservation, in Wyoming, where Russian Olive is considered an invasive and unwanted species. all our needs now,and for a few more years,sad business. Remove them last to prevent the tree from rolling. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. We bought cedar this year and it burns slowly and puts out little to no heat. While many landowners are eager to see the Russian olives removed, what to do with the cut trees remained a challenge. Despite this, there are some pros to using it as firewood, as well as some cons. Walnut (black) rates at 21.50/cord, my information is provided by Pocket Reference by Thomas J Glover printed in September 2006 ( 18th edition ). Russian olive will smoke a substantial amount if not left to dry out for long enough. The more dense a wood is, the more weight and BTU it will have. Is it toxic? I live here in north west tennessee near the miss river . BARK SEEMS OAKLIKE. So long as youre only burning good hardwoods and/or clean white (non-glossy/colored) paper stock and kindling, you should spread your ashes on your favorite acreage for the potash. Much like poplar firewood varieties, the wood from the Russian olive in most cases is easy to split. Latest data that Ive read is that seasoned softwoods causing creosote problems is baloney. The red oak gave the most bang for the buck .It burned long,hot and gave some great coals that put out some good btus . Although the project is nearing its end, MSI is currently pursuing funding and looking to develop more partnerships in order to continue the work. It burns very hot,and produces nice heat. Their distinctive appearance makes them a popular ornamental, Read More Is Willow Firewood Any Good?Continue. When its cold out, I seem less lazy to get up in the middle of the night to keep the fire hot overnight. I dont have the ratings for that maple, but you can always weigh it and get a general idea that way. Stack the wood in a dry, protected area. However, because of the trees rapid growth and adaptability to poor soil, its now considered an invasive species in many areas of the United States. BTUs or British Thermal Units are a measure of the amount of heat energy available in any given substance. But since softwoods are usually so much less dense than hardwoods, the total energy in softwoods are usually much less than hardwoods. If you look at a BTU chart, it has either the highest or 2nd highest rating of all wood that grows in the US. I have Hickory and just love it! Like some other fruitwoods, howeverparticularly mulberrythey are difficult to set on fire. Im in Northwest Washington; originally from Southwest PA. We have lots of cedar, fir, hemlock, silver maple, oak, and madrona. Even though it is not firewood you should use to start your fire, it does produce a BTU of 23 million per cord once it gets going. Pros And Cond Of Using Russian Olive as Firewood. With the ability to adapt to any soil type, the Russian olives tree can tolerate more than 75 gallons of water daily. Russian olive wood burns very slowly. Mix some ash firewood in with your Russian olive and you will get a good heat source burning quickly. When were rigging it out of the tree or hauling it I use the charts for douglas fir since Ive heard they are about the same density as live wood. I live in eastern oregon and my main problem is the identification of trees. Another potentially invasive plant with probably similar BTUs/burn value is it's cousin: Autumn Olive. The Blue beech is more or less a weed species but does produce very dense wood which I harvest when it seems sickly or is growing in clumps. Many of its given names are based on the trees olive branch-like aesthetic. We raise pecans, and they burn cleanly and well, as do prunings from our apple trees. It is much heavier than air dryed spruce and black burned bark has fallen off after time so it is clean to cut & process any one know BTU ofthis fire killed spruce v. air dried spruce ? The bradford pear can go to the dump along with the elm . $20.00 + $21.95 shipping. Not good for firewood but great for woodworking. I like to drag it out into the open on a log chain with the tractor. Also, it tends to split easily while drying. I have cut and burned a bit of Russian Olive. Axe Adviser is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to But smoke is very dangerous, known carcinogen. Personally, the best wood in the world is whatever I can get my hands on. The maple burns very well though w good hot hard coals that will last the night if I get too lazy to feed the fire at 3am. Russian olive does produce a lot of heat. Uncured wood is also inefficient as the fire wastes energy, evaporating moisture instead of heating the room. Sapwood a much lighter yellow-white. At this time of year, there is lower moisture and sap content, resulting in quick-seasoning wood. I have burned about every tree that grows in this county (except cottonwood