Only use the vets prescription versions of these medicines for your rabbits safety. Dogs that are only losing hair around the eyes can suffer from various conditions that might sound scary at first. If a rabbit is stressed, then he may start pulling his own fur out. Thanks!! In this video I've explained the reasons of hair loss of rabbits. If you notice that your rabbit is beginning to lose clumps of fur, a trip to the veterinarian is a must do. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. Dental problems cause eating complications and can contribute to bacterial infections and worsen parasites. Please Read IMPORTANT FORUM INFORMATION. A dog who is groomed regularly is easy to check for any kinds of issues that may lead to eye fur loss. Hello, my rabbit has the same but with the right eye. guinea pig hair loss Guinea Pig Discussion , our hedgie and piggy, seem to get along fairly well, even sleep in same house, the cage is about 4-5 ft long, and about 2-3 ft wide, we did notice some hair loss on the pig's butt tonight, kinda strange, any thoughts? It causes crusty dermatitis primarily around the rabbit's genitals or nose but in severe cases is can extend upwards on the face and around the eyes.. Rabbits should seldom be fed pellets as they are over-packed with calories for the amount of chewing the rabbit must do to eat it. A red rash, bumps or scabs on the rabbits skin. Fur mites are non-borrowing mites and live on the surface of rabbits skin. We have written a detailed guide on bunny cleaning. Mites can cause extreme itching, chewing, rubbing, lesions, secondary skin/bacterial infections, weight loss, anemia, dry flaky skin, hair loss, crusty skin, and areas of complete baldness especially around the eyes and ears. They are not wormed as they are my only 3 right now and have no contact with other animals. Rabbit Eye Abscesses . I searched the forum for an answer so Im sorry if this is a repeat question! Hair loss around the eye is normal for rabbits with eye infections. One oral dose can work up to 90 days. Rabbits can also get Green Fur Syndrome when they live in a wet environment. And disappears along with the problem. This may indicate that your pet bunny is suffering from some disease. They will be free of additives that can harm rabbits. This is especially true if hair loss runs in your family. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. Alopecia in rabbits can be noticed by a thinning of the fur, it could be clumps of fur falling out. They like digging and burrowing. She hasn't have nose to nose contact with my other rabbits for 3 weeks now and neither of the others are showing any signs of it. Along with them, external infections are treated with topical medicines. Rabbits should seldom be fed pellets as they are over-packed with calories for the amount of chewing the rabbit must do to eat it. Mites can be more problematic that lice, they are also very difficult to identify. space to run and play so that they will forget to overgroom themselves. This rabbit either has allergies or (more likely) he has a cold. Youtube Halosehat, Adchoices | It is no different for domesticated rabbits. just the one eye? Rabbits are fragile, beautiful animals, and they depend on you to take care of them. I see from other posts you have a pair of girls. I dont want to cull her if I dont have to, its hard to find quality animals in my area! Life with our new bunny has been fascinating. Simply curing the disease will resolve this issue. Overgrown teeth make it hard for rabbits to self-groom. There are some symptoms of hair loss in rabbits, such as changes in behaviour, a rash or red skin, smelly skin, dandruff, itchy skin, overgrooming (licking and chewing more than usual), bumps and scabs. One dose works up to 90 days. Look for wounds, scabs, flakes, or scaly skin. The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. Home Rabbit 11 Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Rabbits. Raccoon eyes can also develop due to a losing fur around the eyes. Remember that getting rid of sarcoptic mites is a challenge and could take a while to get rid of an entire infestation. Karen Purcell DVM. The hair loss commonly shows up around the eyes and on the face because that's what dogs typically use to greet others and with the contagious nature of the disease, it makes sense that the face would be the first place for it to show up. How to Clean a Rabbit Fur? And, it can take a while for rabbits to bond with each other if they didnt grow up together. Make sure your rabbit is dry, and avoid getting your rabbit wet for two hours after applying. Rabbits have small jaws therefore any dental issues could cause eye infections. In younger ones, a blocked tear duct would also present similar symptoms. You may also notice general hair loss throughout your rabbits body. Eye problems in rabbits; Ear problems in rabbits; Fleas on Rabbits; Ticks on Rabbits . Its a fantastic process and allows babies to survive in the wild, even during the winter. Often one can observe the secretion of a watery stuff that forms crusts upon drying. When molting is the only reason for hair loss, your bunny wont act irritable, stressed, or sick. The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. Author Messages Other signs of illness are loss of appetite, dehydration, loss of energy, staining of the hindquarters, and death within 1 to 3 days in recently weaned rabbits. start to scratches off his fur. Molting, the biannual shedding will begin at the neck and work down towards the flanks. It is not a sign of bonding. You've only seen one page. It becomes an unsettling wound on the surface of its eyeball. But parasitic infections are visible in some form or another. Ivermectin is known to kill parasites like sarcoptic mites, psoroptes cuniculi, and most of the other parasitic pests listed that might infest your rabbit. Its also referred to as a phantom pregnancy. A tooth abscess is when the root of a tooth gets infected. This can cause fur loss. Environmental Allergies. A tooth abscess will need a vets care to be taken care of. