The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance suggests staggering drop-off and pick-up times and/or having a child care provider meet children outside of the facility when they arrive. Because efforts to increase access to licensing are considered a supply building activity, funds from this set-aside could be used to create a child care licensing department for the tribe. Providers must report as taxable income all the money they receive from the Stabilization Grants Explore Tom Copeland's "Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021." and The Tax Implications of the Child Care Stabilization Grants to learn more Resources from Tom Copeland's website Lead Agencies may submit a waiver to ACF to reduce the eligibility period for essential workers. This only applies to Tribal CCDF Plans and not to tribes with approved Public Law 102-477 Plans. Lead Agencies should follow their Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs). Who is Important note: Although there is federal guidance on how the Stabilization grants are to be administered, each state may interpret this guidance slightly differently. for administration, supply building, and technical assistance. In addition, the CCDF funds can be used to increase provider payments and bonuses to child care workers during the COVID-19 health emergency and to provide certain types of care (e.g., infant and toddler care or non-traditional hours). While these funds may not be used for direct services, they can be used to cover some of the costs associated with providing and expanding direct services, such as start-up grants and administrative costs associated with using grants or contracts for direct services. $3,500 income $3,500 expenses = $0 taxable income and $0 taxes owed. No, lead agencies are not required to spend down previous supplemental relief funding before spending the ARP Act stabilization funds. What if I am not selected for a fiscal monitoring review? How do I get the childcare stabilization grant? See the funding breakdown by state, tribe and territory, and more information about the grant on the White House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet. Directors, owners, administrators and/or designated fiscal staff members can access the reporting tool . Q: My state's guidelines say that "providers are required to provide families relief to the extent possible." For example, charging less tuition to assist parents. The NJ American Rescue Plan (ARP) Stabilization Grant is no longer accepting applications. These stabilization funds are time-limited resources that are intended to stabilize the child care sector and workforce. Child care programs may not furlough any employees while receiving the C3 grant funds. There are only limited circumstances under which the Child Count can change. OCC encourages child care providers in the financial position to provide relief from copayments and tuition for families to use non-ARP Act stabilization funds to provide that relief and prioritize the relief for families with incomes below 85 percent of state median income. Third, Lead Agencies should review their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds, and, where possible, proceed with the liquidation of existing obligations. Tribal lead agencies that offer stabilization subgrants to child care providers outside of tribally operated centers are required to implement an application process. For example, if the funding were used to cover rent, and if that did not affect a recipients net income, then the funding would not affect WIC eligibility. Providers must submit a monthly report on how all grant funds have been spent. Yes, tribal culture or language preservation camps can receive stabilization subgrants. The statutory requirement at section 658E(c)(2)(S)(ii) of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act requires Lead Agencies to support the fixed costs of providing child care services by delinking provider payment rates from an eligible child's occasional absences due to holidays or unforeseen circumstances such as illness, to the extent practicable. If a Lead Agency is unable to fully liquidate its CCDF FY2018 incurred obligations by September 30, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are three options to consider. The terms included in the Act are broad, and lead agencies have the flexibility to define them. A: Assuming the money you spend on items for your business are used exclusively for your business, the tax consequences are the same as paying yourself. This could include physically separating checks or depositing the funds in different bank accounts. Care provided in emergency situations should be of the highest quality that is reasonably practicable given the particular circumstances. Contact your state to get the answer. Child Care Counts Call Center hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F. She can pay herself this by noting the payment in her bank records or check register as stabilization payment for myself, for example. No. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act requires lead agencies to allow for provision of continued assistance for families whose income exceeds the initial eligibility threshold but is below the second tier. With limited exceptions, the funding of home visiting programs is not an allowable use of the ARP Child Care Stabilization Funds. If you do sign up, please use the referral code 0659. Thank you for your website feedback! Can I still deduct them as expenses? The CCDF final rule at 45 CFR 98.16(aa) requires the Statewide Disaster Plan (or Disaster Plan for a tribes service area) to incorporate guidelines for continuation of child care subsidies and child care services. Previous updates can be found on the ARPA Stabilization Grants page on the Pennsylvania Key website. Please be aware that all funds are taxable and will need to be spent no later than . Note that child care providers that are receiving stabilization subgrants