and willow, which is about worthless), and the best, by far, is Osage Orange. We collect it as down and dead firewood when we are cutting western juniper (J.occidentalis), mostly on B.L.M. I OWED A SAWMILL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MTNS (LK ARROWHEAD, BIG BEAR AREA) AND THERE WAS ALOT OF THAT THERE (AS WELL AS IN NORTHERN CALI). Oil? Store firewood somewhere constantly dry and airy. But unlike other woods like birch, Russian olive catches fire very slowly. Dimensions Length: 95.0" Min width: 13.0" Max width: 21.0" Surfaced Thickness: 1.75" Services. If you tend to have respiratory allergies, beware and use dust protection when working with this wood. 4 years later I still come here when I need to cut a load of firewood. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? I have also burned green osage orange. I have a few standing dead pin oaks. Olive is a highly dense hardwood which makes it great for coaling. You can click on the different types of firewood in the chart to learn more about them. is magnolia on the list of burning trees and where is it and if its not can i have some info bout it,please. It does make a nice fire so maybe they should call it Good Fir Fire. here in washington all the old timers and people that heat there houses just with wood buy douglas fir and the hipsters burn hard wood because they think its better. The ongoing extinction of the Ash,all species,is supplying A well educated, 76 year old, freedom loving American who worries about my children and grandchildren. Im thrilled to read about mulberrys quallitiestheres alot of that here in WI, Hi Gang! As others have commented the wood does have a very strong odor when working it either green or dry(4 months from felling, slabbed to roughly 2x8x24 and dried for 6 months, milled to final size(1-3/4x6x24) and glued planks dried for 3 months) its a very herby/oily (like a potent salad dressing) smell that lingers even after washing. Poplar, Cottonwood, and Aspen: Whats What? All of them burn well. That means youll need a powerful maul or hydraulic splitter. It is a dense hardwood providing above average heat thats suitable for the coldest winters. The one that puts on what is called hedge apples, eaten by squirrels. Cut a horizontal cut one-third of the way through the trunk with the chainsaw. I burn about 12 cords a year using a wood boiler heating house and shop. Oak is also great for grilling over an outdoor fire. Love hard maples when I can get my hands on them. There is tons of it, here and I will be harvesting a lot of it for mallet heads and for knife scales, too! Hickory is still my favorite , but I also have learned to find dead standing mullberry thats near seasoned. If you want a stronger flavor, try combining olive with the punchy smoke flavor produced by hickory. The short trunk and gnarled branches of these trees gives an impression of light wood, but don't be deceived. I have done a lot of research over the last few months on the best wood here in the mid-south (west Tennessee). I heat 5,500 sq ft with 130,000 BTU Franks Piping Wood Boiler from Quebec CDN. Being a transplant from So. I picked up some cherry wood and have to say, Im very impressed. If I come across more apple I will cut it . Is it okay for a wood burning stove? try this RLB. However, someone told me that buckthorn burns so hot you have to be careful your wood-burner doesnt crack. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. Also have lots (4 cord) of seasoned oak and cherry on hand. thanks. Please re-try attaching pics, they didnt come through. Great info! They are the main nuisance tree in our area.possibly the main tree. . I like ash because you can cut it and burn it the same day and it splits easily. Audrie The wood you are looking for is Black Locust.It is a little thorny but it grows fast and burns long and hot.I sold fire wood for ten years and burned it fo thirty.Black locust was a favorite of my Amish customers. Russian olive wood tends to warp and crack as it splits. Investing in a safety fence to protect you and your fireplace is a good idea anyway, especially if you plan to use Russian olive or firewood tamarack or fir regularly. They are considered noxious plants in some states, such as Colorado. Any information? You are using an out of date browser. After seeing this list, I now understand why live oak dulls my chainsaw blades so quick. I live in southwest MI and have 20 acres of woods. That means extra work scooping it up and tossing it or scattering it over the garden. I live on the east coast (midatlantic area) and we have a lot of Mimosa trees. Anyone that enjoys cooking with fire should check out these top types of wood for cooking. Mulberry has a rateing of (1) unit million btu, 25.80/cord MY PREFERENCE would be the DR flywheel special.. Man that thing smokes with efficiency. So you are probably not going to find much