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They usually infest long-hair rabbits the most. If breeding I would cull and start over. But they also present other symptoms which will differentiate them like the presence of a small bump in the tear duct. Rabbits get four different types of mites, Sarcoptic, Mange, Fur Mites, and Ear Mites. Common causes of alopecia in rabbits include: Stress - Stress is a very common cause of alopecia in rabbits. They are found mainly around the ears that can put off a foul smell. If you see your rabbit shaking their head and minor crusting on the ear, you can try a few drops of olive oil in the ear. He has a big bald spot now and Im so worried it wont grow back!!! If your rabbit experiences false pregnancy, then Any kind of watery eyes could develop into an eye patch. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. Pet Expert/Biologist. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. When examining your rabbit, the veterinarian will look for signs of what could be causing your rabbit to lose his fur. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One such disease is called Pasteurella. Answered by Karen Purcell DVM in 2 mins 13 years ago. This is made even worse if the teeth chip or break, a common occurrence with overgrown teeth. However, it can be an indication of mites, fleas, ringworm, anxiety, an infection, or other skin conditions if the hair loss occurs as balding patches or with inflamed skin. This can lead to fur loss and skin irritations, causing abscesses. For instance, hives from allergies or dermatitis scaling, etc. (ringworm). We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. Snuffles will quickly spread throughout your colony, and some rabbits dont show symptoms or only show symptoms when they are stressed. You will want to quarantine and treat your rabbit. Now the kit is almost 8 weeks old and I'm pretty sure it's a doe, but wondering if someone can help. He examined her and her teeth.. but came to the conclusion she had conjunctivitis (pink eye). Get to know the causes of hair loss in pig and causes of hair loss in dogs. Its very painful. Furthermore, the bacteria infection from teeth could also spread to the eyes. Causes of eye infections in rabbits include: 1., Tooth Pet Specialist. Some of what you need to watch for and be aware of are: It is important to understand that a rabbit will change fur twice a year. There are some symptoms of hair loss in rabbits, such as This Forum and Store have separate secure Sign Ins. Especially mites and ringworm sometimes occur in rabbits. . As such, we dont clean them as often as we probably should (which makes me feel like a horrible bunny parent tbh). OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS. Hair loss in rabbits, also called alopecia, can be caused by a variety of possible problems. Treat Sarcoptic Mange with Ivermectin, Selamectin, and Fluralaner. This will prevent most false pregnancies going forward. There could be a skin infection on her face. Your veterinarian may recommend spaying or neutering your rabbits. Fur mites may or may not cause itching. They can also live in your carpets and fabrics for 10 days, and the eggs are harder to kill. Surgical removal may also be needed to treat bladder stone. Learn the difference between molting, which is done up to twice a year, and something that is obviously painful for your pet. You will get more effective antibiotics from your vet. The veterinarian may also conduct a skin scraping which will enable a closer look under a microscope. As a result, they will fight for a while. Symptoms include the following: Eye rubbing Watery and runny eyes Matted fur around the eyes Dampness around the eyes Inflamed eyelids Accumulated fluids and pus around the eyes Photophobia or sensitivity to light Redness of the eyes Sluggishness Loss of appetite What you can do to prevent alopecia due to secondary causes are to groom your rabbit, continue with the proper suggested diet and maintain a clean shelter for your rabbit. : Selamectin is sometimes used off-label for rabbits. The gums of your rabbit will fill with puss. There can also be sneezing, coughing and eye involvement (conjunctivitis, hair loss around the eyes, swollen eyelids, etc.) To a. They may develop significant health issues if they develop allergies due to rabbit hair or fur. Ivermectin is the most popular treatment. Has anyone has similar problems that has tips to share on what to do? This includes carpet, beds, couches and draperiesvacuum with a HEPA Vacuum. As hair loss is likely pointing to an underlying condition, a trip to the veterinarian is in order. Dental problems are most common among dwarf and lion head rabbits. . This can can result in biting and hair pulling or other injuries. Blindness causing scabs. It killed 99% of the UK's rabbit population when it arrived in the country in 1953. So that's what I am doing And if u want you can buy that one for the human's, it also works for the