from a tribal lead agency should be serving at least one Indian child, as defined by the tribal CCDF Plan. These incentives are considered quality expenditures. State tax rules apply. NEW (Updated 2-23-22) I have a positive case of COVID-19 in my program, and I have applied for the COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization and Recovery Grants, now what? Please note that any changes to a states definition of income to take advantage of this flexibility must be reflected in a CCDF plan amendment. Supplemental Funds Congress awarded additional (or supplemental) funds to the CCDF program through several COVID-19 relief packages (i.e., the CARES Act, the CRRSA Act, and the ARP Act). FMAP rates and state matching requirements are published on the GY 2020 state and territory CCDF allocation tables page. A concrete slab in the backyard used for basketball, skating, etc.? Frequently Asked Questions will be updated on this page. Lead Agencies unable to meet federal statutory or regulatory CCDF requirements due to COVID-19 impacts may apply for a temporary waiver due to extraordinary circumstances in accordance with 45 CFR 98.19. Take the money! Care provided in emergency situations should be of the highest quality that is reasonably practicable given the particular circumstances. Programs will receive this funding by the end of August 2022. Lead agencies may also use other COVID relief funds (CARES Act, CRRSA ActVisit disclaimer page, and ARP Act supplemental) and regular CCDF funds to also help providers become CCDF-eligible. Lead agencies have wide discretion in how subgrant amounts are formulated, including how current operating expenses are calculated. You may request assistance from a member of our grants team by filling out the inquiry form below: To contact a member of our grants team, please email Stay tuned for additional updates on this page. Supporting documentation should demonstrate that the purchase in question falls within at least one of the allowable use categories. Section 103(d) of the American Taxpayer Relief Act amended the relevant statutory provision, 26 U.S.C. To qualify for the EITCVisit disclaimer page, filing units must not exceed the income/earnings eligibility threshold specific to the filing units filing status (married vs. single/head of household) and number of children (zero, one, two, or three or more). Absent a waiver, Lead Agencies must require these providers to meet health and safety requirements. Please limit your input to 500 characters. If a program needs to adjust its site capacity, it should contact a licensor or submit an appeal on the grant using the appeal form embedded in the application. This funding is subject to the same tax rules as regular CCDF funding. On May 10, 2021, the Office of Child Care (OCC) issued guidance (CCDF-ACF-IM-2021-02) for states, territories, and tribes on requirements and recommendations for the child care stabilization funding included in section 2202 of the ARP Act. Can a sole proprietor of an FCC use the grant funds to pay expenses that are associated with the program but are also inclusive of normal household bills? The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. When considering the size of a child care program, lead agencies should use enrollment and/or licensed capacity rather than attendance. The CCDF rules definition of temporary job loss at 45 CFR 98.21(a)(1)(ii) includes, among other circumstances: If a parent has a non-temporary loss of job, the Lead Agency has the flexibility to allow the child to remain eligible through the end of the redetermination period. What can EEC-licensed programs use the C3 grant funds for? If there are multiple Programs registered, Search Provider to quickly locate the Provider. It is important that Lead Agencies have a plan in place to perform essential functions and achieve programmatic continuity during and after an emergency or disaster for families receiving CCDF benefits. CCDF Federal matching funds are available to states, provided that states match those funds at the Federal medical assistance rate (FMAP). States determine which sources to count as income, unless a statute authorizing funding specifically imposes a requirement to include or exclude funds. It is also important for providers to know that not all business expenses are fully tax deductible. We are sharing the resources below which are designed to support home-based child care providers as they prepare their taxes, including guidance for handling relief funding, including the PPP. Adhering to your states unique spending and reporting requirements for funds that are part of the grant through the Office of Child Care. Lead agencies that want to exempt essential workers from the family asset test must request and have an approved waiver from ACF. In cases where a lead agency includes Head Start programs in their ARP Act stabilization subgrants, lead agencies should ensure that CCDF funds do not duplicate Head Start funds and prioritize child care programs that are in need of financial relief and have received comparatively fewer resources during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Her tax rate will likely be somewhere between 30-40 percent, but to use the more conservative amount, she should assume that she will need to pay $700 of the $1750 in taxes. We encourage family child care providers to contact their local WIC officeVisit disclaimer pagefor more information. Archived Meeting Resources After September 30, 2022, no additional CCSG awards will be made. Even before the public health emergency, child care provider income was unstable and insufficient to cover the costs of providing high-quality care, and the COVID-19 public health emergency has exacerbated this instability. Yes, the ARP Act requires lead agencies to make available on the lead agencys website an application for qualified child care providers (section 2202(d)(2)(D)(i)Visit disclaimer page. A child in a family that is receiving, or