information about it as far as btu or about its wood in general since it is not a common source of firewood outside of Asia. We burn mostly old-growth sugar maple w some white ash, black cherry, beech and black maple thrown in. Olive gives food a subtle flavor thats fruity and slightly sweet. Green and I feed it one or two times per day. NOW I LIVE IN ARIZONA AND THE CEDAR OUT HERE IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! It does have a more bitter, eye burning smoke than most woods. anyone have any experience burning mulberry? Try to fell a Russian olive tree and split the wood between winter and early spring. The tree, about 30ft tall,Read more . FREE shipping Add to Favorites ALL Natural Russian Olive wood bowl 10 inches Round X 3-5 inches High X 2" Deep . Everyone has these charts but none of the wood listed is available here in Southern Cal. Thorny, tough wood makes splitting difficult. I look for fallen trees that are gray and smooth. A cord is 128 cubic feet but in any stack of wood there will be air space between the pieces. Save it, let it dry for 2 -3 years and youll be opening windows to let the cold air in in February . im in lebanon,pa area. Anyway, I find it interesting that not one mention of mountain mahogany has been posted-until now. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. MSI applied and was awarded a total of $247,000 from the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado Parks and Wildlife for a three-year project to remove the trees from Bakers Bridge to the New Mexico line. Thanks. Mulga roots are about the only thing hotter/longer/denser. I will burn some of the lesser wood, ie. Mullberry has a short lifespan and is very rot resistant so they are quite easy to find here in west Tennessee. I have been clearing land of cottonwood for a hay meadow in Central Kansas and I decided to burn it. I really cant speak for pecan until I can try it seasoned . I HAVE to burn green to keep from feeding it all day. Other invasive olive trees are the Autumn olive (. I live in Bedford County Va and burn what I have on my property. 1) Ironwood and Hornbeam are considered the same species locally. Russian olive trees were recommended for many years as natural windbreaks, but have fallen out of favor in recent years. The bradford pear burned fast with a mid size flame . Great site. This varies with the size and shape of the wood, and how tightly it is stacked. Dont waste your time with Sweetgum wood. Not a native species, but abundant where it has been planted (I have seen it coast to coast) Any idea the BTU of Tree of Heaven or alianthus (?sp). Live in S/W Missouri, and wood heat is our only source for 3,400 sq. The tradition of burning a Yule log has largely fizzled out in most parts of the world. Russian olive trees produce good firewood with a BTU heat rating of 23.0 million per cord. White oak is fairly rot resistant. Ash is the only wood Ive ever been able to burn streight off the tree (dried for 1 week or less) everything else I try to let dry for at least 5 years. Then I quarter them for burning. About coal. --. The data for these charts was compiled from various sources with different firewood types. The apple is a good secret that most wood burners never thought of . They are the top wood, BTU-wise. We have tons of the best hard woods in this country . Have a friend with a fireplace?, bundle about a dozen of the fat lighter sticks with a ribbon and this makes a great gift. Burning green wood is bad for any number of reasons, but especially so when the wood has a high sap content. A kilowatt-hour (kwh) of electricity is equivalent to 3,400 Btu. In comparison, Russian olive burns at 23 BTU. I cant tell the actual temp because it made the temp gauge go past the max 600 degree mark then go back around to the 200 degree mark . When we are burning both stoves say in January, then Im just a wood-slave the whole day long. Season the wood to remove any moisture for one year before burning it. I like burning Birch in fireplaces but getrun away fires ( read relief valve blows @ 100 c) As with any wood, olive requires adequate seasoning before use. This is because softwoods, like pine and fir, contain resins, which have more energy per weight than wood fiber does. Makes a mean pizza and can sear steak like nobodys business. It doesnt burn, it just smolders and stinks. Unless seasoned, firewood tends to produce a lot of smoke. One of the premiere cooking, smoking and pizza oven woods. IT IS USELESS FOR FIREWOOD BECAUSE OF THE LITTLE/NO HEAT OUTPUT, BUT MAINLY ITS TOO DANGEROUS TO BURN INDOORS, AS IT POPS AND EXPLODES AND THROWS SPARKS EVERYWHERE. Im out here in southern Oregon, and theres red fir, which is a true fir, just as white fir, and grand fir are. a few corrections: 1. not quite right, to characterize, as very small tree, as the tree quite regularly grows to 40 and beyond, with trunk diameters