French writer and artist (1831-1878) Marie-Alexandrine Dumas edit Statements instance of human 1 reference image Marie-Alexandrine-Dumas. Alexandre Dumas reportedly had up to 40 mistresses. [2] He was the first person of color in the French military to become brigadier general, divisional general, and general-in-chief of a French army.[3]. In 1784, at age 22, Alexandre moved to an apartment on Rue Etienne, near the Louvre Palace in Paris, socializing at venues such as the Palais-Royal and Nicolet's Theater. [13], The family surname was never bestowed upon Thomas-Alexandre, who therefore used "Dumas" as his surname. Alexandre (or Alexander) Dumas was given the birth name of Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie on July 24, 1802 in Picardy, France. In October, he was important in putting down an anti-French revolt in Cairo by charging into the Al-Azhar Mosque on horseback. Registry of the Dragoons in the Regiment of the Queen, Dumas entry, the name is spelled "Cecette," 2 June 1786, privately held by Gilles Henry. The armada departed on 10 May 1798, destination still unannounced. He joined an enormous French armada in preparation for departure to a secret destination. Dumas was malnourished and kept incommunicado for two years. After writing additional successful plays, Dumas switched to writing novels. [5] in 1797. He went on to attend the academy . Many of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte de Bragelonne were originally serialized. As many people have said - it seems like every person in America whose last name is Dumas claim they are related to the famous writers, Alexandre Dumas pere and fils.But it was proven to be not true.they had only French descendants within the boundaries of France.And the lines died out for the male heirs bearing the name of Dumas. Dumas had sold the furnishings of his quarters in Cairo, and purchased 4,000 pounds of moka coffee; eleven Arabian horses (two stallions and nine mares) to establish breeding stock in France; and hired the ship. The village eventually bowed to the government's decision, and Dumas's body was exhumed from its cemetery and put into a new coffin in preparation for the transfer. S. Rethor ce acceptans tous les droits de propriet quelle a et pouvoir avoir sur Marie Cezette negresse mere dud. Showing 1-30 of 2,025 "There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. [44] (It was known in his platoon that this was "not his real name". Alexandre Dumas was born in the village of Villers-Cotterts in the department of Aisne, northeast of Paris, France, Europe. The Adventures of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas: A Bloosmbury Reader by Catherine Johnson, "La Case du sicle: la propagande En Marche", Jacobo Valcrcel, "A black slave, Marie-Cesette Dumas", "Dumas (Alexandre Dav de la Pailleterie)", "Ptition Nicolas Sarkozy pour qu'il dcerne la Lgion d'honneur au gnral Dumas", "Ambition: A Minuet in Power's extravagant aspirations",, French Republican military leaders of the French Revolutionary Wars, Names inscribed under the Arc de Triomphe, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Dumas's name is inscribed on the south wall of the, In 1913, a statue of General Dumas was erected in Place Malesherbes (now Place du Gnral Catroux) in. National Convention decree, 22 December 1793, Service historique de la Dfense (Vincennes, France), 7YD91, and memo published in, 114) S. H. A. T., G. D. 2/S 91, Dossier Dumas de la Pailleterie (Thomas Alexandre), ampliation du 15 thermidor an II, cited by Erick Nol, Une carrire contrarie: Alexandre Dumas, homme de couleur et gnral rvolutionnaire,. Son of Gnral Thomas-Alexandre Dumas and Marie-Louise lisabeth Labouret Cezette es surs dud. In 1843, he wrote a short novel, Georges, that addressed some of the issues of race and the effects of colonialism. Dumas was subsequently omitted from mention in Napoleon's battle report to the Directory, France's government at the time. According to his son's memoir, the marriage precipitated a "cooling off" which led the father to tighten Dumas's allowance. in Villers-Cotterts, France , France, Died on December 05, 1870 He used a wharf in the neutral border territory (and tiny island) of Monte Cristo (today Monte Christi, Dominican Republic). , Robert II de Wavrin. Dumas's mother, Marie-Cessette Dumas, was a black slave. When Thomas-Alexandre arrived in Le Havre in 1776 Alexandre-Antoine freed his son and took him to the family estate where he would be educated as a nobleman. The boy, his sister, and his widowed mother were plunged into deeper poverty. Dumas was a famous womenizer, and he supposedly had up to 40 different mistresses over his lifetime. Alexandre Dumas, Gilbert Sigaux (Editor), Jean-Yves Tadi (Prface) 4.57 avg rating 8,127 ratings published 1844 387 editions. Alexandre Dumas (1803-1870), the prolific French author of plays, popular romances, and historical novels, wrote The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. His mother's name is Marie-Cesette Dumas (spelled "Cezette") and referred to as Marie Cezette, negress, mother of Mr. Rethor (Marie Cezette negresse mere dud. Dumas was the Father of the famous French author Alexandre Dumas [ 5] and the first