needs to receive, protective services is eligible for child care subsidies even if the parent is not working or in education or training. There has never been this amount of federal funding dedicated to childcare providers, which makes this an incredible opportunity. In total, the program provided over $534 million . In this case, she can deduct the business portion of these expenses by estimating the percent of time they will be used for business versus personal purposes (usually her time-space percentage). Programs should spend all funding in accordance with the specific requirements of each grant program. Further, child care providers should keep certain things in mind when determining how to interact with parents in order to control COVID-19. The goal of the Child Care Stabilization Grant is to provide financial relief to child care providers to help cover unexpected business costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help stabilize their operations so they may continue to provide care. This video identifies the benefits of the child care stabilization grants and the tax consequences of receiving them.We accept comments in the spirit of our . While each state, territory, or tribe can specify the specific uses of grant funds, the funds are intended to support providers general operating expenses, wages and benefits to employees and owners, rent, utilities, cleaning and sanitation supplies and services, and other goods and services needed to maintain or resume operations as well as mental health supports for children, families, and employees. ATTENTION: Announcing the ARP (American Rescue Plan) Act 2021 Child Care Stabilization Payments. The CARES Act created three new temporary federally funded unemployment compensation programs to respond to the economic effects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Section 658E(c)(2)(B) of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act, 42 USC 9858c(c)(2)(B), and 45 CFR 98.31 of the CCDF regulations require CCDF lead agencies to have in effect procedures to ensure that child care providers receiving CCDF funds afford parents unlimited access to their children and the providers during normal hours of operation and whenever the children are in the care of the provider. The EITC phases in with earnings and phases out with the greater of earnings or AGI. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. 9858k(b)(1) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(1). The application must justify that the construction/major renovation activity is for the purpose of preventing, preparing for, and responding to, COVID 19. The required W-9 information is included in the application, so providers do not need to download or upload a separate form. No. Some page levels are currently hidden. Each state will receive anywhere from $39 million to $2.9 billion in funding from the grant to distribute as they see fit to eligible child-care providers. Before the pandemic, there were approximately. If the program is closed due to schedule during the summer, it would not be eligible to apply for a subgrant during that time. Are child care providers required to provide complete relief from copayments and tuition for families in their care while they are receiving an ARP Act stabilization subgrant? Furthermore, given finite CCDF funding to meet child care needs, the federal Office of Child Care encourages Lead Agencies to set parameters that restrict the use of CCDF for child care services during times when schools are open and children are able to attend safely in person. I plan to discount the current family tuition evenly. This program doesnt just impact parents and childcare providers either. Return to Top Application Process To learn more about how to apply, please view our Application Guide or Application Walk Through Video on our website available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The CARES Act and the CRRSA Act do not address use of funds for construction or renovation; accordingly, regular CCDF/CCDBG rules apply. What are the consequences if a program is selected for fiscal monitoring, and the program is unable to produce all the documentation to support its grant expenditures? The CCSG application is now closed. CRANSTON, RI - The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is pleased to announce a new grant program designed to support and stabilize Rhode Island's child care industry. Funds are distributed directly from your state via the Office of Child Care and, if all of your states spending and reporting requirements are met, there is no requirement to repay funds. Recipients of the C3 grants are not required to spend funds within the same month they are received. As part of their ARP Act stabilization subgrant application, child care providers must certify they will pay at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits for each employee throughout the duration of the subgrant. Federal law defines income for SNAP. Additional information for tribes that operate their CCDF program under a consolidated 102-477 plan is available here. Using a reimbursement model, management and reporting is easy and takes the burden off your HR team. Lead agencies may also consider how they can pair more flexible funding provided by the CARES Act and CRRSA Act with the more prescriptive ARP Act stabilization funds. Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. In emergency situations, Lead Agencies have the option of deeming certain impacted childrensuch as children of health care, emergency, or other essential workers-- to be in need of protective services and therefore, the regular CCDF eligibility requirements (e.g., income threshold) need not apply. Funds received prior to the date of closure may be used for approved expenses. The CARES Act and the CRRSA Act do not address the minimum 12-month eligibility period for essential workers; accordingly, regular CCDF/CCDBG rules apply. During the fiscal monitoring review process, will other sources of funding be reviewed outside of the C3 Child Care Stabilization Grant (such as a PPE loan)? Lead Agencies may interpret this provision (i.e., prohibiting the use of CCDF for education) to apply only to services when a child is physically at school for in-person educationand not when a child is in a child care setting, such as if a school, which is closed for in-person education, is being used as a child care facility. If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. A: You can deduct your Time-Space% of your utilities. Subgrant amounts should reflect the significant resources included in the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page and be substantial enough to stabilize struggling child care providers. When receiving multiple streams of funding from EEC and other agencies, it is recommended that child care programs: How can a sole proprietor of an FCC account for and document payments to themselves? If the family is still eligible at redetermination, they should receive another minimum 12-month eligibility period and should not be placed on a waitlist. Child Care Stabilization Grant Tax Implications ( 19. Home visiting programs typically provide services to parents and families to ensure that they have the necessary resources and skills to raise and care for their own children. Tribal lead agencies are encouraged to include center-based and family child care programs, as well as programs that serve school-age children in after-school, summer, and weekend programs. Reprograming funds for other allowable activities does not constitute a cut in funding for child care for eligible individuals and is not considered supplantation. Stabilization Grants The definition of what counts as income for the EITC is determined at the federal level and includes all income reported to the IRS as part of a tax filers Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). Provider A receives a $3,500[1] grant and uses the entire amount of the grant to pay herself; the full amount of the grant will be taxable, but the provider can spend the funds on whatever she wants (e.g., pay down personal debt, save for an emergency, save for retirement, go on vacation). A Plan amendment should not create any delay since the Lead Agency may proceed with implementing the program change, and subsequently submit the amendment within 60 days. These funds give them a lifeline at the perfect time. The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at, Arizona Adult Protective Services Action Plan, Become a DES Certified Family Child Care Provider, Become a Licensed Center or Group Home Provider, Current Child Care Grants and Scholarships, DES Contracted Child Care Provider Resources, File a Complaint on a DES Child Care Provider, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Conference, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Child Care Stabilization Grant Program - FAQ, CCSG Workforce Support Provider Decision Tool, Child Care Stabilization Grant Monthly Reporting Training, Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification, DES Family Child Care Providers (including in-home providers). The Office of Child Care (OCC) notes that in cases where the stabilization subgrants are being awarded to qualified child care providers through intermediaries, those intermediaries are sub-recipients administering a subaward, and, as such, would be subject to rules that apply to sub-recipients, including those related to obtainind a DUNS number or UEI. Rather, lead agencies define their policies to meet this requirement and report them as part of the CCDF plan (45 CFR 98.16(t)). Q: Can we pay ourselves in 2022 with grant money from 2021? Q: Can I use this grant to pay myself? This still leaves $2,100 for the provider to spend as she chooses (or save it). Where to find more information Is the child care stabilization grant taxable? This grant signifies a powerful gesture of government support for families and businesses as the economy recovers. The supplemental appropriations under the CARES Act and the CRRSA Act can be used to provide child care assistance to health care sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, farmworkers, and other workers deemed essential during the response to the coronavirus, without regard to the income eligibility requirements. This means you will pay some additional Social Security taxes, but it also means your higher profit will potentially increase your Social Security benefits. If after viewing this video and reading these questions and answers, you still have questions, feel free to send me an email at Additionally, the ARP Act gave states significant discretion in determining how the child care stabilization grants would be apportioned to child care providers, and self-employment income and exclusion determinations may vary by options selected by the state. Applications must be posted on the lead agencys child care website. These grants, funded with federal stimulus funding through the American Rescue Plan Act, began in September 2021 and are available to eligible child care providers through . The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act) (Pub. How many months of funding will a program receive? The responsibilities for document retention are the same regardless of whether you are selected for review. Tribal lead agencies should develop a process to verify the assurances while collecting the information to report on use of funds and data elements about the subgrants and subgrant recipients. To exempt essential workers from the family asset test must request and have an approved from! Wide discretion in how subgrant amounts are formulated, including how current operating expenses are fully tax!, etc. CCDF/CCDBG rules apply is no longer accepting applications at least one of highest. Not selected for review the size of a child care providers outside of tribally operated are. 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