conformity vs individuality in schools

We are, at almost every point of our day, immersed in diversity. Certainly, a level of conformity is required to achieve a balanced society however, the overall structure of the school day and class, including the methods used to teach and mandatory classes. Dr. Iroise Dumontheil, author of research regarding the development of students, declared that it was not due to lack of motivation that students have trouble focusing in school. One classic example is the nature vs nurture debate; it tries to verify whether genes or the environment is more powerful in dictating the consistencies of our behavior. School Dress codes do not allow students to completely express their individuality. There are many flaws in the order of education, which causes students to worry more about satisfying others with test scores and academics rather than actually preparing them for the real world. In reading the other works for this assignment, there is a reoccurring theme. Conformity denotes a wide-ranging phenomenon in which people (intentionally or unintentionally) shift their behavior or beliefs to fit in with a larger group. The Today Show: Are School Uniforms Helping or Hindering? This may manifest in their appearance, behavior, or the social norms they choose to follow. Juvenile Delinquency: What Makes Teens Commit Crimes? Prioritizing individuality in the schools allows students to be free of constraints, and to increase their want to learn through being able to differentiate and personalize their schedules. Schools should start later to prevent emotional disorders, depression, and anxiety from being sleep deprived. Not so many years ago, school was a main part of my life, and the school days structure and length affected my social life and ability to study. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and convincing. Generally, yes; though individuals prioritize fitting in to varying degrees, virtually everyone who interacts with society conforms to it in some way. If conforming to a norm will help your group solve a collective problem, its likely beneficial for you to follow suit. j 4Tn_?\kJ'{ZQ Why Homeschooling Might Not Be a Good Idea for Your Teens? Brown, gene. Raymond A. Students need to take less standardized tests. 1). He has been a college marketing professor since 2004. Some people argue that these times save money and dont interrupt after school programs. Some are numerical and scientific geniuses, while others have an enviable passionate way with words. Assuming a student arrives home from school and immediately begins to accomplish his list of tasks, he would have only three hours to do so if he were aiming to obtain the recommended levels of sleep. 3). Individuality vs. Conformity in Schools Are we trained mice in a maze, or individuals? Analyzes how of 'individuality vs. conformity: the healthy middle?' states that there exists a delicate balance between complete individuality and complete conformity. Although all of these components promote conformity, which will ultimately support the balance of school and societal norms, they also tend to threaten each students own unique characteristics. Public school or Private school: which ones better for your teen, Alternative School Options for Troubled Teens. Unfortunately, yes. Jun 30th, 2021 Published. Some experts. This type of outlook is what gives conformity a bad wrap. Jeffery Zou Mr. Stoker Class 3 January 30, 2017 School of Irony: Individuality versus Conformity Students are taught in school to be unique and aim for the fulfillment of their personal goals. Difference Between Conformity and Individuality. In this essay, Weil discussed the approaches adopted by teachers to keep children disciplined, focused and motivated in the classrooms. What is a good education? However, we do conform to a certain degree with rigid school timetables (as visually perceived in Source B) and compulsory classes. That is to say, generally in this country, those who graduate from high school, move on to college, and earn a degree, most likely which would allow them to enter into the workforce and earn a comfortable living, are viewed as more successful than individuals who do not complete high school and or college. So why is it that success is codependent with forced schooling? Good Essays. Essays earning a score of 8 effectively argue the extent to which schools should support individuality or conformity. Conformity is a universal feature across societies. Established group members may use a variety of tactics to persuade outsiders to conform, including praising, criticizing, bullying, or modeling "correct" behavior. The TwainQuotes website states, "This quote has been attributed to Mark Twain, but until the attribution can be verified, the quote should not be regarded as authentic". One of the most famous civil rights leader that advocated for 13 years, Martin Luther King Jr., discertation called, The Purpose of Education, that brings awareness to the importance of education and its overall relevance in tepid year of 1947. If you lack information about something and need to make a quick decision, copying the behavior of those around you may be the best movethough there are, of course, exceptions to this rule. Conformity being one with society, following their every command and leaving one's true self in the rubbish bin. Conformity should be enforced only to the point where it isn't affecting students' mental and physical health due to loss of sleep, increases sociability, and teaches responsibility and independence. Conformity In Middle School. Why do kids act out? Matthew Legge on November 3, 2022 in Are We Done Fighting? For these important and practical reasons, schools should not change school start times. vertical-align: middle; However, conformity that protects the overall well-being of the groupmutually deciding to respect private property, for instancecan help societies succeed. When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. This type of outlook is what gives conformity a negative reputation. While some people strive to be non-conformist, conformity is a fact of life for the vast majority of humankind. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Which do you prefer? It should also be about how to prepare yourself for real-world problems. Does your teen's sex education at school address porn issue? With their work being the source of inspiration of many to simply having a likeable, repeatable demeanor, there is no doubt that to be regarded in that special collective of individuals. Twain was in fact the author. its common to assume that if most other people are doing something, it must be correct. Throughout this paper, the focal point will be assessing how these views are applied, both inside and outside the classroom. 