up to 4dia.. 2. the wood DOES have a distinctive/nasty odour, in machining (for me? Dogwood is by far the hottest. Here is a site for California wood ratings Surprisingly, I found almond and eucalypt rated close to the same. I enjoyed the story about his neighbor that let his oak fire wood dry for a whole week and it wouldnt burn LOL !!!! Make a horizontal cut with your chainsaw through the opposite side of the tree 1 to 2 inches above the original cuts. Unseasoned wood will still have some water content and will result in a slower burn, thus quicker creosote build-up. The Majestic fireplace has held up quite well, except for the back wall. We run fans in the winter as much as we run them in the summer. All Rights Reserved. Not talking about ordinary white mulberry, just the fruitless ones. Dont know much about western woods, except that the citrus groves my wifes family own in Mesa, AZ make tremendous wood for fires. so I could lift it, I like oak ,maple birch locus mulberry etc hard woods, any body have any hard woods thay dont want or need contact me The smell just gets me ready for breakfast as soon as I get it going! Many places consider it evasive now and are trying to get rid of it. Have a lot of ancient dead manzanitas that also burn fantastically in the fp. Is it worth it? In the fireplace, it is consumed due to the extreme heat of the wood, and the wood burns just as if it has been dead for several years. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. There is nothing wrong with burning well seasoned softwoods, but care should be taken not to over fire with ones that tend to burn fast and hot. It has a very unpleasant odor. Is it possible that different poplars are being compared? The aroma is pleasant too . So the math:5 cords @ $180 = $900 // 5 tonsCoal @ $75 = $375. #1. Just call them and ask about what it can handle. If I can find ratings for those I will add them too. Seasoned and dry and Im out there every three hours. Around here it is just about the most common tree removed by tree services so lots of firewood guys sell it since they get it for free. Once it is dried and sealed, I love it. Wisconsin. Over the years Ive heard people in this region say it gets too hot for stovesif they use only the mahogany I imagine. Any comments would be helpful. I prefer dry red elm and seasoned thorny locust. Read to find out. Invest in a moisture meter to know when your firewood has seasoned for long enough. Glad that these charts settle the madrone/euk BTU argument. Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. I have some birch and cherry Ive been mixing it in with that too. If you leave oak in the woods til you need it, well, theres lots of bugs and stuff that love to digest it. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. But it does burn off a substantial amount of ash. Contains some non native species that can be found in the West. By time it is dry, there is nothing left. This is my first year heating with wood. Anyone know how this rates as firewood? I BELIEVE ITS CALLED SALT CEDAR. Firewood BTU Chart. We provide super-helpful axe advice that's ad-free. Though that is not to say that their moisture levels are exceedingly high. I cant seem to find any info on suitability of Tupelo or Black Gum for firewood. Still have some pieces, which are quite dry by now. My fathers property in southern Illinois is over whelmed with Russian Olive trees as they were used in near by coal mining areas during reclamation of the mines after they closed. According to wikipedia bradford pear trees originally come from China. I cant understand anyone having a problem with it! Then fill it with fist size chunks of natural wood , then put the lid on . Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesnt spark and pop. This is lower than most popular firewood types like oak or black locust. I found a big beech limb fully seasoned and cut it up for a try . Lots of oak available here, but I still take what I can get. My grand dad swears beech is king. Douglas fir is Pseudotsuga, menzizii for the man who identified it. Your data on them show similar figures, and, I would confirm them to be very heavy, hot burning fuels. Please leave your comments or questions on those pages if you have experience or questions about those types of firewood. They had a good mid-size flame and burned a long time. Patricia in DE. Use a combination of woods instead. The grain is outstanding. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood itemsIf youve got a new or unusual wood species that isnt on the site, please consider sharing it with the rest of us! The gnarled, twisted nature of this wood makes creating a tidy stack of wood difficult. While generally small and branching, Russian Olive trees can produce wood that ranges in color from yellowish-brown to darker golden-brown, sometimes with a greenish hue, and light yellow-white sapwood.