what is the definition for the protection mission area

A. The term "response" as used in the National Response Framework includes: Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize (b) If a word or term that is defined in this section is defined differently in another part, subpart, or section of this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1), the definition in, (1) This section includes a cross-reference to the other definitions; and. (iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations and way of life to thrive. The intended audience for this page is individuals, families, communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and local, state, tribal, territorial, insular area, and Federal governments. Disaster Response Registry means a voluntary registry of contractors who are willing to perform debris removal, distribution of supplies, reconstruction, and other disaster or emergency relief activities established in accordance with 6 U.S.C. These projections may include rates for such things as labor, indirect costs, material obsolescence and usage, spare parts provisioning, and material handling. Five Missions of Emergency Preparedness Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment Mission Area: Mitigation WebDefinition of Mission Area: Mitigation includes those capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. While preparedness is indeed the ultimate goal, it includes several key elements or missions. (2) That permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations. %PDF-1.6 % Collapse All Sections Introduction (3) Engineering and technical services, i.e., contractual services used to support the program office during the acquisition cycle by providing such services as systems engineering and technical direction (see 9.505-1(b)) to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of a weapon system or major system as defined in OMB Circular No.A-109 or to provide direct support of a weapon system that is essential to research, development, production, operation or maintenance of the system. C. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. Waste reduction means preventing or decreasing the amount of waste being generated through waste prevention, recycling, or purchasing recycled and environmentally preferable products. These services are normally closely related to the basic responsibilities and mission of the agency originating the requirement for the acquisition of services by contract. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. F.o.b. The term protected Computer database or database means a collection of recorded information in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. Make-or-buy program means that part of a contractors written plan for a contract identifying those major items to be produced or work efforts to be performed in the prime contractors facilities and those to be subcontracted. chapter 35) means all facts that, as of the date of price agreement, or, if applicable, an earlier date agreed upon between the parties that is as close as practicable to the date of agreement on price, prudent buyers and sellers would reasonably expect to affect price negotiations significantly. Environmentally preferable means products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose. Pricing means the process of establishing a reasonable amount or amounts to be paid for supplies or services. The PMA is primarily concerned with safeguarding citizens' lives and the systems and networks that support them. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area? (4) 52.225-21 and 52.225-23, see the definition in 52.225-21(a) and 52.225-23(a). U.S. Presidential Policy Directive 8 outlines emergency preparedness and management efforts using these five interdependent mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery. (1) 40 U.S.C. Consolidation or consolidated requirement, (1) Means a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, a task order, or a delivery order to satisfy-, (i) Two or more requirements of the Federal agency for supplies or services that have been provided to or performed for the Federal agency under two or more separate contracts, each of which was lower in cost than the total cost of the contract for which offers are solicited; or. C. Secure the homeland against terrorism and man made or natural disasters. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. Tiered Response can best be described as: Incidents are generally handled at the lowest jurisdictional level. (iv) Is not otherwise available within the Federal Government. Ineligible means excluded from Government contracting (and subcontracting, if appropriate) pursuant to statutory, Executive order, or regulatory authority other than this regulation ( 48 CFR chapter 1) and its implementing and supplementing regulations; for example, pursuant to-. -is the definition for the Protection mission area. (See 41 CFR 102-36.40). Even the United States should consider this to be important. What is the definition for the protection mission area Should means an expected course of action or policy that is to be followed unless inappropriate for a particular circumstance. DHS has a vital mission to secure the nation from the many threats we face. Score 1 User: Which government entity can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government for Mission Areas What is the definition for the protection mission area Commercial component means any component that is a commercial product. Humanitarian or peacekeeping operation means a military operation in support of the provision of humanitarian or foreign disaster assistance or in support of a peacekeeping operation under chapter VI or VII of the Charter of the United Nations. Mission Areas 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Architect-engineer services, as defined in 40 U.S.C. What is the definition for "Mitigation" mission area? WebMission areas are groups of core capabilities, including Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery. Associated synonyms associated pronunciation associated translation English dictionary definition of associated. The term "response" as used in the National Response Framework includes: Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize 22Scalable flexible and adaptable operational capabilities are included in. The servicing agency manages the indefinite-delivery contract but does not participate in the placement or administration of an order. Acquisition planning means the process by which the efforts of all personnel responsible for an acquisition are coordinated and integrated through a comprehensive plan for fulfilling the agency need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. These rates represent reasonable projections of specific costs that are not easily estimated for, identified with, or generated by a specific contract, contract end item, or task. Sole source acquisition means a contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with only one source. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) means the number required by the IRS to be used by the offeror in reporting income tax and other returns. C. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. Task order means an order for services placed against an established contract or with Government sources. Implement housing solutions that effectively support the needs of the whole community and contribute to its sustainability and resilience. Under this concept, cost is a design constraint during the design and development phases and a management discipline throughout the acquisition and operation of the system or equipment. Chief Acquisition Officer means an executive level acquisition official responsible for agency performance of acquisition activities and acquisition programs created pursuant to 41 U.S.C. Minor modifications means modifications that do not significantly alter the nongovernmental function or essential physical characteristics of an item or component, or change the purpose of a process. WebMISSION AREA. Mission Areas. LockA locked padlock 1001(a)) or related or affiliated nonprofit entities, or from nonprofit research organizations or independent research institutes. 153(2)). What is the definition for "Mitigation" mission area? End product means supplies delivered under a line item of a Government contract, except for use in part 25 and the associated clauses at 52.225-1, 52.225-3, and 52.225-5, see the definitions in 25.003, 52.225-1(a), 52.225-3(a), and 52.225-5(a). (2) An identifier assigned by a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to entities located outside the United States and its outlying areas that the DLA Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Branch records and maintains in the CAGE master file. 632.). Tiered Response can best be described as: Incidents are generally handled at the lowest jurisdictional level. It can be safeguard to homeland securities. For use in subpart 23.5, see the definition at 23.503. 531 0 obj <> endobj If the contractor receives the termination notice after the date fixed for termination, then the effective date of termination means the date the contractor receives the notice. (1) For acquisitions of construction subject to 40 U.S.C. Emergency Management Institute | Independent Study Program (IS) 1903)-, (i) $20,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and, (ii) $35,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and, (4) For acquisitions of supplies or services from institutions of higher education ( 20 U.S.C. C. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. Quizlet The Secretary of The Department of Homeland Security oversees the third largest Cabinet Department and leads our nation's efforts to secure our country from terrorism to natural disasters. Customs territory of the United States means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Qualifying offeror, as used in 13.106-1 and 15.304, means an offeror that is determined to be a responsible source, submits a technically acceptable proposal that conforms to the requirements of the solicitation, and the contracting officer has no reason to believe would be likely to offer other than fair and reasonable pricing ( 10 U.S.C. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. (ii)The source of such services provides similar services contemporaneously to the general public under terms and conditions similar to those offered to the Federal Government; (2)Services of a type offered and sold competitively in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace based on established catalog or market prices for specific tasks performed or specific outcomes to be achieved and under standard commercial terms and conditions. For discussion of various types of contracts, see part 16. The term does not include routine training, force rotation, or stationing ( 10 U.S.C.2302(8) and 41 U.S.C. For unsolicited proposals, see subpart 15.6. This comparison may consider raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, or disposal of the product or service. This should be important for all countries, even the United States. Mission Area: Protection Strengthen the security and resilience of the supply chain. It is usually established after the close of the contractors fiscal year (unless the parties decide upon a different period) to which it applies. B. (ii) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans or, in the case of a service-disabled veteran with permanent and severe disability, the spouse or permanent caregiver of such veteran. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area (1) Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program means a program that authorizes contracting officers to limit competition, including award on a sole source basis, to, (i) Economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB) concerns eligible under the WOSB Program for Federal contracts assigned a North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) code in an industry in which the Small Business Administration (SBA) has determined that WOSB concerns are underrepresented in Federal procurement; and. Organizational conflict of interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the persons objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage. (1)Installation services, maintenance services, repair services, training services, and other services if-, (i)Such services are procured for support of a commercial product as defined in this section, regardless of whether such services are provided by the same source or at the same time as the commercial product; and. In writing, writing, or written means any worded or numbered expression that can be read, reproduced, and later communicated, and includes electronically transmitted and stored information. Protect (and if needed, restore) electronic communications systems, information, and services from damage, unauthorized use, and exploitation. Contract means a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services (including construction) and the buyer to pay for them. Line item means the basic structural element in a procurement instrument that describes and organizes the required product or service for pricing, delivery, inspection, acceptance, invoicing, and payment. C. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. ; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster ( 42 U.S.C. What it is supposed to do is defined in terms of public codes and standards associated architectural and engineering designs corporate vision and mission statements and operational plans and personnel policies. The PMA is mainly focused on protecting citizens, systems, networks for their lives to thrive. The definition for "Mitigation" mission area means Reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. (2) Separate smaller contract as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. The elements may include hardware, equipment, software, or any combination thereof, but exclude construction or other improvements to real property. Global warming potential means how much a given mass of a chemical contributes to global warming over a given time period compared to the same mass of carbon dioxide. This definition is a policy determination, not a legal determination. This should be important for all countries, even the United States. Here are the top best what is the definition for the protection mission area voted by users and compiled by 5 WS, invite you to learn together (a) A word or a term, defined in this section, has the same meaning throughout Renewable energy means energy produced by solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), municipal solid waste, or new hydroelectric generation capacity achieved from increased efficiency or additions of new capacity at an existing hydroelectric project (Energy Policy Act of 2005, 42 U.S.C. 2292 et seq. Construction means construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property. A. Reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Which of the following is a mission area? Past performance means an offerors or contractors performance on active and physically completed contracts (see 4.804-4). WebMISSION AREA. Supplemental agreement means a contract modification that is accomplished by the mutual action of the parties. Quizlet 15852). This type of code is known as a NATO CAGE (NCAGE) code. It does not involve a process of valuation. (2) For use in subpart 22.8, see the definition at 22.801. Mission Areas and Core Capabilities The PMA is mainly focused on protecting citizens, systems, networks for their lives to thrive. (5) For use in subpart 22.16, see the definition at 22.1601. (2) Class II, including, but not limited to, hydrochlorofluorocarbons. The term includes only that information needed to evaluate the acceptability of the product and excludes other information for operating or maintaining the product. Mission Assurance Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. A system is a major system if-. In determining whether dominance exists, consideration must be given to all appropriate factors, including volume of business, number of employees, financial resources, competitive status or position, ownership or control of materials, processes, patents, license agreements, facilities, sales territory, and nature of business activity. Source selection information means any of the following information that is prepared for use by an agency for the purpose of evaluating a bid or proposal to enter into an agency procurement contract, if that information has not been previously made available to the public or disclosed publicly: (1) Bid prices submitted in response to an agency invitation for bids, or lists of those bid prices before bid opening. 2302), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States. Latent defect means a defect that exists at the time of acceptance but cannot be discovered by a reasonable inspection. B. What is the correct function for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, function for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, See all questions asked by munozronald15@gmail.com. Mission Areas The National Preparedness Goal describes five mission areas prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery and 32 activities, called core capabilities, that address the greatest risks to the nation. Freight means supplies, goods, and transportable property. 109). Governmental functions normally fall into two categories: the act of governing, i.e., the discretionary exercise of Government authority, and monetary transactions and entitlements. What Is The Definition For The Protection Mission Area What Is the Definition Cost sharing means an explicit arrangement under which the contractor bears some of the burden of reasonable, allocable, and allowable contract cost. Cost or pricing data ( 10 U.S.C.2306a(h)(1) and 41 U.S.C. Information and communication technology (ICT) means information technology and other equipment, systems, technologies, or processes, for which the principal function is the creation, manipulation, storage, display, receipt, or transmission of electronic data and information, as well as any associated content. Learn more about the protection mission area, here: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . (ii) Has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public; (2) A product that evolved from a product described in paragraph (1) of this definition through advances in technology or performance and that is not yet available in the commercial marketplace, but will be available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy the delivery requirements under a Government solicitation; (3) A product that would satisfy a criterion expressed in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition, except for-, (i) Modifications of a type customarily available in the commercial marketplace; or. (i) Is the product of original thinking submitted confidentially by one source; (ii) Contains new, novel, or changed concepts, approaches, or methods; (iii) Was not submitted previously by another; and. Synchronize logistics capabilities and enable the restoration of impacted supply chains. a guiding principle of the national response framework is that. (1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to.

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what is the definition for the protection mission area