black General in the French army. It was in this period that Austrian troops began calling him the der schwarze Teufel ("Black Devil", or Diable Noir in French). He languished there until the spring of 1801. It is this line of origin that made him to easily be associated with blacks wherever he went either as a fugitive or to market his works. Alexandre Dumas "le fils" meaning "the son", was a French author and playwright, best known for the romantic novel La Dame aux Camlias ( The Lady of the Camellias) published in 1848. In that year, the two brothers quarreled violently,[17] after which Antoine left Charles's plantation, taking his three personal slaves with him. He also wrote plays and magazine articles and was a prolific correspondent. They are known as Alexandre Dumas pre ('father') and Alexandre Dumas fils ('son'). They included the following: In addition, Dumas wrote many series of novels: The Valois were the royal house of France from 1328 to 1589, and many Dumas romances cover their reign. Alexandre Dumas is a celebrated French author best known for his historical adventure novels, including "The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo".. S. Rethor es sur leurs enfans ns es a Naitre consentant quil exerce lesd. [68] He was reassigned to lead the Army of the West from August to October 1794. ALEXANDRE DUMAS Premium Collection - 27 Novels in One Volume: The Three Musketeers Series, The Marie Antoinette Novels, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Valois Trilogy and more (Illustrated) by Alexandre Dumas , Maurice Leloir, et al. [73], In late February 1797, Dumas transferred to a division commanded by General Joubert, who requested Dumas for his republicanism. Marie-Louise lobbied the French government to pay her military widow's pension. The novel begins with the 1672 politically motivated mob lynching of the de Witt brothers and then follows the story of Cornelius van Baerle, godson of Cornelius de Wit. [3], Frank Wild Reed (18741953), a New Zealand pharmacist who never visited France, amassed the greatest collection of books and manuscripts relating to Dumas outside France. Fernand Gaudu, "Les Davy de La Pailleterie, seigneurs de Bielleville-en-Caux, Rouen,". During the 1850s, several of Dumas's plays were staged in London including Mademoiselle de Belle Isle (July 1851) and Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr (May . [86] He died of stomach cancer[87] on 26 February 1806 in Villers-Cotterts,[88] when his son Alexandre was three years and seven months old. Dumas was born in Viller-Cotterets, just outside of Paris, on July 24, 1802. While there, he befriended Giuseppe Garibaldi, whom he had long admired and with whom he shared a commitment to liberal republican principles as well as membership within Freemasonry. Dumas wrote in a wide variety of genres and published a total of 100,000 pages in his lifetime. [10][11][12] What is known is that, sometime after becoming estranged from his brothers, Antoine purchased Marie-Cessette and her daughter (by a previous relationship) for "an exorbitant amount" and made Marie-Cessette his concubine. [63], On 30 July 1793, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the Army of the North. Alexandre Dumas established himself as one of the most popular and prolific authors in France, known for plays and historical adventure novels such as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte. In his memoirs, Napoleon remembered threatening to shoot Dumas for sedition. In Paris, she had a sold-out run of Les Pirates de la Savanne and was at the peak of her success. Dumas Alexandre . The collection contains about 3,350 volumes, including some 2,000 sheets in Dumas's handwriting and dozens of French, Belgian and English first editions. Thomas-Alexandre Dumas (1762-1806) On March 25, 1762, Thomas Alexandre Dumas was born. He adopted the surname Dumas from his grandmother, a former Haitian slave. As Bonaparte disapproved of the author, Dumas fled in 1851 to Brussels, Belgium, which was also an effort to escape his creditors. [30] The proceedings were televised: the new coffin was draped in a blue velvet cloth and carried on a caisson flanked by four mounted Republican Guards costumed as the four Musketeers. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.from The Count of Monte Cristo. Thomas Alexandre Dumas was born on the 25th of March, 1762, to a white father and his black slave consort in Jeremie in Saint-Domingue (modern Haiti). (Scholars have found that he had a total of 40 mistresses. Following Dumas's verbal protests, the men "tried to force him to kneel before his attacker and beg for his freedom". [58] He signed up for the 6th Regiment of the Queen's Dragoons as "Alexandre Dumas" on 2 June 1786;[59][44] thirteen days later, his father died. Schopp combined them to publish the sequel Le Salut de l'Empire in 2008.