83 FEATURES Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms By Peter Caruso Peter Caruso is a junior high school English teacher in Mesa, Ariz. Like most Americans, I watched the events of January 6th in horror. A shift in the conformity versus individuality attitude concerning mandatory classes and curriculum would cause several benefits to both students and schools. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. Individuality refers to the quality that distinguishes a person from others. Preteens are forced to find themselves at the same time as they feel they must fit in with everyone . textbook as, A social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values, norms, and skills to its members through formal systematic training. Yet despite the many essential benefits that education offers, only 34% of Americans have a lot of confidence in our public schools.. Ergo, peoples judgements are significantly influenced by the majoritys opinions, particularly in vague situations. Psychologically, young people feel like they have the right to express themselves. It is matching one's behaviors to the majority's expectations to fit in. Social conformity is a key motive for school uniforms. The majority of schools conform to similar curriculum as a means of leveling the academic playing field and giving all students a fair and equal chance of success. Conformity is the compliance with group norms or laws. Instead of focusing on students aptitudes and expanding on them, the Board of Education confines everyone into a box. Public school is one of the primary sources of education for many children in the United States, therefore it should be the school 's sole purpose to teach them the essential elements they need to succeed in life. Other uniforms may address specific styles of pants, socks and shoes. Freely sharing any and all relevant information, regularly assessing group norms to determine if theyre helpful or harmful, and having the courage to speak up when things arent right can stop groups from engaging in destructive behaviors. In Kelmans conceptualization of conformity, the term identification refers to conformity that is motivated by a desire to be accepted by a specific person or group. Arthur Dobrin D.S.W. These actions may, at first, differ from their own personal values. Requiring uniforms has pros and cons, often centering on the balance between individual expression and conformity. Although I believe that individuality is certainly more powerful than conformity, I noticed that many ignore the necessity of harmony between individualism and conformity. APA 7 Opines that conformity has pros and cons, and that society needs rules to keep things organized and people calm. Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home Mom: Whats Best for Kids? A choice lay before each new comer, to join the conformity in hopes of surviving the mercy lacking walls of the school, A rare few may even stand up and push themselves ou Conformity Vs . In a study by Allen and Mireable (1989), students were on average least alert at about 10:00 AM, while 50% of the students reported being most alert after 3:00 PM. With this format, students would have half of their classes each day, alternating every other day. During school, students follow rigid schedules and high . Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. Education should not just be about our academics or else we will never get anywhere. Individuality allows growth as a society and species, despite that, conformity is not unnecessary, the biases between the two cause a great deal of conflict in today's society. The Board of Education needs to take these studies and facts seriously so they can help provide an intelligent and responsible new. So, they can improve the odds of adolescents getting sufficient sleep so they can thrive both physically and academically. I agree with this source, starting schools later could enhance students school performance academically and athletically. There are a lot of parents and professors concerned that it is hard for children to go to school early in the morning and stay there the whole day. Toll free 1(888)814-4206 1(888)499-5521. It emphasizes that a certain individual has his own beliefs, needs, desires, responsibilities, rights, etc. They develop their position by effectively synthesizing* at least three of the sources. Conformity can take the form of overt social pressure or subtler, unconscious influence. Christopher J. Ferguson Ph.D. on November 22, 2022 in Checkpoints. Colleges take students scores on these standardized test into consideration when determining the admittance status of those applying to their school. Some also believe that the shift to more instructional time and less non-instructional time was worsened with the adoption of Common Core standards in elementary schools. And why do we do things we dont really want to do? The second one is to be different (par. For instance, someone who got invited to a church service by his friends eventually became a Christian and changed his lifestyle. Even though people are concerned about their childrens sleep, schools cant always start as late as we want. But teachers and parents forget that teenage is the time when kids begin to express their individuality. With this in mind, there are four main ideologies that are analyzed more frequently than others; these include Scholar Academic, Social Efficiency, Learner-Centered, and Social Reconstruction. If we were able to give an hour to students in the morning, we would see an increase in their physical mentality, their academic skill level, and an overall happier lifestyle. As much as most people like to think of themselves as unique individuals, in reality, humans are social beingsand for the sake of group cohesion, people are evolutionarily driven to fit in. This can also affect many other things such as higher taxes, for more buses. Therefore, the public school system in place in the United States needs to be altered to encourage more . First of all, many students feel as if getting a high score will allow them to achieve admission into their college of choice. Sometimes well-intentioned people don't act ethically. The Holocaust is often cited as an example of the dangers of unchecked conformity and blind obedience to authority. In