animals. Rabbits do shed a lot during normal molting seasons. Primary means that the fur loss is common and will happen to the rabbit, such as molting or pregnancy. However, this That means instead of underlying issues, cats of certain breeds have bald patches near the eyes because of their genes. Obesity, dental problems, and a possible spinal disorder can cause an infestation of fur mites. This causes a disruption in the genetic happenings in your rabbit. You are using an out of date browser. This article is from the series of keeping your bunny fur in a pristine condition. How to Wash Eyelash Extensions with Baby Shampoo? He will pay attention to the type of hair loss, along with the following: Your veterinarian will likely ask you questions about your rabbits behavior and whether there have been any changes. Sarcoptic Mange Cause Scabs and Hair Loss, White or beige crust around the face and genitalia. Bacterial or viral infections like bunny syphilis can also cause watery eyes. They may include the physical or behavioural health issues. You can fix it. This may be caused by irritation, or something trapped in the eye. If we can see that a rabbit has dry skin, then we should be concerned that we can see their skin in the first place. This is usually caused by a scratch or a bite that got infected. If they have dental problem, the easiest way to notice is by observing the fur loss location. However its been just under a week and one eye in particular is a little watery again and she has lost somefur around her eye. Nonfood Item Obstruction of the Digestive Tract, Small areas of their body where there is no hair, General hair loss over your rabbits body, Parasite infestation (fleas, lice, mange mites, fur mites, mites that cause ear canker, a fungus like ringworm); if your rabbit has a severe flea infestation he may itch so much that he scratches off his fur, Dental problems (fur loss will be seen under the chin, on the chest and/or on the dewlap), Urinary tract disorders (fur loss will be on your rabbits hindquarters), Excessive grooming by your rabbit or his companion rabbit, Crusty appearance on the skin where the fur was lost, Providing a stimulating, safe, secure and non-stressful environment for your rabbit that offers the space for exercise, Avoiding overcrowding in your rabbits environment, Providing, clean, fresh water in a bowl that is large enough for a full days worth of water, Regularly groom your rabbit and take him for a check-up by the veterinarian once a year, as well as anytime you notice anything unusual with him (changes in appetite, drinking, urination or activity, hair loss, or changes in hair coat. Why is my Rabbit Losing Fur around his Eyes? A shot of penicillin took care of it. Do they live together? Otherwise, youll have a significant problem on your hands. Additionally, skin infections or parasitic suspicion around the eyes would also irritate them. Fluralaner use for rabbits is off- or extra-label use for rabbits. Hair loss in rabbits can also be caused by a variety of It basically means hair loss. I really dont want her to be in pain or for it to get worse. Symptoms include sleepy eye, or the eyes, nose, and mouth become swollen. Other rabbit breeds with small, rounded faces also tend to have more frequent issues. link to Why Does My Bunny Pee On My Bed, and How Do I Stop It? Some of the signs you should look out for include: redness; blinking; closing or squinty eyes; milky discharge; foreign objects on the eye surface; Take the rabbit to the vet if you notice any of these symptoms. Does start to nest by pulling out hair and mixing it with hay to prepare for her litter of kits. Sarcoptic Mange is caused by burrowing scabie mites that irritate your rabbit, causing it to scratch. I suggest starting a new thread with your question so more people will see it. You may also notice general hair loss throughout your rabbit's body. It Is also known as Revolution, stronghold, selehold, paradyne, xelamec, and clearkill smt. Ivermectin is the most popular treatment. Here are some rabbit eye problems that your pet may encounter. ). Your rabbit may have a parasite, or an endocrine disease, or there are some seasonal hair losses that happen in animals that can be normal. Predators will be less likely to go after an animal that they believe is awake. Now that the fur is already gone, though, I dont know what to do. In a false pregnancy, the hormones and ovary signal a pregnancy, and your rabbit will show signs of pregnancy and nesting. As your rabbit shakes his head, the oil will get where it needs to go and help with the ear mites. If it's just something that happens one day, it could just be that she poked it on something, but I'd recommend seeing a vet. After 2 days, he shed the fur around his mouth and nose area, but I can't find the shedded hair in the cage area. #1 Hi there, I have a Californian doe when has mysteriously lost her fur around her right eye. If the alopecia is determined to be from the rabbits partner over grooming, or exerting dominance, also known as barbering, the vet will likely have the rabbits separated for a time. Make sure to provide clean and fresh water in a bowl for a full days worth of water. But how exactly do you prevent your dog from hair loss around the eyes? It may flinch. fur mites Mites are parasites. This topic has 4sd replies, 4 voices, and was last updated. flesh. This may also be true for any allergies. In many cases your rabbit will feel a lot of itching, leading to his discomfort. BUNNY 911 If your rabbit