[18]. Dumas lodged at the Labourets' Htel de l'Ecu for four months, during which time he became engaged to Claude Labouret's daughter Marie-Louise. He was then given a command well beneath his rank, leading a subdivision under General Massna, despite a petition from Dumas's troops attesting to his valor. Alexandre Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie,[9] born 1714, was the oldest of three sons of the Marquis Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie (1674 25 December 1758)[12] and Jeanne-Franoise Paultre (or Pautre) de Dominon (d. In June 2005, Dumas's last novel, The Knight of Sainte-Hermine, was published in France featuring the Battle of Trafalgar. Alexandre Dumas, pre See all media Born: July 24, 1802 France Died: December 5, 1870 (aged 68) near Dieppe France Notable Works: "The Count of Monte Cristo" "The Count of Monte Cristo" "The Three Musketeers" Movement / Style: Romanticism Notable Family Members: father Alexandre Dumas son Alexandre Dumas, fils See all related content Summary In the late twentieth century, scholars such as Reginald Hamel and Claude Schopp have caused a critical reappraisal and new appreciation of his art, as well as finding lost works. News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Aug. 28, 2020: Today, August 28, 2020, Google's Doodle spotlighted on Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas Pre.But while Dumas achieved fame in France for his illustrious fiction career, including The Three Musketeers, (1844) and The Count of Monte Cristo, (1844-1845), his roots run straight to slavery in Haiti through his . Shortly before his departure, he sold his long-time concubine Marie-Cessette and two of his own daughters born to her (Adolphe and Jeanette), as also Marie-Cessette oldest daughter Marie-Rose (whose father was a different man) to a Baron who had recently came from Nantes to settle in Saint Domingue. The collection was donated to Auckland Libraries after his death. In December 1796, Dumas was in charge of a division besieging Austrian troops at the city of Mantua. In addition, he was in a hurry to leave for the military front. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. Clear rating. Born in France in 1802, Dumas was the son of General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, one of the highest-ranking men of African descent to lead a European army. The ship was forced by storms to land at Taranto, in the Kingdom of Naples. Born to a white nobleman and one of his black slaves in Saint-Domingue, Dumas was nevertheless raised in privilege, being brought to France where he received an aristocratic education. [19][20] Returning to Paris in 1864, he published travel books about Italy. Micalla-Cllie-Josepha-lisabeth Cordier (born 1860), daughter of Emlie Cordier, an actress. We must have felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life. His novels have been translated into nearly 100 languages. 1870 - Puys, prs de Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, Thomas Alexandre Davy De La Pailleterie, Marie Davy De La Pailleterie (ne Labouret), Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, Marie-Louise lisabeth Labouret, Marie-Alexandrine Dumas, Louise-Alexandrine Dumas, Alexandre Dumas, Marie-Alexandrine Dumas, Micalla-Cllie-Josepha-lisabeth Cordier, Henry Bauer, Dec 5 1870 - Puys Commune de Dieppe (Seine Maritime), Thomas Alexandre Dumas Davy De La Pailleterie, Marie Louise Elizabeth Dumas Davy De La Pailleterie (ne Labouret), Catherine Laure Dumas (N Davy) (ne Labay), Alexandre Dumas (N Davy), Louis Jules Ernest Roch, Thomas Alexandre Dumas-davy-de-la-paillerie, Marie Louise Elizabeth Dumas (ne Labouret), July 24 1802 - Villers-Cotterts, Picardie, France, Dec 5 1870 - Puys, Dieppe, Upper Normandy, France, Thomas Alexandre Davy De La Pailleterie, Marie-louise lisabeth Davy De La Pailleterie (geb. [4] His father helped him enter the French military. [1] He was the father of novelist Alexandre Dumas . in Marly-le-Roi, France, This form allows you to report an error or to submit additional information about this family tree: Alexandre DUMAS (1824), Copyright Wikipdia authors - This article is under licence CC BY-SA 3.0. In March 1861, the kingdom of Italy was proclaimed, with Victor Emmanuel II as its king. [40] Thomas-Alexandre Dumas may have earlier claimed that she had died in order to avoid having to get her approval before marriage and revealing her slave status. Thank you for visiting alexandre dumas family tree page. The Dove - the sequel to Richelieu and His Rivals, This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 17:28. Relation avec; Catherine Laure Labay, ne en 1796, dcde en 1868 lge de 72 ans, Couturire Union(s), enfant(s) et petits-enfants. , Robert II de Wavrin, Marguerite de BEAUMEZ , Jean de PICQUIGNY. The Black Tulip. i hope you will like it, Alexandre Dumas Family Tree You Should Check It, Dragon Ball Z Goku Family Tree Check All Members List, Wow Classic Family Tree With Complete Detail. One month after the French National Convention abolished slavery (4 February 1794), Dumas sent a message to troops under his command in the Army of the Alps: Your comrade, a soldier and General-in-Chief was born in a climate and among men for whom liberty also had charms, and who fought for it first. Please try again. [18]) In 1846, he had built a country house outside Paris at Le Port-Marly, the large Chteau de Monte-Cristo, with an additional building for his writing studio. He founded and led a newspaper, Indipendente. Author Dumas was born on 24th July 1802 in Villers-Cotterets, France as Dumas Davy de Pailleterie. The armada arrived in the port of Alexandria at the end of June, and on 3 July Dumas led the Fourth Light Grenadiers over the walls as the French conquered the city. Was afraid of travelling to the USA because he feared being sold into slavery. This is whom I believe our line of Dumas descends from. Dumas travelled there and for the next three years participated in the movement for Italian unification. Returning to France after his release, he and his wife had a son, Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870), who would become one of France's most widely-read authors. i hope you will like it about alexandre dumas family tree please comment if we missed anything here, please let us know. Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (later known as Alexandre Dumas) was born in 1802 in Villers-Cotterts in the department of Aisne, in Picardy, France. In about 1859, he moved to Russia, where French was the second language of the elite and his writings were enormously popular. Please try again. Dumas's novels were so popular that they were soon translated into English and other languages. Alexandre Dumas was born on July 24, 1802, near Soissons, France, the son of a Creole general of the French Revolutionary armies. His mother's name is Marie-Cesette Dumas (spelled "Cezette") and referred to as Marie Cezette, negress, mother of Mr. Rethor (Marie Cezette negresse mere dud. He was known to have had at least four illegitimate children, although twentieth-century scholars believe it was seven. Alexandre Dumas (UK: / dj u m , d m /, US: / d u m /; French: [alksd dym]; born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie ([dym davi d la pajt()i]), 24 July 1802 - 5 December 1870), also known as Alexandre Dumas pre (where pre is French for 'father', to distinguish him from his son Alexandre Dumas fils), was a French writer.His works have been . Charles (although younger than Antoine) returned to Normandy to claim the title of Marquis and the family chteau. He acknowledged and assisted his son, Alexandre Dumas, to become a successful novelist and playwright. Read on for enchantment and transformation; enter a world by turns fantastical and sinister, a kingdom of . [79], While returning to France, the ship began to sink, and Dumas had to jettison much of his cargo. The Dumas family name was adopted from Alexandre's grandmother, an . [7] Their parents were Marie-Louise lisabeth Labouret, the daughter of an innkeeper, and Thomas-Alexandre Dumas. In that country, Thomas-Alexandre received his freedom and a sparse education at a military school, adequate to enable him to join the French army, there being no question of the mixed-race boy being accepted as his father's heir. 221 Kindle $099$1.99 Available instantly The Man in the Iron Mask Part of: A Stepping Stone Book (TM) (72 books) 914 [89] Marie-Louise Labouret Dumas worked in a tobacconist's shop to make ends meet. In works such as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Crist o, Dumas eschewed historical accuracy and literary elegance to craft stories that . [18] Published by ditions Phbus, it sold 60,000 copies, making it a best seller. His response to a man who insulted him about his partial African ancestry has become famous. [dudit] S. Rethor), The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later, Thomas-Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, Learn how and when to remove this template message, French Studies: "Quebecer discovers an unpublished manuscript by Alexandre Dumas", Watts Phillips: Artist and Playwright by Emma Watts Phillips. In September 1784, while seated at Nicolet's Theater in the company of "a beautiful Creole" woman, he and his companion were harassed by a white colonial naval officer, Jean-Pierre Titon de Saint-Lamain, and one or two others. It was only on 23 June, after the fleet had conquered Malta, that Napoleon announced that the mission's main purpose: to conquer Egypt. The story of his life should become the blueprint for his son's most famous novels ' T he Count of Monte Christo ' and ' The Three . Alexandre Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie, born 1714, was the oldest of three sons of the Marquis Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie (1674-25th December 1758) and Jeanne-Franoise Paultre, (or Pautre) de Dominon (died 1757). Much of his cargo I hope you will like it about Alexandre Dumas was in charge of a division Austrian... 1859, he was the father to tighten Dumas 's novels were so that... Its king you do when that storm comes.from the Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, to become successful... Edit Statements instance of human 1 reference image Marie-Alexandrine-Dumas at the city of Mantua ) returned to to! And he supposedly had up to 40 different mistresses over his lifetime & # x27 ; s,... Language of the West from August to October 1794 northeast of Paris, France government... Four illegitimate children, although twentieth-century Scholars believe it was seven Dumas '' as his surname widowed! Donated to Auckland Libraries after his death [ 4 ] his father helped him the. 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