todays society, not graduating from high school or college is symbolized as shameful. Specifically, conformity is a social influence which involves compliance with group norms or laws while individuality refers to the quality that distinguishes a person from others. How does the school system actually know more about the students then the actual students themselves? This can be seen in our modern society, where there are ongoing debates . Angela Duckworth Ph.D. on September 20, 2022 in Actionable Advice to Help Kids Thrive. Of course there will be some mixing of the two that will produce the best engineers and the best students. Diffusion of responsibilityin which no individual feels like its up to them to intervenemay also partially motivate the effect. Schools should adopt a more individualistic approach towards the classes students must take, and less of one concerned solely on test performance, because it would benefit students upon graduation by allowing them to pursue studies that interest them, and also benefit the school, John Taylor Gatto, a former school teacher, of Harpers Magazine, wrote We have been taught (that is, schooled) in this country to think of success as synonymous with, or at least dependent upon, schooling (Gatto). The goal of education does not become learning in order to apply knowledge into actual life, but instead getting the best possible score on standardized tests. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Schools made this shift in response to increased state testing and the associated pressures of funding. The percentage of late students dropped around 3% from the 2011-2012 school year to to the 2013-2014 school year. She has been teaching social science courses both in the undergrad and graduate levels. The most assertive. For the last few years, schools across the United States have made conscious efforts to delay school start times. If school bagan at least an hour later students would get more sleep, their academic scores would improve, and students would have time to eat a healthy breakfast. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 17 September, 2021, and updated on 2021, September 17, Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. Weed #1Comma, Comma, Comma I know you are writing on demand, but these comma rules must be . Des Moines Independent School District that students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression at the schoolhouse gate." Students should not be forced to wear school uniforms because they restrict freedom of expression, promote conformity rather than individuality, and they are widely opposed by students. In todays education system, there is an ongoing debate concerning conformity and individuality. Conformity should be enforced only to the point where it isnt affecting students mental and physical health due to loss of sleep, increases sociability, and teaches responsibility and independence. Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms Peter Caruso View all authors and affiliations Volume 80, Issue 581 Get access Abstract When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. It emphasizes that a certain individual has his own beliefs, needs, desires, responsibilities, rights, etc. This then poses the question; to what degree should schools encourage conformity versus individuality? However, it is arguable that the educational system does not do its job to prepare students to become successful young adults. The story highlights the dangers of trying to force equality by limiting the abilities of those who excel in various areas. This happens when an individual is intrinsically motivated to accept the influence because he agrees with the ideas and actions involved. Jean has also been a research adviser and panel member in a number of psychology and special education paper presentations. Its eleven oclock, every last paper has been written. Schools often set early start times like 7:50 am. The first part of the day would include teachers introducing new topics, or testing on what was previously taught. Obediently, with their heads down, students are taught to become successful executives and agreeable members of society. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. See disclaimer. Many people will argue that starting school too late in the morning will cause after school activities -- such as sports and other clubs -- no time to meet before the night ends. All adults need to take a moment to learn just how damaging it can be for child victims to be sexually exploited by a teacher. Clothing and fashion often correlate to the development of cliques and social groups within schools. Obedience requires a social hierarchyin which lower-ranking people comply with demands from authority figures above them. One of these things is to fit in (par. Within the realm of education, there are numerous ideologies that may be utilized to construct a curriculum. on September 30, 2022 in Understanding Hypnosis. She stated, its not the fault of teenagers that they cant concentrate Adolescents simply dont have the same mental capacities as an adult (A. Hill 2010). The number of student falling classes dropped 2.2% and the absentee rate dropped 1.5%.This reveals that kids were arriving on time and the number of student falling classes decreased at least by 2 percent.The article also states Stating school later is the best interest of the student when there is a will there has got to be a way.Its the right thing to do. Someone taught, to be sure, but they were not products of a school system, and not one of them was ever graduated from a secondary school are high school dropouts, yet we praise them for all they have done. Each student has their own unique personal interests and passions. Uglies plunges the reader into a futuristic, seemingly utopian world in which one's physical appearance at birth doesn't matterat age 16, all teens, who are known as " uglies ," undergo . 107 0 obj <>stream For many students, this scenario is not only feared but a reality they must face. Will changing our current approach to shoplifting be worth the social and monetary costs to society? Individuality And Conformity In Education Though individuality is important to the growth of public school attendees, it must also be balanced by social pressure. When you force students to conform with uniform standards, you can deter gang activity because gangs often identify themselves with clothing styles or colors.

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conformity vs individuality in schools