hasnt eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Can Eyelash Extensions get Wet in Salt Water? If your rabbits ear is really crusty, you will have to seek a vet for the other medicines. There could be many causes for hair loss. This medicine is for dogs and cats, so please talk with your vet about administering it to your rabbit. Mottling of the eye color. But, I hope that you will notice other more prevalent symptoms of your sick rabbit before the hair loss occurs. Blocked tear ducts. Sometimes the loss of fur can be caused by an illness, dental, parasites, or simple over-grooming. JavaScript is disabled. These include: You will want to bring your rabbit to the veterinarian for an examination to determine the cause of his hair loss. Keep an eye out for these symptoms. Rabbits, like humans, can occasionally become irritated with a bacterial infection, resulting in skin and fur loss. The first signs of sarcoptic Mange show alopecia, scaly skin, or scabs. Beyond this, your bunny will need to stay warm and get plenty of rest. I hope that all goes well for him. If any of these are noticed, make a return trip to the vet as quickly as possible. Hi, My 7 month old rabbit Rosie has had some problems with her eyes. rabbit will also be recommended to prevent them from fighting. Carefully cut the discolored fur away from the area and treat with a topical antibiotic prescribed by your vet. However, it may negatively affect people who have a weak immune system. Routine grooming and cleaning could prevent a lot of these problems in addition to bonding with your pet. Fluralaner: Fluralaner is an oral treatment for ear mites. And, it can take a while for, Rabbits should have unlimited access to hay (. Alopecia can occur because of normal shedding patterns, especially in breeds such as the Dwarf, Miniature Lop, and Angora. The early symptom of this condition is alopecia around the backend. December 27, 2022May 16, 2022 by John. In my case it wasn't contagious, but I think it's more a weakness in my rabbitry, and it came through in her kits like a genetic weakness. It may require surgery or tooth removal. possible problems. Spilled water, leaky water bottles, dental problems (and drooling), and obese rabbits are the most common risk factors for Green Fur Syndrome. Lastly, while molting is perfectly normal be wary of medical concerns surrounding rabbit hair loss and learn to differentiate between these and normal molting. Typically seen in rabbits with moist dermatitis that affects the face, chin, and dewlap and is caused by humid, damp conditions and can grow in distilled water. Contact your vet about the medication your rabbits may need. However, rabbits have blind spots directly in front of them, directly behind them and under their chin. Which will irritate the eyes and create excessive watering resulting in loss of hair around the eyes. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. So, make sure your rabbits teeth are healthy. are normal. Thank you for your question. i looked at it again tonight and the skin seems to look dryer than yesterday I forgot to take my phone out with me so o dont have a picture. BUNNY 911 If your rabbit hasnt eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! The sooner you insure your pet, the more protection youll have from unexpected vet costs. Rabbits only blink once every 5 minutes. The vet will determine if it is a primary reason or a secondary cause. Make sure not making the cage overcrowded. They are pretty common. In the past my vet has told me putting vaseline around the eye could help protect the fur. A tooth abscess is when the root of a tooth gets infected. I checked his eyes out today after reading this info. Hang in there. overgroom and pull his own fur. Keep your rabbit and any companions additional Similarly, if you bathe your dog regularly, you can clean dirt and excess oil from his fur (be careful around . (Sorry for the blurry pic). Excess moisture/fur loss around the eyes can come from a variety of reasons. This medicine is for dogs and cats, so please talk with your vet about administering it to your rabbit. Often it is due to moderate conjunctivitis and inflammation of the areas around eyes. Pasteurella Multocida, or snuffles, is the most common bacterial infection in rabbits. There could be a skin infection on her face. Secondary is the loss of fur due to an infection or other disorder. Home Remedies to Clean Eyelash Extensions. Possible Causes of Hair Loss Around Eyes. It depends on how severe the infection is but in general the symptoms are visible. The most common type of infection that leads to fur loss around the eyes and nose is an upper respiratory infection, such as snuffles. Their teeth continually grow because rabbits need to munch and chew all day. The hair loss may appear as small, bald spots on their body, or there may be larger areas of your rabbit's coat that are missing hair. For sure! The best advice here is to keep the diet of your rabbit close to its natural siblings. Even after your rabbit recovers, it may still host the bacteria in the nasal cavities and have future flair-ups of snuffles. You should also change your rabbits bedding daily. Ensure that your rabbit has a healthy diet. patches. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. The first signs of sarcoptic Mange with Ivermectin, Selamectin, and something is! No different for domesticated rabbits observing the fur, it can take a while for, rabbits have blind directly! 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